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Dark Horse [EEE x DarkofNight] NSFW IMAGES

She was right about the drugs but she knew way more that she should have about many drugs on the street at least the higher end ones. “The synth ones get you high as a kite. I have a good few places in mind where we can have privacy and a back room and private table. Come on you’re gonna have a good night tonight it’s our birthday and besides they won’t notice that we’re gone they’ll just think I’m fucking your brains out.” She said that so nonchalantly like it was something normal and for her it was.

“Naw tonight you’re not paying especially after what you did with your tongue and fingers there’s no way I’m having you pay for anything after that besides I say we eat relax and yes I could go for another round. Truth be told I can feel you inside me I don’t let men come inside me but you are an exception. Don’t worry I have access to anything to make sure I won’t get pregnant consider yourself lucky that we’re birthday twins and that’s the only reason I want you feeling me. I’m not sure what to buy you for a birthday present either. All I want for my birthday is another creampie.” She joked as she let him out back and they wouldn’t have to walk her car wasn’t that far And she would lead him to a very high end restaurant where she didn’t even have to say anything and they let her right in. The wink only fueled her on as she would grab his hand and took him out leading him to a very fancy restaurant
He laughed softly as she led him out the secret entrance, placing a hand on her ass and giving it a squeeze. "You bought me drinks, sucked my cock, let me fuck you, now you're buying me dinner and we're going to fuck again... And you think you need to give me MORE for my birthday?" He chortled with laughter.

He was surprised to see she had a car waiting not far from the club. He rarely took rides in cars. The rare exception was for work too, when he'd had to take arrested suspects to jail. It was an occasional circumstance as a beat cop working on the streets when assault and petty robbery would happen right in front of him, and exceedingly rare now that he was on a special task force. This car was naturally much nicer as well, the seats were pleasant to sit in compared to the easy to clean molded plastic used for police transport vehicles.

He was equally surprised to find himself dragged by the hand into a quite posh looking restaurant, no one asked for her name or requested that she wait while they made a table ready for her, just a simple "Right this way Ms Gunner."
Normally when someone slapped her ass she would slap them back but when he did it she chuckled and wiggled it. “You amuse me and I like having you around consider it a blessing that you are so amazing.” There she was being cocky again but in her own way it was a compliment.

Riley was used to everyone waiting on her hand and foot and her car was waiting it was very nice with plush seats as they arrived at the restaurant. There was no way in hell she would be waiting and if she were she would find somewhere else but every place knew who she was and they don’t turn them away anyone as prolific as a Gunner. The weight staff ushered her into her own private area along with her guest and handed her guest a menu but not her. “The usual and drinks. He gets whatever he wants he’s with me don’t mess anything up. Remember I always like extra pickles.” She told the waiter who nodded quickly and gave her guest a moment to look.

Once they were alone she put her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands as she watched him. “I’m still surprised I’ve never seen you around before especially since we have the same birthday. Do you have a home so it was course you’re a cop and you told me so what kind of cop are you? Your card says bribery and corruption department what does that mean?” Riley knew what it meant but she had no idea what it meant for him was he on the sides of people like her or against them?

“So do I have to bribe you to fuck me again?” She blurted out without thinking as the wait staff brought back champagne that probably cost more than a bonus and gave him a glass too and placing the bottle in a bucket of ice on the table. She waved her hand to get them to go away since this was a private conversation and she didn’t want them hearing anything.
Rich looked over the menu he'd been presented with. There were no prices listed for any of the food on offer. He'd heard about menus like this from high end restaurants, the 'date' menu, printed that way so a woman or business client could order what they wanted without being concerned about prices.

He glanced over the menu quickly and ordered a steak medium rare and a glass of scotch. No sense complicating things if it was just a case of having a meal and a little conversation.

He shrugged and rolled his eyes as she asked why she hadn't seen him around before. "Do you know how much a cop makes? That beer I was drinking when we met was like a whole week's worth of pocket money for me." He laughed. "I work too much and don't make enough cash to hang out in places like that. If it wasn't my birthday I wouldn't have been anywhere near there."

