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Dark Horse [EEE x DarkofNight] NSFW IMAGES

“Considering where we are you could get to work though sadly my fast car would get you more looks since the inconspicuous one I sent is really just for casual transport. I don’t have any sniper weapons but I could get a snipper to do that job if you want.” Riley took another sip and she let him place his hand atop of hers.

When he mentioned hunting that caught het curiosity. “I’ve never hunted. My dad never let me. Something about its or something for a lady to see. I’m not a lady but he thinks I am.” Chuckling at the thought she picked up her device to place a deliver order. “Are your grandparents nice? Mine are…pretty snobby and hard to deal with. My grandmother is nice enough but to my grandfather all he keeps telling me is to hurry up and make an heir. I’m just an incubator to him and he’s rubbing off on my dad…it really sucks…” she complained bopping she wasn’t talking too much as she downed her drink quickly. “Maybe you can arrest me to get them off my ass.” Chuckling at the thought though they wouldn’t leave her locked up.

He gave her a wink and mentioned hand cuffs it made het playfully nudge him. “Maybe you can make me vanish for a week….I’d approve.”
He shook his head with a grin. "My work day is done. Chances are pretty remote the dispatch AI is going to spoil our evening up here. Let's drop work and talk about us, eh?" He grinned as she offered to get a sniper for him.

He laughed out loud as she stated she wasn't a lady. "I mean, I could tell your father a proper lady doesn't suck or fuck like you do... But I have a feeling if I did that, not only would I not show up for work the next day, or any day after, but they probably wouldn't find the body either." He joked, even though every statement in that joke was absolutely true.

"You seriously mean to tell me that if you want to get a week to yourself, with all your money and privilege you can't make that happen?" He asked her, shaking his head. "You know what? I have a ton of vacation time saved up. I'm going to put in for a free week and drag you up to the mountains. I bet you've never been camping or swam in a real lake either, have you?" He smiled, teasing her gently.

His hand reached out, turning her chin towards him. "Let's get back to more immediately relevant questions though... Two things I want to know. One, what are you wearing under that dress? Two, do I need to pull out later now that it's not our birthday?" He chuckled, smiling wide.
Honestly he was amazing and easy to talk to you and she wasn’t expecting that considering she figured it was just going to be a sexual relationship in here he was being sweet and adorable. Rich did have a point if your father found out about this he probably wouldn’t be found ever. “You better not ditch me I’m making time for you not that I’m doing anything else but I’m making time just for you.” There was a spoiled brat side of hers again. At least when he said drop the work talk that was something she could easily do.

“Well with you I don’t have to be a proper lady and I love that. I mean you judge me and obviously I expect that. You still treat me pretty normally. You’re always welcome to kiss my ass and do whatever I want if the mood so inclines.” Riley could not help but tease him. When he asked her about getting time to herself she shrugged and that was printed all the answer he needed considering she was a spoiled little princess she wasn’t allowed to get too far away.

“I’m sure I can swing a week my friends will cover for me if they don’t I can ruin their lives. Why would you go to the mountains?” She finally asked that she tilted her head to the side like a confused puppy wondering why anyone to go to someplace like that. All of his assumptions were absolutely true she had never gone swimming in a real lake or really camping and a part of her was scared but it was to get away so she was going to refuse it.

When he reached over with his hand turning her face to him by holding her chin gently her eyes went wide watching him. “ absolutely nothing under this dress in for you…. you don’t have to pull out…. I like being risky with you. Don’t tell anyone in the club I said that I always tell them that they’re special maybe they’re silly to believe me. You’re a rare exception seeing you more than once. I’ll take you up on that vacation.” he could tell she was speaking honestly Ashley enjoyed his company.
He smirked as she suggested he was welcome to kiss her ass. "Kissing your ass is the furthest thing from my intentions. If I'm in the right mood I might leave some teeth marks on it though." He grinned.

"You know how the dispatch AI finds me? Cellular uplinks, wireless networks, repeaters. You get far enough away and they can't find you. Up in the mountains you're lucky to have a cell tower in range, let alone any real data points. Your father could try tracking you with satellites or something and complicated biometric data, but he'd need somewhere to start first. I'm sure we could swing a long weekend if not a whole week." He grinned.

"Besides, just imagine being naked on the ground outside, I'm on top of you, thrusting deep, except now when you look past my shoulders all you'll see are tens of thousands of stars filling the night sky." He told her, giving her a romantic if not still quite lurid vision of a visit to the countryside.

