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Torrid x Jugger

(Sorry for the delay, I thought I replied to this :/ damn DSi)

Darian shook his head and looked at Tanna. "I want to do what I am ordered to do...that is my duty and it is what I want to do." Hearing the bus stop, he got up and grabbed his bags as he was the first off the bus and the first inside the hotel/spa. Nathan shook his head as he lifted his bag up. "Shall we head in everyone?"
As she was getting off the bus Mercy heard the words that Darian had spoken, but she didn't really understand them. Since she hadn't heard the rest of the conversation. But she watched his back as he exited the bus and she was off right behind him.

Esme waited until everyone got off the bus to get off, she didn't like feeling trampled and with everyone at a rush to get off she knew she would be.
When outside, a spa employee began to show everyone to their rooms. Nathan and Tanna had their own on the top floor, a few doors down would be Mercy and Darian. Darian walked inside and said nothing as he flopped on the bed, trying to relax. Esme was showed to a room that was empty and was told that it was still vacant for anyone else to come and occupy it.
Tanna had been excited to be shown to their room, a room for just her and Nathan for a few days was going to amazing she just knew it.

In the room down the hall Mercy looked at the bed, and then to Darian, she'd wanted the room with him but now she wasn't really too sure. She tossed her bag in the corner and sat in an armchair that occupied the corner.

Esme glanced around the room she'd been assigned. Anyone, male or female could be her roommate something about that was really off putting to her. She reached into her bag and pulled out a candy bar, she was beginning to think this vacation may not be as fun as she had originally thought it would be.
(In a bit I'll grab the pic for the new character when I involve him.)

Nathan smiled as he sat on the bed looking at Tanna. He wondered if she was serious about all the things she said they'd do to eachother when they finally got here. Doing it or not, he was just happy to be here, with her of all people.

Darian mumbled something as he seemed to be asleep...though, it seemed like nonsense, as if he were dreaming. No sign of him waking, though in reality he was only putting on a guise to sleep so that he'd see if Mercy would reveal her true...TRUE feelings for him while he slept.
In their room Tanna looked over at Nathan "Would you like to start your vacation with a spa treatment or an elfgirl treatment?" elfgirl treatment? it was lame she knew but she figured he'd get her drift.

Down the hall from the pair Mercy looked over at the already sleeping Darian, and sighed. She wanted to cry, in a few short days. She'd come to think of him as hers. She moved over towards the bed, settling next to him. She brushed a bit of his hair from his face and looked down at him, and then shook her head. Sliding down next to him to lay and as she did she whispered "I don't know what I'm going to do.. or why I do.. but I love you elfboy."

Esme decided to get her vacation underway right off the bat, she called in an appointment for a mud bath, followed by an exfoliating body scrub. If she had to share this room with someone she didn't want to be here when he or she arrived.
"Spa treatment." Nathan said blankly as he picked his towel up and walked out the room. He shut the door behind him, but stopped and turned around, looking as if he was ready to brace for something. As soon as she'd open the door, he'd give her a wonderfully amazing start to their vacation.

Darian said nothing as he did as his 'instincts' told him to. He turned over and wrapped his arm around her, mumbling nonsense yet again though he was conscious of it this time. He didn't know, however, how close their faces were to eachother.
Tanna frowned and decided to change her clothes, she pulled on a pair of short shorts that clung to her small body and a t-shirt. She had her bathing suit on underneath just in case and then she grabbed up her towel and left the room.

When Mercy felt Darian's arm come around her she sighed, he was asleep. He didn't know what he did when he was asleep she told herself. But a tear slid down her cheek before she closed her eyes tightly and pretended to be asleep herself.

Esme was neck deep in a mud bath with cucumber rounds covering her eyes, a smile on her face. Some people may not think laying in a vat of mud was a good time, but she sure did.
Seeing the door open, Nathan bolted in and picked up Tanna, smiling. He held her in his arms as he kicked the door shut and brought her to bed. "How bout that elfgirl treatment?"

Darian did not sense the tear in her eye as hepulled her closer. She was held closer than ever before, and he felt a warm sensation as he consciously held her. "Mercy..." He said with his eyes still closed
Tanna laughed as Nathan all but tackled her and carried her to bed. "I thought you wanted the spa treatment!!" she said as she tugged at his shirt and pulled it over his head. "I want you so bad"

Mercy heard Darian say her name, but.. his eyes were closed. "Darian." She turned in his arms and gave him a shove "if you're awake I'm going to kill you elfboy." she nuzzled her face into his chest, her warm tears trickled down her check and landed against his skin.
Nathan laughed as he helped her take his shirt off. When off, he began for hers as he kissed her with burning passion. "I'm all yours Tanna."

Darian felt the tear on his skin and his eyes opened slowly to the sight of a sad girl. "I'm sorry...Mercy..." He couldn't think of anything else to say, his mind was blank. Instead of saying, he did something: he placed his lips onto her forehead lovingly.
She kissed him back, her arms wrapping around him and holding to him tightly, she ground her tiny hips against him as she bit at his bottom lip, drawing a little blood.

Mercy wanted to keep crying but she wouldn't anymore. "For what Darian I don't even understand what's going on.. only that you'll hold me in your sleep.. but you hate me when you're awake.. and.. and.. that I love you." She wiped the tears from her eyes. And sighed when his lips pressed against her forehead.

When the pairs hadn't even left their rooms yet Esme was already on her exfoliating scrub and was loving every moment of it.
Nathan smirked seeing her bloody lip. "A snack while having this treatment? I paid too little for something like this. Haha." He smiled and placed his lips onto hers, his tongue going into her mouth to taste her blood.