"Bribery and corruption is a lame term. Mostly we bust mid level street dealers and pimps that pay local cops and city officials to look the other way. But you know, huge corporation donates a few million to the mayor's campaign... Well that's not bribery, it's just politics." He rolled his eyes again.

He couldn't help but smirk at her final question either. "Sounds like you're just looking for a reason for me to get the handcuffs out again." He winked slyly.
The menu was vast but Riley chose to order shrimp cocktail, filet mignon and and champagne not even thinking about the cost. This restaurant knew her and they didn’t even bother asking about how she would pay she already had a tab there. Rich ordered something easy and what she considers manly, The drinks would be the first things to come out an the waiter would let them know that refills were automatically done only for the sake of her new date to know.

“Don’t cops make a lot of money? I thought the cops were loaded my dad‘s friends who are chiefs and head to police or seem pretty well off.” That gave away how far away from reality she was kept. It was no surprise that the heads of the departments were loaded but anyone who wasn’t connected were just beat cops. As he began to explain she looked so confused and just didn’t understand how he didn’t make enough to go out and party but then again she didn’t work an honest days work all of her life. “Well let’s just say I’m happy you came for your birthday why didn’t you come last year? Or the year before?” She was used to having so much time on her hands she had nothing better to do and was wondering why his birthday wasn’t celebrated like hers every year. “I am guessing you graduated around the same time I did but I’m not doing anything with my degree my dad just wanted me to have it.” She didn’t bother saying like she had a degree in but she had one.

Once the drinks came she would sip and listen to him. His job is interesting. It was very interesting hearing about his job even though she didn’t understand much about it. Her father always took care of everything. When he finally asked his last question about the handcuffs she smirked at him and gave him a playful wink. “Maybe…. i’ve never been handcuffed like that before maybe you can arrest me and throw me in a jail cell…. i’ve never fucked in a jail cell I want to do it…. can you arrange something like that? At least I can talk to her boss about getting us private time I’m sure they’ll listen to me.” She probably shouldn’t be offering such a thing but honestly if she asked his boss or something and they knew who she was they would probably give it to her the question would be what would he allow it.
He laughed softly at her implication that police must be well paid because the chief and section heads were all well off. "I have a feeling that the chief and department heads get to benefit from some of the same kinds of political contributions as the mayor and the city council members do. Those of us that work on the clock don't get nearly that kind of compensation."

The question of celebrating his birthday made him a little less cheerful. "Well, I just started with the task force a few months ago. Before that I was working a beat. Even less spending money and no coworker that could guarantee I could get in. Last year I went to a corner bar in my neighborhood and had some drinks with friends. And for the record, I don't have a degree. I grew up in the country with my Mom and my grandfather. They couldn't afford to send me to school. I only moved to the city since there weren't many good jobs out that way, they didn't want me stuck working for an Ag Corp like my grandfather did all his life. I still try and send them money to help make ends meet once a month." He explained.

Then she brought up the idea of getting 'arrested' and fucked in a jail cell. "You want to get fucked in jail? You're crazy Riley." He laughed softly, shaking his head. "But I suppose if anyone could talk their way into that, you could. The trick would be finding an empty cell. And one where there weren't a lot of other prisoners across the way watching us the whole time."
Riley was actually listening she had no idea how it worked and she never worked a day in her life so she was just confused about how he wasn’t making as much as a police chief that was good friends with her father. “ and here I thought the police guys were loaded they’re always so nice when I see them though.” It didn’t occur to her that she was meeting the special task force and the people who are higher up than Rich.

When he began to speak about his birthday the smile on her face that was there with slowly fade as he explained how his life was much more difficult than her own. “I’m sorry to hear that. I thought everyone went to university.” That was how removed from normal society she was she couldn’t even contemplate that people did not go and get a degree. She was going to ask more questions but he was nice enough to change the topic about her getting fucked in a jail cell and she giggled again.