He grinned as Riley told him there was nothing under her dress. With one eyebrow raised he reached out, fondling her breast through her dress, grinning as he felt only the thin material of the dress between her and his hand. "Suddenly I'm feeling very impatient for dinner to get here." He grinned before leaning in and kissing her deeply.
“Well I hope you bite it next time.” Was the only right answer in het mind at the moment. She loved it when he was flirting and it only encouraged her to flirt back and be even more forward than she was.

Rich had her full attention when he decided to explain how the AI for his job worked. It was fascinating and she had no idea they worked like that. “See that I didn’t know! Now the mountains are a much more desirable location now that you mention going off the grid. I’ve never been able to do that. My dad insists knowing where I am mostly. He still makes me go on dates. Not like this one. You are so lucky you are practically free.” Riley lamented and most people below her would tolerate her lavish life of comfort even with her complaining a lot being trapped.

“I want a week and with you describing escape and sex I’m already signing up.” He could see the grin on het face before she’d give her image. “I imagine me riding you under a sky full of stars. Can you handle a lady taking charge and riding you?” She asked curiously but she was happy for either scenario. When het reached over to feel het through her dress she would push up against his hand but reach up with her own to help him fondle her. “I could have them leave the food at the door. The order is paid for. Hmm….maybe I should straddle you and let you feel just how naked I am under here….” His kiss would keep her from talking more but she’d let her tongue tangle with his.
He smiled at her enthusiasm. "Well if that's the case, I'll put in for a week's vacation and see when the task force can spare my presence for a while." He grinned at her. He seemed to have a dangerous influence on this spoiled rich girl. Even if he hadn't actually used it yet, he did get her to agree to being his property. Now he was tempting her out into the middle of nowhere against her father's wishes? What more could he talk this girl into?

He grinned at her next question. "That's a good question. We may even have an opportunity to test that tonight and see how it goes. You were rather passive in several of our exchanges last night, I wouldn't mind seeing you take charge a little this evening." He chuckled softly.

"Mmm, maybe you should show me." He grinned at her. "Depending on how long they take, you could even answer the door with nothing on but a little trail of my cum leaking down your thigh, give the poor delivery boy a look at the hot little rich girl piece of ass he'll never get to have." He teased as he broke the kiss, just for a moment before resuming the kiss, their tongues dueling passionately.
Riley was usually bored out of her mind and Rich was giving her thrills that no one in her high society was giving her. Even though she agreed to be his she promptly forgot that she did as she sat next to him enjoying his touches. “I could so swing a week. My friends will cover for me or they don't get to party with me. I can swing a week of avoiding my dad. If I hear him offer another man who is good for the bloodline I might actually run away.” She was all talk but he could hear how stressed that was making het and probably making her party even harder.

To be honest he could most likely talk her into so much more with how boring life was for her. When he mentioned her being passive she chuckled. “If you want me to ride you just tell me. I had no idea you wanted me to make you into a sex toy.” That made her laugh a bit too loud thinking about it.

“You are so dirty. The order said 30-45 minutes we got time but with your stamina I’ll be answering the door with that amazing cock imbedded inside me.” Riley had more to say but he kissed her prompting her to kiss him back and let her hands roam his chest as she would try to take off his top and silent try to get him to take off something so she could feel his body without clothing.
He laughed softly and gave her a playful shrug. "I mean, clearly me taking charge worked just fine for you." He laughed softly. "But I'm not opposed to you taking charge and showing me what you like. Yeah Riley, I want to watch you ride me." He grinned.

And kept grinning as she reached out to unbutton his shirt. He leaned back, spreading his arms as if to give her better access. The arm around her back moved slowly, feeling between her shoulders for the small zipper, tugging it down to the small of her back, the fabric loosening ever so slightly.

"Going to be a little awkward though if I have to get up from the couch and carry you over to the door to answer it so I don't slide out when you answer it." He teased, his hand reaching around her narrow body and gripping her dress at the neckline giving it a quick tug downwards.
“Make no mistake you’re taking charge because I’m letting you.” She couldn’t help interject herself into that. When he told her that he wanted to watch her ride him she couldn’t help but blush it was a bit of a compliment because she could show off her body and what she knew how to do. When he spread his arms out giving her easier access she unbuttoned to shirt as quickly as possible as she felt him reached behind her to unzip her tight fitting dress.