Darian shook his head. "I don't hate you...I'm just pushing everyone away so that I can keep my duty but...I find it too hard around you...for reasons unknown...I have fallen in...'love'...with you."
Tanna wrapped her legs around Nathan's waist and moved against him her fingers trailed over his chest so slowly, feeling every inch of him. Her fingers then dropped to the button of his pants and tugged hard, eager to free him of every single piece of clothing he wore.

Mercy was more confused than she had been earlier "What is your duty.. and why does it mean you can't keep your duty and love me?"

Feeling silky and sexy Esme made her way back to the room she'd have to share with a stranger. She hoped it was a woman, so that she wouldn't have to deal with how awkward it would be to share it with a man.
Nathan smirked and sat back as she did so. He would let her get what she want, but she'd have to try for it. He didn't care if she'd rip off his clothing, he just wanted to do this to make her happy and pleasure the woman he cares for.

Darian looked away in confusion. "I do not goes against our people's way...soldiers are not to love a being until retirement...which mine will not be for another ten years but...I cannot wait...I want to be with you Mercy..."
Tanna leaned into Nathan and smiled a little. "Don't you want to touch me Stone?" she lifted his hands and pressed them against her chest. Her nipples were hard against his palms through her thin shirt, and her thighs gripped his hips.

Mercy was a little confused "But.. you're no longer serving. Didn't that end when you came to stay at Nathan's bar? How could you possibly be serving the Elf Lord if you're serving up beer at a secret bar." She pressed her forehead to his. "I want to be with you Darian. I don't want to wait ten years to do so."

Esme pushed into her room after being thoroughly pampered. She felt so good, she lay across the bed in the room in only a towel and fell asleep.
Nathan chuckled as she did so. "I'm the one supposed to be getting the treatment aren't I? I think you're the one supposed to do all the work...though, you'll owe me later Tanna." He began to massage her breasts outside of her shirt, his fingers pinching and twiddling with her nipples like the first night they had sex.

Darian shook his head. "I am still orders are to live a peaceful life here until further orders are given but...I don't want further orders...I want to keep the quiet life...I'm no soldier, I can't kill on instinct. I just want to settle down and be with you Mercy."
Tanna moaned softly and arched further into his hands, her own hands had finally worked him out of his clothes and her fingers wrapped around his cock, stroking him slowly and firmly.

Mercy looked at Darian "If you don't want to do it anymore.. can't you.. resign?" she nuzzled her face into his neck and kissed him softly there. "I just want to be with you as well Darian."
"Resignation is something I cannot do...I made an oath to my lord...if I were to resign...I'd be killed probably...the best I can do is wait these ten years...all the while I keep our love in secret." He said to her, a small frown to his face from worry.

Nathan erected as she stroked him. His lips were on hers as he lay beside her, twiddling her nipples and having his tongue all around inside her mouth, trying to taste the blood and ravish her with it.
"Do you think they'd leave you here to live in peace for 10 years?" she asked, the worry on his face mirrored in hers so she hid her face in his arm. She didn't want to make the whole situation worse for him.

Tanna loved the wild feeling that Nathan evoked in her. She felt like she'd lose herself any moment as his tongue ravished her mouth. Pushed away a little and stood on the bed over hi and pushed out of her clothing, her shorts followed by her panties and then her shirt. She leaned down and kissed him hard again.
Nathan kissed her back just as ferociously. His hand trailed down her body until it gripped her ass and he began to massage it before he moved one hand down to begin to play around with her pussy. Rubbing it, teasing the clitoris, whatever he knew would pleasure her.

Darian shrugged. "I don't know...lets not worry about this...we are...on vacation...aren't we?" He said looking her in the eyes.
Tanna let out a loud growl against Nathan's mouth as she lowered herself to him, grinding her already wet pussy against the head of his cock "you feel good" she whispered against his lips between kisses.

"Ok.. we won't worry about this right now" she said with a nodded "so what do you want to do.. want to get a facial?" Mercy teased Darian a bit, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

Esme woke from her little nap a few hours later and realized no one had joined in her in room yet, and that she was still only in a towel. She slid from the bed and moved over to her pack, slipping into a pair of p.j pants and a tank top. She snapped up the remote and flicked on the T.v.
(I'm gonna get my third one tomorrow, its too late tonight and this computer sucks for finding images cause its slow. Sorry sorry.)

Nathan smirked and pressed his lips hard against hers for a long period of time before pulling back. "You know, I don't think I was satisfied the last time we had sex...perhaps you thirst for it?" He said smiling to her, waiting for her to just clamp down on his cock so he could ride her silly.

Darian shrugged. "I don't know...I do not know of these things...I'm actually could help me relax during this vacation?"
(it's fine, i just toss her in every once and while so i don't forget about her)

Tanna slid down on Nathans hard length, taking him deep inside of her with a moan. She tossed her head back and arched a little. "Oh.. I left you unsatisfied Stone? then.. we best take care of that.. right now"

She looked at Darian and smiled a bit.. "Oh I'm sure I could.. how about a massage?" Mercy slid her hands over his shoulders a little and then down his back.
(Ah okay, thanks for understandin. If I manage to, I'll try to post the image of my third at least before I go.)

Nathan chuckled and shrugged. "I might have to do something really impressive to leave me satisfied baby." He said as he provoked her, seeing what she would do or say to him saying that. His cock throbbed as it was inside her, his hips moving in the tiniest of circular motions to tease her.

Darian's body seemed to tense up as he felt her hands on his shoulders, but they soon relaxed and seemed to become mush. "T-That feels nice Mercy..."
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