“You must have so much fun in jail cells that is like a fun place to get it on I’ve never done it before. Can you pull some strings and move some of those people over? I thought you had emptied all cells or maybe like… A private jail cell for fun?” Her ideas were beyond the pale and maybe it was a bit crazy but people like her were always looking for excitement. He luckily change the subject before she could ask more about his family and how much money he had to send home but she didn’t want to be too weird and say maybe she can just pay for his attention and he can send money home that way and that meant she would get more time with him. A party for forgot that he was still a human being and you couldn’t just purchase him for her fun.

When he called her crazy she started laughing. “I’m not crazy. I’m honestly bored out of my mind sometimes and I think a jail cell would be a real fun place to get fucked and none of my friends have done it.”
Riley's answers were all very telling really. The lives they'd lived up to this chance encounter on their shared birthday couldn't have been more different. She'd been raised in the lap of luxury with everything given to her and little expectation placed on her. He'd been raised more or less hand to mouth by a grandfather that had hardly any money saved and a mother doing off jobs for other people in the village on a kind of barter system, where she might mend clothing, make garments or blankets, and no credits were ever exchanged but things like food, coal or lamp oil would end up on their doorstep. It had never really occurred to him how problematic or rare it was for his mother to never have or use the credit banking system, all the money he'd been sending home went to his grandfather's account after all.

And that right there was the issue between them. Every day for him was a struggle, trying to make it to payday without another surprise expense eating up his bank account. Excitement as often as not was just from the status quo remaining the same and him having a bit to put into savings. Riley on the other hand didn't need to struggle. Everything was handed to her and the major thing she fought with was ennui. Clearly the way she fought back against it was a steady stream of booze, drugs, partying and fucking. Chasing whatever novelty presented itself as appealing in the moment.

So while she might say she could pull some strings for him at work, he didn't get his hopes up. Him fucking her was just the latest novelty she'd discovered. So he could have fun for now, getting expensive drinks and meals and getting laid, but he was just as certain the novelty would wear off before this could really bring him any permanent, worthwhile change in his life.

"I mean... I don't know anyone in corrections... But they make money having people in the cells, it's not like they can just put them somewhere else for an hour. The only kind of private cells are solitary. And we're not fucking in there. One crazy psycho that hasn't seen another human being in weeks hears you moaning and groaning and I'll bet they start going through the walls to get to you.
It was hard to believe someone born on her birthday lived such a different life. She had everything handed to her and was used to getting her way whereas Rich how to live the rougher side of things. Her father didn’t let her want for anything she was his princess and even though they did fight that was his daughter and his leverage she had no idea why she didn’t have a mother but all she needed was her father.

“To be honest I’m kind of jealous you have a mom I’ve never met my mother I don’t remember much about her I was just told she didn’t want me. I’m glad my dad kept me he tells me every day that I’m lucky.” She would finally say a bit more about herself but not give too much away. It was hard to miss someone who wasn’t there. Her father fed her so many lies about why she was unwanted over the years it was hard not to believe them.

“You are pretty interesting and let’s just say your birthday helps a bit. I know we’re not friends we’re just enjoying ourselves but I think he might be the realist person I’ve met.” Riley finally admitted aloud. “So… you just work and go home that’s all you do what if I paid you to hang out with me it wouldn’t be the first time. It won’t be the last either. Besides I’ve never had a cop friend.” She threw it out there like nothing and yes he was a latest novelty to her and as long as he was interesting and if he played his cards right she keep him around. Lifting her glass of champagne she played with her hair as a waiter brought her food and she would pick at it and eat what she liked and didn’t bother eating the vegetables end it was a lucky day for the waiter since normally she would throw a tantrum if she didn’t like something but she was occupied with her new toy.