“You know In that case I’m gonna have to ride you extremely hard to make you cum before they ring the door. I mean I could clearly tell them to leave the food by the door but I’m sure they want their tip. Of course I will give them a proper tip but they’ll probably see me naked and filled with you. I did request it to be handed to me. I do like a challenge…” what Riley did was shipped herself and fling herself over him so she would straddle him and he could feel the heat between her legs even though he still had his pants on. “I do hope you brought extra clothing because we might ruin this outfit. If we do don’t worry I’ll just buy you another one or you can tell your coworkers that you had way too much fun after work either way…” She couldn’t help but giggle thinking about how maybe he might be embarrassed to let them know where he was going after work. She should probably be more careful because of her father found out he would forbid her from seeing someone in a lower class.
Rich laughed and shook his head as she told him he was only taking charge because he let her. "Did you forget that you belong to me? You're letting me take charge because you're a good girl and know your place." He chuckled softly as she moved to straddle him.

"You could ride me hard and fast to get me to finish fast, but you don't really want that. You want to savor every moment you can get with me inside you." He teased, letting her grind against him on his lap. "And don't worry, I brought clothes to change in to tomorrow morning so I wouldn't have to go home or show up to work wearing the same clothes I was wearing the day before."

"Now be a good girl Riley, get this dress the rest of the way off and take my pants off as well. We both know what you want and I'm going to be kind enough to let you have it." He smirked, reaching out to fondle one of her bare breasts.
“And here I thought you forgot about that.” She said with a cute giggle. She remembered crying that out she had no idea he remembered it. Riley straddled him and got herself comfortable. “Well… in that case maybe I’ll ride you nice and slow even if they ring the doorbell I’ll still answer naked leave you at attention.” It was a very cute threat.

“I’m happy brought clothing but maybe I’m gonna keep you here for more than a night… do I have to beg for that?” She said with a pout before starting to grind against Rich. To his surprise she would listen and slowly work her way out of the dress and toss it like it was nothing. She really did have nothing underneath Keeping her nude with her perky breasts on display. “What if I asked you for a striptease? Would you humor a cute thing like me?” Biting her bottom lip she would try to get her way again like she would usually do but this time she was naked and maybe he would listen… even if he didn’t she had him at her apartment and planned to enjoy him.
He gave a deep barrel laugh at her threat. "You do what you have to do. I'll sit here on the couch stiff and sloppy wet from you riding me and give them a polite little wave while you get the food." He grinned.

He'd barely been here fifteen minutes and she was already asking for more than just tonight with him. Part of him was still sure she'd tire of him after a week or so. He had very little to lose. Why not indulge in some nice food and a new outfit or two while it lasted?

"Isn't the second date a little early to be offering to let me move in with you?" He teased, obviously overstating what she was asking of him. All the same though, would that be so bad? Hell, the bathroom here was probably bigger than his entire little filing cabinet of an apartment, and cost a small fortune on top of it. He could afford to send that much more home to his mother and grandfather if that were to happen.

And then Riley removed her dress, proving herself true to her previous assertion of having nothing on under the dress. He couldn't help but look her up and down, admiring every little inch of bare skin she had on display for him. He grinned at her question. "Well, I'm already half undressed and not much of a dancer either. So I suppose you'd have to ask very nicely."
Even though he was laughing at her she didn’t care he was actually pretty fun. He was probably the most down to earth person she met and that was a rare in her social class. She already made up her mind to keep him for a while especially since he was proven to be even more entertaining. At least Rich was letting her enjoy herself especially since Riley was dealing with someone who she wasn’t used to pushing back to whatever she wanted. This is the last week or possibly longer considering he was making things even more interesting by the second.

“Are are you saying you want to move in? If you do I expect more time for me and besides if you do move in here it’s just one of my places and I think it’s pretty close to your job I wouldn’t mind having a pet.” The question was she serious or joking probably a bit of both. Riley Still have the mentality that he was her plat toy even though technically he owned her for now.

I didn’t take her long to remove her dress as she sat straddling him. “Come on master… dance for me I’m already naked for you… we met in the club get me and I never got to dance with you show me your moves and maybe I’ll give you a key to this place.” Most men would jump at the chance for her to focus on them the question was what he?
Rich scoffed a bit at the idea of being her pet. "Funny you mention having a pet. I was just thinking how good my property would look wearing a collar and a leash and not much else." He teased her, shaking his head.

