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Torrid x Jugger

Nathan chuckled and put on a robe as well. He walked over to her and hooked his arm for her to hook her arms around it. He'd then lead her to the bathing area and get them a private bath.

Ichiro shook his head. "No. Those with evil intentions cannot go into the sunlight. Those who keep the balance between humans and vampires balanced are allowed to, though...evil vampires are only able to withstand sunlight by feeding on elvish blood but, they died out long ago. Or so I heard."
Tanna leaned against Nathan and was excited to be spending this time with him.

"Elvish blood?" she asked "Is there a way to tell a good vampire from an evil vampire?" Esme wished she hadn't mentioned Nathans name earlier, what if he were an evil vampire? He was so close to Tanna, was all of that an act? And what about Darian? Did he know?
Nathan smiled as he led her into the bath. He turned on the warm water, and as the tub filled it seemed to automatically begin to bubble up with the setting that the employees put on it earlier when he requested a bubble bath. "Shall we?" He said as he got out of the robe.

"No, there isn't really one. As I said...unable to go into the sunlight, or drinking elven blood. Is that not making any sense to you human?" He said as he leaned back some. He seemed to be in thought. "Anyways, if you're trying to figure out if this 'Nathan' fellow is an evil or good vampire...well, just watch him closely."
Tanna slid her robe down her shoulders, smiling at Nathan as she did. She dipped a toe in the watter and then slid into the hot bubbly water. "Oh this feels heavenly"

Esme sat against the headboard, deep in thought. Nathan didn't seem evil to her, and if she remembered correctly the story she heard was Nathan had come upon Tanna when she was escaping from her home since she didn't want to marry a man she didn't know. So it wasn't as if Nathan had gone in search of an elf right? She ignored the vampire prince, since he was an ass.
Nathan smiled and slid into the tub so that he sat beside her. He wrapped an arm around her as she sat there and relaxed. "This really is great...isn't it Tanna?" He said as he leaned his head against her shoulder. He could feel the tiny pulses of blood surging through her and his stomach growled a bit.

"If you want...I can see if he's evil or not."
"It's so amazing.." she sighed softly and leaned her head back against his shoulder.

"How can you tell.. because you're the prince of vampires? is telling the alignment of a vampire a skill or power that you have?" Was it wrong of her to be questioning whether or not Nathan was good or evil?
Nathan smiled as he leaned his head up to look at her. "Might I have a little bit of a snack Tanna? I'm a bit hungry."

He shook his head and looked at her. "I'm the prince of all vampires, vampires banned from our kingdom are the bad vampires. Nevermind...I can tell without even going to him. Tell me, where does this vampire live? If he does not live with other vampires...he is one of the bad ones."
"Nathan" she sighed softly "i don't think you should drink from me anymore... it made you too ill last time. I don't want that again" she turned and rubbed her hand against his cheek softly. He'd grown to mean so much to her that the thought of seeing him so ill again hurt her.

"Sooo" she said softly "lets say, he lived under a liquor store with two elves and two humans. He's a "bad" vampire?" by this time she was up out of bed and walking the floor, pacing slowly. Nathan hardly seemed like a bad anything to her, he took people in and did good deeds.
Nathan sighed, seeing as how he wouldn't get any blood from her. He simply nodded and put on a fake smile as he kissed her. "Alright then still feels kinda awkward with you using my real name, though it does have a great feel."

Ichiro thought about it for a sec then shrugged. "Only another question to ask to that...does he ever venture out to hunt humans or anything? Has he ever fed off all of you rather than sticking to one feeder?"
"it was a serious matter" she said softly. "You're important to me.. don't forget that." She splashed a bit of bubbly water at his chest.

"He said he had wanted to feed from me, but never did. I've never seen him feed.. i haven't been around long enough but I simply assume he feeds from one of the girls I don't know about the other two people" He probably had never fed from Darian, but had he fed from Mercy?
Nathan nodded and smiled as he playfully splashed back at her as well. "Well about a massage to boot for your bath?"

Ichiro shrugged. "Well, I guess the only thing I can do is to find this vampire and check for myself. If he truly is a bad vampire, you all are nothing more than just feeders for him so he can keep on living like a normal vampire."
"Are you going to give me a massage Stone?" she said as she moved over to him, letting her soapy body rub over his softly.

Esme's mind began to race, what if Nathan were evil? What if he wasn't and just wanted a different type of life? She stopped pacing and got back into bed "Maybe later" she said as she pulled the blankets over her body.
Nathan nodded. "Of course, of course." He put his hands on her shoulders and began to massage them gently, but still with enough force for her to feel it.