When he mentioned how he could move anyone from the jail cell she pouted and when he mentioned solitary confinement she got excited but then he shut the idea down. “Don’t do you have an office or some thing we can do it there I mean it’s not a jail cell but it’s some thing. “ She was thinking he had more options but it hadn’t crossed her mind that he was just a low level officer.
He nodded along to her statement. "I don't really remember my Dad either. But my mom tells me he got her knocked up and ruined her life. At least your dad sounds like he cares about you. Maybe we should set up your dad with my mom." He joked, shaking his head. "No that'd be too weird with us already sleeping together." He smirked.

He looked almost shocked by her next suggestion though. "Excuse me? You want to pay me to hang out with you?" He laughed and took a pull from his glass. "That sounds like it's a small step from you paying to fuck me." He shook his head, trying not to be offended by the fact that he was essentially getting propositioned like a prostitute. "I've been pretty lax when it comes to you spoiling me with nice food and drinks, but I think that's where I have to draw the line."

He shook his head at her question about having an office. "I have a desk in the bullpen, so that if I need to ask one of my colleagues something I don't need to raise my voice too loud." He smirked. "We have a conference room, but it's got windows on two walls. I could lay you back on the conference table but then everyone in the department would see me railing you. And I think there's easier ways to impress my boss."
when he mentioned setting up her dad with his mom she chuckled as well. “My dad rarely dates he focuses more on business and politics I don’t even know if he even dates well more than just one night stands I’ve never really had a mom and even though I wanted one and try to talk him into marrying…. he really wasn’t into it. He told me I should count my blessings that I have a dad. “ she was going to continue but it seemed like it came from a hurtful place because she knew her dad loved her to appoint and that was the reason why he let her get away with so much.

She honestly thought it wasn’t a bad idea if she paid him to hang out with her but his reaction made her worry and frown. “What? I have a feeling you would hang out with me otherwise sex is one thing and sex is pretty damn easy. You seem chill and fun and besides I highly doubt you were come out for a drink if I called you had a random hour.” Riley was trying her best to plead her case she didn’t even see what was wrong and asking for such a thing.

When he mentioned his office and help with set up he could see how Riley got a smirk of mischief on her face. “Soooo… if I came to your office and picked you up maybe your boss to promote you when you have free time that I can do the questions how do you want me to dress and how do you want me to demand your time?” If he would not let her pay him to hang out she would find a way to make sure he had time for her she was not the type of woman to take no for an answer.
He smiled and rolled his eyes. "What's wrong with just hanging out with you because I enjoy it? Sure, I have a job and stuff to do on my off hours, but I'm sure you have ways of making it worth my time without putting a credit value on it." He suggested.

They were interrupted as their food was brought in for them, the wait staff trying their hardest not to keep the affluent heiress waiting or giving her any reason for displeasure. After their food was placed and drinks refilled, the staff quickly made themselves scarce.

"Maybe we should hold off on you showing up to my office and demanding I get a promotion." Sure, she was being generous in theory, promising a lot, but he was still certain he was the flavor of the week for her. The last thing he wanted was for her to start demanding special treatment for him and for him just to be teased for months as a rich girl's sugar baby after she moved on.
When he answered that he liked hanging out She look confused since she had her court group that always hang out with her but usually it was because of who their families were. “Because i’ve never hung out with someone who wasn’t related or part of the social group I have I don’t know how it works with you.” For once Riley answered honestly.

When the food arrived she smiled and complimented the waiter and told them to complement the chef and they looked like they had relief written all over their faces because if she got mad it would’ve been very bad for anyone working.

Picking up her knife and fork she would slowly cut into it and take a small bite before she started laughing when he told her to hold off on demanding a promotion for him just yet. “Don’t do you want to move higher in your job I can totally make that happen it’s so easy and besides you’re interesting and if they take away time from me I’m sure they’ll be more likely to promote you so you have more free time.” She was getting ahead of herself but so far she liked him and she was used to getting her way and a part of her was saying that says he was not giving her what she wanted and she was going to get it somehow.
He took up his own knife and fork, cutting into his steak, pleased to see it was cooked exactly as he wanted. He took a few bites, savoring as he chewed. This had clearly come from a real cow, and likely one that at some point in its life had tasted real grass at that. The last time he'd eaten this well was back in the country with his grandfather.

