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Torrid x Jugger

Nathan smiled as he laid on the bed to watch her pack. He was already finished and relaxing for the night before they'd head off in early morning. He made sure to buy a heavy, thick hoodie for when they'd go, so he wouldn't crisp in the sun.

Darian chuckled. "Gee, wonder why. Witches are a little too preoccupied with runes and voodoo to do things like that." He said teasingly to her, though his smile on his face showed he was just joking.
Esme turned on Darian. "One more witch joke.. and I'm going to go back get that book and turn you into a damn frog." not that she could, the book was long gone by now and she doubted she had the natural talent it took to be a witch. But oh, she could just picture the elfboy turned into a little green froggy.

A chuckle was heard from Mercy at the other end of the bar, before walking into the bedroom and finishing up her packing. "Are we going to travel during the day tomorrow?" she turned to Nathan as he lay on the bed.
Nathan nodded. "Yeah, get there by night that way we can have access to everything. All the good stuff is open mainly at night at the Spa up on that mountain." He said as he sat up and smiled at her. "Its gonna be great."

Darian chuckled and sat back as he looked at Mercy. "I don't get why everyone's getting all...excited over some spa."
Tanna crawled up the bed next to Nathan and yawned softly, curling against him "it's exciting.. for us girls we get to be pampered. We can have our hair and nails done, or we can get massages and skin treatments"

Mercy agreed with Tanna as she crawled into her and Darian's bed and said "It's probably not as exciting for men. But trust me, you get a massage and you're going to be relaxed for days"
"Why go to a spa just for a massage when you can get one right here?" He said reaching over as he began to massage her shoulders as she lay next to him.

Darian looked at Nathan and then back to Mercy. "If they're done by people like Nathan, I think I'll pass on a massage." He crawled next to her in bed but had it so his back was facing to her as he lay there.
Mercy sighed a little and turned over so that her back was facing Darian's.

With a frown on her face Tanna looked at Darian. "What's wrong with people like Nathan? What if they were done by Humans or Elves or Goblins.. what about gnomes?" She flung a pillow at his head. She still thought he was Erryon's spy, so she doubted she'd ever fully like the man.
Darian caught the pillow and dropped it on the floor gently as he sat up to look at her. "What I mean is simply just this: Perverts." With that, he laid back down in the position he was before as he tried to sleep. Nathan just laughed and shook his head. "Eh...but its fun so I don't really care if ya think I'm perverted." He laid back down as well, next to Tanna.
Tanna shook her head and asked "how are they anymore perverted than an elf or a human.. or a gnome!" she asked curiously, as she twirled a bit of Nathans hair along her slim fingers.

With her face pushed into a pillow Mercy was laughing at the argument between the two elves. But her curiosity was peeked, were vampires really more perverted than elves and humans? "Is it just because they drink blood?" she wouldn't open her mouth and tell Darian that she kind of liked it when Nathan took her blood because the burn she felt when he did, was almost.. delightful. She wondered if that was more intense for Tanna because of the feelings she has for him.
Nathan shook his head. "Nah, I'm just perverted by choice my friend. Though, I'm gonna have to cut down my perversions to one lady as of a few days ago." He said as he looked over to Tanna and winked. By now, it seemed Darian was asleep because of his light snoring. "Seems like we've bored him."
Tanna smiled and a flush slid up her cheeks. If Nathan was going to 'cut down' his 'perversions' to just her, it must mean that he wanted to be with just her. Something funny flipped in her heart, ever since he found her in the woods her life had changed so drastically, for the better. She rolled into Nathan her small body pressing up against the length of his body and resting her head on his shoulder.

As she lay in bed next to Darian, Mercy sighed softly. She wanted to curl up into his body the same way Tanna got to curl up into Nathan. She picked up her pillow and put it over Darian's head blocking out some of his snoring and curling up to the edge of the bed. "Night guys" she whispered to Nathan and Tanna.
Nathan smiled and held Tanna in his arms as she lay her head on his shoulder. "G'night you two." He smiled as he kissed Tanna's forehead before pulling her a bit closer as he fell asleep. During the night, Darian had yet to move as the pillow was over his head. His snoring was shut out but it was plainly seen he was deeply asleep.
As she tossed and turned in their bed, Mercy sighed. Luckily for everyone else they were able to sleep, she wanted to slip from the bed and sit in the bar but that wasn't fair to Esme. So she was trapped in bed with the snoring elf who was crabby even in his sleep. She stole her pillow from Darian's face and stuffed it under her head hoping that it would help her sleep.
Upon feeling the pillow remove from his head, his snoring stopped and he seemed to become still. Moments later, Darian turned over in his sleep again and wrapped his arm over Mercy, pulling her closer to him as his head lay against her shoulder like a pillow as he slept. He began to mutter some nonsense in his sleep, showing he was dreaming as he did so.
Still awake Mercy settled into his arms, she took the comfort where she could get it. Even if it was from a sleeping, dreaming elf who probably didn't really want to hold her and was just doing whatever his sleeping body wanted to. The warmth of his body helped her and she slid deep into a dreamless sleep.