Ichiro laid there as she laid in the bed with him. He had his back to her as he looked out to the sun. "Awfully bright for the afternoon."
"Nathan, I was wondering." Tanna said as she felt his hands on her body and let out a little moan. "How did you come to living under the liquor store and running the bar?"

"Is it? It looks normal to me. But then I've been keeping vampire hours for the past couple of days, since Nathan runs the bar at night only. Turns out, I'm not to bad at serving beers" she said as she fiddled with the material of the blanket.
Nathan looked at her before rubbing the back of his head. "Thats...a long story...but the gist is is that I left because I wanted to start my own bar to see other humans and how they interact with one another.

Ichiro shrugged. "I've been busy for so long...this is my first vacation in decades, I've been stuck usually in the palace doing work."
Tanna looked at Nathan. "We've got plenty of time, tell me the whole story." Her body was nuzzled against his lovingly and she was stroking his chest softly with her slim fingers. It wasn't everyday that an elf fell in love with a vampire, she wondered if their races even crossed paths all that often. But here she was and crazy as it may seem she was sure she loved him.

"What kind of work does the Prince of Vampires do?" Esme asked curiously wondering what a day in the life of the prince of vampires was like.
"Well, without all the details it went like this. I was part of the vampiric army long ago when elves and vampires were at war. I did my job and my team followed me without question...but just one day, the elves took advantage of my team...female elves. They seduced my team into betraying their kind, but in the end they were also killed by the same females who tricked them. Because of this, I was thrown out of the army, and I fled to live my life alone as a bar owner." Though this was a lie, he made it seem as if it was true.

Ichiro shrugged. "Paperwork. Basically what your 'president' does. Economical stuff, though politics are not my department."
"Female elves?" she repeated quietly. That didn't sound right, but maybe they were elves from a different area. The female elves in the kingdom she'd been raised hadn't been in any army, there had been no rogue groups. It was the men who fought and they would never jeopardize their women that way. "How long ago was it?"

"So you do paperwork, that sounds... exciting. Are you elected like the president or did it come to you through your bloodline" Esme was being nosy but she didn't really care, if she had to share a room with the fellow why not know a bit about him? She'd answer his questions but so far he hadn't asked her any.
"Centuries ago. I'm older than you think I am, though I choose to stay looking the way I do." He leaned back and yawned a bit before returning to massaging her shoulders.

"Bloodline. And not really 'economical'...I mean I take land from others or work deals out, though I do this in the shadows. I'm not afraid to tell a soul about it though, but its not many I tell it to."
"I'm older than you think I am as well Nathan.. vampires aren't the only immortals you know?" Tanna frowned at the water, though Nathan's hands felt good her mind was a little pre-occupied.

"I see, so.. would it be your place to rouse an army and invade? or do you have generals for that?" she sounded like a bloodthirsty little thing, but the truth of it was; she just loved to learn. It was one of the reasons she'd taken the job at the bookstore. It was also her bad luck that she'd been caught reading a book of witchcraft.
"Hm...yes I know elves also are immortals, though they aren't quite as strong as vampires. They're sexier though, you're a prime example of it." He said smiling to her.

"No no, I invade myself. I don't need an army to do my job, they're nothing more than to just take over conquering land when I don't feel up to doing it. You've got a lot of questions y'know?"
"Are vampire women not very attractive?" Tanna asked as she sank back into his hands gently.

"I like to learn.. sometimes it gets me in trouble" Esme said with a shrug and rolled over in the bed "a lot of trouble." She smiled a little and finished "Since you're different than I am, and you're here. I'll bug you until you stop answering my questions. It's just my nature"
"I never said that, I merely said your women were sexier. They're more...innocent, and seductive while ours are...well, it varies and too much variety is bad in my opinion...unless its with a group of friends like ours."

Ichiro blinked and looked at her confused. "A-Wha?"
Tanna licked her bottom lip softly and nodded "Innocent and seductive at the same time? oh my.. is that how you see me?"

"What I meant is.. that I always seek knowledge, you have knowledge of an entire race. So I'll keep asking you questions until you stop answering or tell me to shut up" Esme smiled a little, wishing she wasn't so awkward all of the time.
Nathan chuckled. "The innocent part is what brought me to you. Your seductive side is what truly caught me." He said as he wrapped his arms around her front side.

"Not that I don't mind our little talk that I think about it...the name 'Nathan' is actually starting to ring some bells."
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