"Well I mean, initially I was willing to write you off as a spoiled little rich girl, all too entitled and self centered. But you have your good qualities too. You really going to tell me no one just wants to spend time with you because they enjoy it?" He asked her quizzically as he dug into his meal.

"Seriously though, you can't just demand I get a promotion. I only just made lieutenant a few months ago. If I just got promoted again it would be clear that it was someone pulling strings for me. I know you're looking for a way to get more and more of my time, but the job I have to earn, it's not the same if it's just given to me."
Riley took her time eating but she was listening to him as she sipped her champagne. The food was very good here and now with her new playtoy she could relax. Eating slowly and taking her time she could tell that she wasn’t really big fan of carrots as she was pushing them off to the side and being a bit wasteful by not eating them. It was good food but she was obviously picky.

“Oh?” She looked up at him curiously when he said he was gonna write her off as being a spoiled rich girl and she wanted to hear more. “What changed? What is the sex that good? I bet that changed your mind.” She said snuggly thinking she had him under her spell. “I dunno. I’ve never really made friends naturally. There are always options with my dad‘s friends and with people my age even when I was a little girl it was always connected groups especially because we were of the same social class I rarely get to make friends on my own. The group you met we have all families who run corporations or other high technical jobs. Do you only have cop friends?” She asked curiously if he had the same exact situation is just with police officers.

When he told her she could not demand his promotion even though she wanted more time with him he could see how pouty she got. “Are you sure? If I ask or pull rank so I can get whatever the hell I want and I can get your promotion and make sure they don’t ask questions. I don’t know why you don’t appreciate that I think it’s a nice gift don’t you think?” She didn’t quite get that it would make him look bad especially since that’s how she got whatever she wanted. “So…. how long do I have to wait before I lightly pushed for your promotion?” at least she was backing off slightly it wasn’t much but she was at least trying.
Rich smirked and swallowed his bite of steak. "That good? You pretty much just laid there and took what I gave you. Not that you had much choice." He grinned as he reached over with his fork, taking one of the carrots off her plate without asking. "No, I thought you'd be furious that I made you swallow and then take a creampie. But then you got real nice real fast." He laughed before taking a sip of his scotch. "It's like the spoiled rich girl who can have anything she wants at a simple thought just likes being treated like someone else's property to do with as they please." He grinned.

The change of conversation topic was probably a good thing. Talking about this so explicitly could well get her in the mood and see her trying to get that next creampie she'd already told him she wanted without waiting.

"I mean, we're not close friends or anything. But I do go out for drinks with my coworkers after a long day. To be honest, I've not really made a lot of close friends here in town myself. Mostly just neighbors and people I work with." He shrugged. "But you don't get to pull rank. I have to earn the promotion. And the more my new sugar momma pulls me away from work, the longer it's going to take." He teased her with a smirk.
When he said that it didn’t take much to make Riley blush before she pouted and stuck her tongue out at him. “You’re stronger than me and you one and you are just very lucky that you are extremely sexy and cute and that’s why I took it. Trust me I don’t take things like that from men I’m very picky so consider yourself special.” She said with a cute little smirk. it was adorable how he took her carrots and she offered them to him she really hated them even though they were pretty delicious it was just she never liked carrots.

“To be honest if you were anyone else I would’ve been furious at both of those things. Maybe I was a little more lenient because we share the same birthday.” She gave a little shrug but she just felt comfortable with him even though he made her take it. “ don’t tell anyone I told you this but you’re the first person to not be terrified of doing something like that to me. It’s nice to be treated like a princess but all the time? You were the first guy who did his own thing instead of trying to make sure everything is perfect and you didn’t ask me to get my dad to do something for you.” She laid it out and honestly that was pretty much it most men will try to butter her up for everything.

