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Jugger82 and I. ^_^

Nathan- Eh. I was already dead when he made the deal. He was at my gravesite when he made the deal with my soul. My soul will just return to the grave and all will be okay for me. I have a long...long patience for another idiot.
Alana bit her lip and looked at him, "You're stronger than he is, you can carry me back and then we'll do the seperation and you'll get a human body," she said looking at him.
Nathan- EEeeh....why should I carry you? I don't really need a human body. Besides, I could fly out right now if I wanted to and leave you stranded. I'm all for safe, you're not.
"But if you did have a human body you wouldn't have to wait for another idiot," she reasoned with him. "And you still don't have full control over him so it's no use," she added.
Nathan- Half a body is better than none. And I could just go to the ritual myself if I wanted to. Face it, I think the only way for you to get off is if you convince me. And I'm all for ready to do it if enough.

He smirked.
Alana nodded knowing there was no other way out of this, 'I've done it before so it's really no big deal.' "Fine, what do you want me to do to you? Right now?" she asked.
Nathan- You do know that I'm gonna make it so your boyfriend watches. He's going to hate you even more. Besides, can you even trust me? What if I just fuck you and bail leaving you here?
"He'll get over it some day if he really loves me, and then that's how it goes I guess," she said with a shrug. "I have to atleast try right?" she asked.
Nathan just laughed.

Nathan- Do you want to hear his true thoughts toward you? I can make it happen. I feel everything he does and so he does to my thoughts and emotions. Do you really want to hear what he thinks of you?
Alana thought for a moment and knew that it could be bad, but there was a chance that it could be good too. "Yes... tell me," she said carefully.
Nathan- "You dirty little whore!!" and "I wish I never met you! I should have listened to your mother!", "You should have killed me when you had the chance! I hate you!" Does that answer?
"If that's really the case, then I don't deserve to die for him. But I'm not staying here," she said looking at him. "Do you really get that much pleasure out of this? Killing people from the inside slowly? making them hate themselves?" she asked.
Nathan- Would you believe me if I say "yes"? Hahaha. Have fun.

He let the real Nathan take over. Nathan looked at her with sorrowful eyes.

Nathan- A-Alana....I....I....

He was so ashamed.
Alana couldn't look at him, just by his reaction she knew that he had been telling the truth. "It's fine, you don't have to say anything," she said quietly.
Nathan- I don't deserve you Alana....

He ran over to her and hugged and kissed her deeply.

Nathan- I'm gonna get rid of this thing......good bye...

He plunged into the ocean where he began to sink.
Alana shook her head as she watched him dive in, there was just something about him that she couldn't let go. Crying out she jumped in after him grabbing him by the hand and beginning to pull him back up.
Nathan- !!

HE began to struggle with her to let him go so he would sink. It was hard enough to fight the enraging demon from taking over his body, but to fight off Alana as well would make it difficult. HE began to spur out air bubbles to quicken the drowning process.
"Stop.!" she screamed in the water as she began to pull him faster towards the surface even though it was harder. Her head came out first and she spurted out water as she began to make way towards the life boat.
Nathan was now unconscious due to air loss and so was the demon inside. He could do nothing but he dragged away to the life boat. His heart rate was slowing.
Alana lifted him up on the boat with all her strenth and she immediatly began doing CPR, "Come on Nathan, don't do this to me. You owe me," she cried pumping at his chest trying to get the water out.
"I don't know Nathan, I just couldn't let you die," she said truthfully running a hand through his hair.
Nathan- D-Demons can't cry...though I did so before.......please...don't...don't...

He began to tear up before breaking into a loud sob as he held her close.
Alana wasn't sure what to do, so much had happened in the last few hours days even that she was mentally exhausted. "I just want to be with you, that's all." she said quietly.
Nathan- Alana...I'm so sorry....He made me say things that I never wanted to admit...I'm so so deserve so much better than me...

He cried some more. The demon inside still unconscious.
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