When the sun rose she realized she'd turned in his arms and her nose was buried against his chest. She closed her eyes tight pretending morning hadn't come, she didn't want to be awake yet.
"You can wake up now...I saw your eyes flash open." Darian said silently to her. Nathan and Tanna were still asleep, so he was quiet about his talk to her. "Sorry...I would've moved seemed too comfortable so I stayed where I was. My apologies Mercy." He smiled a bit to her as he looked at her.
She turned away from him and wrapped her arms around her stomach. "No need to be sorry" she said as she climbed out of bed and moved into the bathroom, she started the water in the shower and stripped out of her clothes. The water was near to scalding but she didn't care.. she just let it pour over her body.

Tanna stirred awake next to Nathan, picking up her head and looking at Darian "If you like her.. have any feelings for her, apologizing for holding her isn't a great idea. And calling her out like that, not cool."
Darian blinked at Tanna's words and seemed confused. "If her? What do you mean...? I've no feelings other than friendship for the girl...a knight is not to marry until he is retired in his later years, though technically through our society, Tanna, I am still a knight to the Elf Lord. I just choose to serve under him in this residence and under Commander Erryon's orders...which are to 'live a more peaceful life' here."
"Then you should probably try to control yourself. Don't hold "the girl" in the middle of the night." She laid her head against Nathan's shoulder once more. And under her breath she mumbled "Commander Erryon.. give me a friggin' break. That man is nothing more than a pitiful fool who'd raise his hand to a woman because he did not like her words." yawning she pulled herself up in bed and gave Nathan a shove "Get up Stone"

There bodies were not used to keeping normal hours anymore and as she shut off the shower Mercy groaned a little and wished herself back in bed.
Nathan groaned a bit before sitting up. His head was throbbing a bit due to the light that was in the room; not the best thing for him to see when he wakes up. After getting adjusted to the sunlight and letting his body get used to what little sunlight it could stand, he yawned and looked at Tanna. "Mornin Tanna...ready to go?"

Darian let what she said about Erryon slide because she did not physically do anything to the man. "How am I supposed to control myself when I'm 'asleep'..."
"I don't think you're really asleep when you're taking her in your arms" she said to Darian before she snuggled herself into Nathan and nodded. "I don't like these morning hours anymore." She said as sighed and pulled herself away from Nathan's body.

Mercy came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around her body and she changed in front of everyone without caring that they could see her naked. Once she was dressed she grabbed her pack and left the bedroom, when she got into the bar Esme was already awake and the girls sat at the bar.
Nathan raised an eyebrow as he watched Mercy come out nude. He put his hand to his chin and seemed to be in thought as he watched. "Hm...she's almost as good as Tanna is in the nude..." He mumbled to himself, not caring if Tanna, Mercy, and Darian could hear. Darian just shook his head to Nathan and turned to Tanna. "And how do you know that exactly? You watch me while I sleep or somethin?"
"No. That would be creepy.. call it.. instinct? I think you're lonely, and I think you have feelings for "the girl" any idiot with two eyes can see it." Tanna yawned and gave Nathan a shove but laughed at his words. She stripped down herself then and crawled into the shower herself, not giving Darian time to respond to what she'd said. She snorted when the water ran over her body, a knight to the elf lord. Tanna thought the man should just focus on being Darian rather than knight to the elf lord.
Darian looked down as if confused about himself over what Tanna had said. He looked up to Nathan, then to the shower where Tanna had gone into, and then finally he looked at Mercy the longest with that sad expression on his face, an expression that showed fear of confusion. "I...I am going out for a bit...I'll be back before we leave." He got up and before anyone could object, he let the bar in a rush as he took a walk, trying to figure out why he was confused over Tanna's words.
Mercy watched Darian leave and she wondered if he'd be coming back, she'd tried to block out everything that was being said in the bedroom but she'd heard every word. Everyone knew how she felt, and how he felt. She felt as if she were on display. She looked at Esme and a flush slid up her cheeks.

When Tanna got out of the shower she looked at Nathan, and then at the empty bed. Her eyes traveled out to the bar and then she looked at Nathan again. "Where did Darian go?"
Nathan shrugged. "Said he'd be back before we left. Don't worry, Darian's a loyal soldier, and if he is the guy he claims to be, he'll be true to his word and just 'live a peaceful life' here. Now then, get the bags while I go out to get us a bus to take us to the spa...or rather would you want us all to walk to the bus stop? Its your choice, and the weather is actually nice outside."
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