When he mentioned he had not made many friends other than some neighbors and then told her she could not just pull rank she huffed. Puffing out her cheeks as if that would help him change his mind. “Fiiiiiine….. i’ll let you work sometimes but I’m gonna demand that you make time for me or else your sugar mama will get bored.” She teased him and hoped he could take a joke.
He helped himself to a few more carrots, which certainly weren't bad but also weren't particularly the food he was craving at the moment either. It was more a symbolic act of taking whatever he wanted from her without permission... Then again maybe her offering up more to him exuberantly when he took something from her was symbolic too.

He smiled at her admission. "What's the point of money and power if you can't get what you need?" He shrugged playfully. "Sounds like these club boys you're running around with are just dicks attached to giant pussies and not one is them knows how to treat you like a woman." He smirked.

What he was about to say was admittedly completely audacious. Any rational man would never say it, thinking there was no way she'd go for it. Then again being excessively confident with her had served him pretty well so far.

He leaned over the table, placing his hand on hers and letting his voice drop to a lower register, as if what he was going to say was for her ears alone. "I'll make you a deal Riley... You agree right here, right now, that you belong to me, that you are my property to do with as I please, and I'll make sure you get all the creampies your little heart desires." He offered with a grin.
Riley honestly didn’t mind since she was eating something she definitely did not want she had no idea why she hated carrots even though they were pretty delicious it just wasn’t something she liked and she forgot to tell the waiter to take them off. In her eyes, Rich Was doing something for her that she didn’t ask him to do and that was a good sign since it looked like he was turning out to be a good pet.

when he asked about what’s the point of having money and power when she couldn’t get what she needed she shrugged. “I may not get what I need but I get what I want and besides money can buy whatever you want. I have food, clothing and anything else if I just asked for it. I’ve never needed for anything.” That was very true especially since her father made sure she was extremely comfortable and got what she wanted.

When he talked about the boys in the club she giggles snorted and he was not lying about that since all they did was fall over her and do exactly what she wanted. They never told her no or even gave her boundaries he was the first one to actually do something against the grain.

When he leaned off the table and touched her hand with his he had her full attention but what he would say next was some thing she wasn’t even expecting. With his voice dropping low he offered a very interesting proposition. “And do I need to sign a contract for this or is my word the only thing you need? Now I’m curious. Is this for a week or a month or for as long as you tell me too?” She was trying to figure out what kind of contract they were making but by the way she looked at him he knew she was going to say yes no matter what he told her especially since it was interesting and he was quite novelty.
He smiled and shook his head. "Never needed anything you say?" He laughed softly. "And yet here you are trying any way you can think of to keep seeing me?" He gave her a sly smirk. "Wonder how long I could hold out on you before you start to understand what needing something feels like? Might be fun to see how that works out for you." He shrugged, his grin looking a little cruel.

He cocked an eyebrow at her question. "No contracts. Nothing to sign. This is your word, your honor, you fail it and it's just a reflection on you yourself. And this lasts until we both agree to end it. It's very simple really." He smiled, leaning back in his seat. He was almost certain she wouldn't agree to it, and even if she did, she wouldn't take it seriously.

That didn't matter all that much. The fun was in the asking, the pushing her, being a little disarming towards her. He was after all the flavor of the week. He might as well enjoy the fun of sleeping with her as long as it lasted, without a lot of expectation for anything long term.
“You i’m very fortunate I find it interesting and the fact that we share the same day of birth makes you even more rare. To be honest I have a feeling you would miss me if I vanished wouldn’t you?” Riley would try to turn the tables on him. When he told her it was her word she looked thoughtful about it and it seemed legit but it was very strange to not have a contract.