He stood up, shrugging his shirt the rest of the way off as he went and laughing, taking absolutely none of this as a serious possibility. "Surely you can put on some music for me?" He asked, and once it started he began moving to the music, shaking his hips, taking his time undoing the fly of his pants little by little. Soon enough the pants slipped down his legs letting him step out of them.

He kept dancing hands moving to his boxers and holding still there for a few moments. He turned to face her tugging down the waistband enough to give her a half second view of the base of his cock, smiling as he went, but soon enough he was pushing them all the way off. "How was that?" He grinned, standing in front of her naked.
“Well if you’re going to put me in a color diamond because I deserve that much.” She was easy to come up with a report for that! It was nice that he was also taking off his clothing considering she was fully vulnerable to him but when he mentioned music she nodded but then she would actually ask: “I don’t even know what music you like I can get anything you want. Hell if you want to fuck to a live band I can order that.” It was obscene how her life was so opulent. She could snap her fingers and get anything she wanted and maybe the fact that he was being troublesome made her keep him around. Having no idea what he like to listen to you she turned on the popular station and let whatever it was playing play.

He was adorable dancing and then probably the most fun she had and a while even though her friends all went out with her and did what she wanted he was just a different type of fun. She honestly wish she was recording this but she was just enjoying the live show and bopping her head along to it. “See! I have a feeling you must’ve been a stripper in a past life because you’re doing a damn good job. Would I be selfish if I said I only want you stripping for me?” This time she asked that she was actually being serious and wondered if he would take her seriously even though he considers her his property maybe she can consider his dancing her own personal favors. “You are so lucky I’m not slapping your ass right now because I really want to. Damn. I’m really glad you came to the cloud or else I would’ve never met you it’s always so hard to find interesting people. Don’t ever change.” She said that honestly since he was giving her such an interesting view with his personality.
He laughed softly as he moved towards her. "You either make some overly generous assumptions about my personal life, or don't understand what police do for a living. If you had someone come to a party dressed up as a police officer who then started taking off all his clothes, you should probably know he wasn't really a cop." He teased.

He rested his hands on her hips holding her close and not particularly caring that the head of his hard cock was presently grazing her bare belly. "But considering you're insistent that I only be putting my cock in you, hardly seems to matter if I agree not to strip for anyone else either." He shrugged. "I'll let you give it just one. Or you could just drag me back to the couch and get down to business."
Riley didn’t want to boost his confidence too much by saying his laugh was adorable. Watching him he could see how much she liked his company. “Oh if you were actually a stripper I would pay you hot because you were just that sexy.” She blurted out without thinking but honestly he was good to look at. He got closer and let his hands touch her and when he got even closer she felt his member press against her belly button and she shuddered.

“Oh… i’ve been wondering if you can go all night with me. You probably have no idea how irresistible you are and that’s why I agreed to be yours. I don’t make an agreement with just anyone… you’re special. Your offer my secret and I’m gonna keep you for a while.” Her voice was low and seductive wondering how he would take that little bit of knowledge she was giving him freely. A woman like her had her choice so many men and women but here she was going for just him. She wondered how long she will put up with her right now since he seemed still interesting she reached up and grabbed his wrists and pulled him down if he wanted to go closer to her.

“Fuck me like you want to give me a bastard child.” she wasn’t sure how he would react to that kind of talk but she was testing out the waters and wondered if you would humor her or not.
He laughed softly at her inquiry. "I'm not too worried about it. From the way you were acting in the restaurant, I'm pretty sure I fucked you senseless right then and there." He grinned, looking her naked body up and down, enjoying this teasing and flirting before they got to the sex "By the end of the night I'll have you passed out naked on the bed with a ridiculous grin plastered across your face." He teased her playfully.

And moments later she was tugging him down onto the couch. He thought she wanted to ride him, but there was still plenty of time for that later, he thought to himself with a smile. With no further preamble he pressed himself into her entrance, giving her a few rough thrusts to get himself nice and deep inside her.

