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Torrid x Jugger

"We will all go" she said as she dressed quickly, and grabbed up their bags. She looked at the other bed with a sigh and grabbed Darian's bag. "I don't like him.. I can't help it. He's under Erryon's command even when he's supposed to be living a peaceful life. He'll never have peace that way." She shook her head and walked out of the room.

She sat down at the bar with Mercy and Esme and peeled an orange, as they waited for Nathan to lead the way.
Nathan looked at the lot and shrugged as he held his bags. He went over and took Darian's from her so she wouldn't have to carry too much, especially since Darian actually packed his armor. Nathan shook his head at this and turned to the girls. "Alright, to the bus stop. Esme, leave a message for Darian to tell him to meet us there when he gets back." He turned and went outside, waiting for the others.
Esme wrote a note quickly

Meet us at the bus stop. Nathan has your bag.
- Witchy"

After writing the note she slapped it down on the bar and ran out to meet up with everyone else. "So, are we all going to have our own rooms. I mean aside from you Tanna. Maybe Mercy and I could share a room?" she tugged her bag over her shoulder as she struggled to keep up with everyone else.
Nathan shrugged. "You get rooms according to how you're assigned...I heard the area is packed, the reservations I've made are...well, one of you are going to have to sleep in a room with a complete stranger. Seeing as how there are five of us and all, two to a room...and they're booked, yeah...Darian, Mercy, or you have to book with a stranger." As they approached the bus stop, Nathan sat down and awaited for the bus to arrive.
"Well.. I'll share a room with Mercy then!" she said as she sat down, resting her elbows on her knees.

Mercy laughed and looked at Esme. Even with what happened today she'd still prefer to share a room with Darian, perhaps she could pull Nathan aside and ask to be placed with Darian. Esme was after the newest of the crew and well, even if Darian never wanted anything from her she'd still sleep next to him and wait for his sleep induced embrace.
Nathan shrugged. "I guess if you want to." After moments later, Darian arrived without a word and sat next to Nathan. He grabbed his bag and laid it next to his legs as he sat there quiet, looking ahead with daggers in his eyes as he stayed silent. "So...I guess the walk didn't help much?" Nathan said but shrugged seeing Darian said nothing.
Tanna shook her head, leave it to a man she thought as she scooted closer to Mercy. "Soo.. what are you girls going to do when we get there? I think I'm going to have a mud bath and one of those exfoliating scrubs! or something like that.

Mercy and Esme said nothing and Tanna sighed. All the fun had been sucked out of the vacation so far, hopefully things would perk up once they got there.
The bus soon arrived and Nathan stood up after lugging his bags up over his shoulders. He followed Darian in as he took a spot in the very back, whereas Darian took a spot near the middle against the window. He seemed to look out of it with a blank stare as he did so. Nathan wondered exactly what went on while he went out walking.
Mercy found a seat at the back of the bus far away from the crew while of course Tanna sat herself down right next to Nathan. Esme sat at the front of the bus wondering why they hadn't stuck together.

As the bus bumped along Tanna traced her fingers over Nathan's knee and hummed under her breath. Nothing not Mercy's sour mood, or Darian's brooding was going to ruin her vacation! Halfway through the trip Tanna took to leaning into Nathan and whispering naughty things in his ear. I can't wait till we have our own room, we can have some privacy, I'm getting wet thinking about being with you again and some more explicit things.
Nathan smirked hearing all the things she whispered to him and he patted her leg. "Don't worry Tanna...when we do get our privacy, we'll do anything your little fantasy-lovin mind will want to do." He said jokingly as he kissed her forehead before looking at Mercy then to where Darian was sitting, but no Darian. He looked up and saw that Darian had moved up to Esme.