“I’ve Never done something with just my word my dad is very big on contracts. I’ll agree to this if we have a contract it’s just business right?” Her father had raised her very well and had a contract made sure no one was left out and nothing would be a surprise. “ how about this just something for us to keep to ourselves if you have a contract you’ll feel safer and if I have one I know nothing that’ll happen but I’ll agree to it what do you think?” Riley was trying and this was new to her but she was actually agreeing as long as she had something to keep for herself.
He shrugged at her attempt to turn the tables back on him. "Maybe. Maybe not. We've only just met after all." The last thing he was going to do was give her the satisfaction of him expressing any kind of attachment since they'd only just met. This might well be a once in a lifetime event, meeting and fucking a spoiled little princess whose wealth some would generally consider obscene... But it wasn't in his nature to fawn over that kind of behavior. If anything his job had left him more than a little jaded and suspicious towards her social class in general.

Maybe that was why he had little interest in actual physical contracts. He shook his head and moved his hand away from hers. "A real paper contract? Why, so you can have an army of lawyers go over every word with a fine toothed comb, until they've found enough loopholes you could tunnel your way out through?" He shook his head.

"You want a paper contract? We can make it easy. Grab a pen." He smirked and handed her a small white cocktail napkin that has come with their drinks. "Just write: 'I, Riley Gunner, belong to Richard Wayland, from this moment forward until he releases me to my own liberty.' And then sign it in blood." He teased.
Rich did have a point and he seem to call her out at everything she did which she found absolutely amusing. He knew she had an arsenal of attorneys at her beck and call but she was curious how he would handle it and as he moved his hand from hers to get a napkin. Her full attention was on that as she leaned in closer letting her long red hair flow over her shoulders.

With a snap of her fingers she got a waitress to bring over a pen and her hand writing was impeccable lovely cursive as she wrote out what he told her to and then she made sure there was a place for him to sign as well.

“Well. You have to give me something too how about I own that cock of yours until I release you. “ she was used to always getting her way and after she wrote that she was waiting for him to add something to make it more appetizing to her. “Maybe I should have a right you’ll fuck only me for the duration of this contract. At least put something in my phone and I’ll sign it in blood and I expect you to do the same.” Riley was trying to make sure she at least got something out of it too and she wanted to monopolize his attention.
It was impressive how quickly she was willing to jump into action to take him up on his ridiculous offer. For a moment he thought she was actually going to go through with it. It would probably be easy enough to use one of their steak knives to get a bit of blood out of her fingertip after all. But her 'business sense' seemed to stop her at the last minute. He'd almost expected something like that.

He leaned back and shook his head. "No. This isn't about equitable exchange." He laughed, taking another bite of his dinner. He was amused but still doubtful she was actually going to go through with this. "This is about you surrendering yourself to me." He sipped at his drink, watching her expression as he refused to play along with her demands. "This is a terrible business decision. Your father would probably be furious that you're even considering it." He smirked.

"But I do think you're overestimating my social calendar. Just because one of your friends seems willing and eager for a turn doesn't mean I'm presented with willing holes to use for my own enjoyment everywhere I go. It's just been an exceptionally fortunate night."
“You should know by now I need something out of it to you if you’re gonna get all of this.” She motion to her body especially her chest. “Don’t be a worse it’s just your cock I’m not asking for your mind or soul I want that to myself and I’m sure any woman you talk to you would say the same thing if you’re going to be fucking them. You still get more out of it I just demand that your manhood will only be fucking me.” Riley was insistent on this and she wondered if he wouldn’t relent and give her at least that much.

“Trust me it’s not equitable considering you get so much more out of this. I can do whatever I want my father is going to have to deal with it whether he likes it or not but it all depends on if you agree to that much I will sign it in blood.” He was being extremely forward and wondering if he would actually go through with it and agree with her.

“Now… just agreed to that one little addition and I’ll be presentable to you since I have the free time. See? I can be flexible if you just listen to me.” She will pick up her own knife and play with it wondering if he would put that extra line in there as she was ready and waiting to Nick her finger with her sharp knife.
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