"I'll make you a deal Riley." He smiled down at her as he started thrusting into her with long deep strokes. "If your Dad ever succeeds in getting you married off to some rich asshole, here's what we're going to do. You use whatever morning after treatment you you've been using with me whenever you have to be with him, then we'll plan it just right so I can give you another good fucking without protection, that way even if you're stuck married to a rich asshole, you're at least having a real man's baby." He laughed, feeling very full of himself saying that.
When she pulled him close she would wiggle against him as he would maneuver himself to be at her entrance. “I’m sure the help won’t be for getting us anytime soon and considering that we ordered quite a bit they’ll tolerate our noises. Don’t worry I tipped properly. So did you…” she was playing around and commenting on how he was good at what he did and when he shot himself deep inside of her she let out a loud crash here if she could be as loud as she wanted.

With him pushed so deep inside of her she couldn’t probably talk as she looked up at him before whispering.”Help me get on top…” and she knew he would eventually but when he leaned in and spoke to he about what she could do if your father managed to marry her off. “MMM! If my father tries to marry me off…you’ll be my escape plan…. you’re a cop I’ll marry you and he’ll have no reason to force me to marry someone else especially if you get me pregnant you’ll be my back up plan won’t you?” Ashley tossed out an idea hoping he would take the bait. Even though his idea was a good one she wanted a failsafe. “There is no way he would disown me daughter and only blood… I don’t have a mother and he needs me…UHHN!!!! If you get me pregnant don’t worry. It’ll be a big pan out for you….I don’t want to marry some old man… at least you’re good to look at..” she spoke between now but she had no idea how he would take the idea.
He grunted as he thrust into her roughly. "You really going to ask me to help you take charge? Not really a take charge attitude is it?" He teased her with a wide grin, enjoying being inside her again after a day apart.

"That how you think this is gonna work? Dad threatens to marry you off and you and I are just going to walk into a courthouse and get hitched real quick like?" He laughed, thrusting harder and harder. "Seems like that could lead to me having an 'accident' in the line of duty and a quick annulment so whoever he marries you off to gets to be the 'first husband' on paper." He laughed and shook his head. "Seems like you and I would get to keep this going a lot longer if we were just discrete about it and you keep giving Daddy excuses about not getting hitched."

He finally placed his hands on her hips, holding her tight against him and leaning back, pulling her upright with him and keeping himself buried inside her in the process. He shifted backwards, turning and leaning back against the back of the sofa so she stayed on his lap, fixed in place with his cock deep inside her. "Come on then Riley. Show me what you've got."
Every grunt he made only turned her on even more. In her mind it was like he was a bit feral and she loved that! “You’re A police officer aren’t you so of course you can take charge! OHHH! Isn’t that your job?” He could tell her image of police officers were probably skewed considering the ones that she most likely met who were at the top. The ones that high up usually just barked orders and looks like they could control everything.

When he began explaining it it sounded like it made sense to her but now honesty her father probably would not allow something like that. “Why can’t it work like that? don’t you have power? I know officers have power.” Once again her vision was really fucked up. “How about you tell me what you would do in my situation if your father would try to marry you off to somebody. Hypothetically of course.” She needed ideas and her father was quite a stubborn man but she’s been alluding him so far especially since he was still young but he wanted her married off by at least 25 even though he was pushing for it sooner.

The moment he placed his hands on her hips and swap positions she whimpered feeling how he shifted inside of her but when she was moved to straddle him to a place in both hands on his shoulders and leaning with her nose touching his. He could see Riley give him a very cheeky grin. “You’re mine now…” She purred as her lips brushed against his when she talked before she pushed him against his own kissing him as she started to write him nice and slow lifting herself up and slamming her self down he could tell she was going to get into this as she just let her body do what it desired and this time he wouldn’t have to help her all you had to do is keep his hands on her waist as she started to write him like her life depended on it.
He laughed a little as she asked him for advice about what to do in her situation, hypothetically. "Well any time he wants you to meet someone, you could start by acting as insufferable as you did last night before I got you into the handcuffs. Or even worse." He teased. "Give them no reason to think you're going to get any better after you're married, demand expensive gifts up front for no reason other than you want them. Make yourself impossible to like and he's going to have a hard time finding anyone that will agree to marry you in the first place." He grinned down at her.

As they settled into their new position he was happy to let her kiss him, returning the kiss in turn, his lips and tongue moving hungrily against hers. He held her hips as she moved against him, taking him deep inside herself each time she slammed down hard against him. Soon the kiss broke and he reached up, cupping and squeezing her nice plump breasts as she rode him. With a grin he watched her moving over him, his cock disappearing into her over and over. "Mmm fuck yes Riley. Milk a lower class bastard baby out of me." He teased her.
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