Darian sat next to Esme and sighed. "Listen wit- Esme...Can I come to you for some...advise...?"
Esme looked up as Darian sat next to her, a little shocked at his words, and that he'd refrained from calling her witchy. "Sure Darian.. something bothering you?" She turned a bit in her seat and looked up at him, she thought he looked lost, a little confused and unsure of himself which was something she never thought she'd see.
"What is..." He seemed to pause for a bit, unsure on whether he should ask or not. The question seemed odd to him, it even seemed off to roll off his tongue as he said the words. "What" He said as he looked away from her when he said that, fighting off a blush he rarely ever would be seen with.
Now she was really taken a back, elfboy was asking her what love is? He must really have it bad for Mercy. "Love is different for everyone. For some it is as simple as the comfort another person brings their soul. For some it's an all consuming feeling, can't eat, can't sleep, can't breath unless they're with the one they have those feelings for. But in my opinion it's the simple things" she laid a hand against his knee to try and comfort him. "The smell of her hair, the way she feels in your arms, the touch of her hand or lips, the smile she brings to your face, the way she makes you feel inside and the inability to see your life without that person in it. For some people love isn't enough, and for others it's everything. "
Darian looked down as if he were taking in all she had just said. "Love...huh...The feeling you can't live without someone...the way she feels in my arms...warm...soft......relaxed...." He seemed to be trailing off in his thoughts as he described in one word phrases about how delightful it was whenever Mercy lay in his arms. He didn't even notice he was doing so, he was too caught up in thinking until he finally said "The smile she brings to my face...?" He looked up and to Esme, wondering what would happen if he would look at Mercy. He peered out into the aisle toward where Mercy sat.
"I don't know what your hangup is Darian, but if you want to tell me.. I could help you maybe?" She pressed her hand to his cheek and brought his face to hers. "We all know you have feelings for her, the only person who doesn't is you. You watch her, and you don't even realize it. When she's working, when we went shopping." She let her hand slide down.
Darian looked down in thought once more before his eyes went to meet Esme's. "I believe I do warrior an Elven knight I cannot be induced to romance until my later years of when I 'in peace' and staying to my duty as a knight...why can I not do both without things being so difficult...must I really give up one to save the other?"
"Do you really want to be a knight Darian? You're not a warrior in your soul.. I'd doubt if you ever were, some men are not. I would not be surprised if there were a scholar or artist somewhere in that soul of yours. It is probably difficult for you because your peace is at war with your duty." She looked up at Darian, she felt bad for the man, she wished she could do more for him.
Darian sighed and patted Esme on the shoulder. "Thanks friend.....time...I will let time play out my fate...that is the best I can do right now rather than to tempt fate with misfortune of any sort..." He smiled weakly as he got up and returned to his seat. Nathan was still watching the whole scene but did not hear anything. "Hey Tanna...your elf ears pick up any of what they were sayin?"
"It's none of my business. I said to much as it is.. But.. I.. I agree with Esme. You're not a warrior in your soul Darian." She rested her head against Nathan's shoulder and yawned a bit, her body was rebelling being up during the day.

Mercy saw everything but heard nothing and she wondered if the reason that Darian wanted nothing to do with her was because of Esme, she'd seen the way the other woman had touched his cheek and looked at him and her gut twisted. She laid her head against the side of the bus and let her eyes close.
Darian closed his eyes as he waited for this bumpy ride to the spa would end so they'd just be there already. He soon dozed off, still feeling like his body wasn't ready for these hours again.

Nathan began to rub Tanna's back as she lay against him. "Go to sleep, I'll wake you up when we get there. Alright Tanna?" He said smiling as he kissed her forehead.
Tanna nodded and with his touch at her back she fell quickly asleep.

Esme was still sitting in her seat at the front of the bus, she kept thinking of all the things she'd told Darian. She wished for those things herself, but she hoped the pair could work things out.

And Mercy was at the back of the bus, pretending to sleep and sulking. The man in front of her had yelled at her for kicking his seat, but she didn't care.. She just kept on kicking.
When the man kept on yelling at Mercy, Darian had enough. He growled as he stood up and went over to the man to grab him by the collar as he lifted him up so he glared face to face with the man. "Shut up and leave her alone, deal with it or move...otherwise you'll be rolling down the mountain in a box if you mess with her again. Got it?"
The man crowded into his seat and backed away from Darian.

Mercy looked up at Darian, and then away. "sorry about that, didn't mean to make you get out of your seat." She turned towards the window and stayed facing it.

Tanna grabbed Darian's wrist and pulled him over by her and Nathan. "I was out of place when I said what I did this morning. Are you alright?"
Darian sat down next to Tanna and remained quiet. Nathan cocked his head a bit as he leaned over to see past Tanna to look at Darian. Darian sighed before looking up at Tanna and ignored Nathan being there. "Its nothing...I'm just...confused is all. Don't worry about me, simple feelings like these can't get in the way of what I want to do..." He said a bit ominously.
She raised an eyebrow and looked at Darian as she spoke, something about his words didn't seem right. "What is it that you want to do?"

Esme glanced back at the group and wondered what was going on. She knew for sure that Darian was in love with Mercy, but he was set on his warrior mindset.

The bus ground to a halt and Tanna looked at Nathan "is this our stop?"
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