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Jugger82 and I. ^_^

Nathan was still silent. He was still silent about the fact she said she hated demons. He turned away from her and said nothing but a murmur to himself.

Nathan- And I'm slowly drifting out of it because of him...
"I really don't hate demons, Nathan. I was just mad at the time okay?" she said quietly running a hand through her hair.
Nathan- Just be quiet...I want to enjoy this trip in silence...

He was noticing he was pushing her away too. He figured things were never going to work out between them anymore. He sighed and stayed silent.
Alana nodded, 'I guess I deserve that,' she thought to herself but it still stung, enough to bring tears to her eyes. Covering her mouth she wanted to make sure no sobs came out as she cried silently.
Nathan could feel her sorrow but said nothing. He could feel the presence inside him laughing. He shifted over so he was over the side of the boat and sighed.

Nathan- Should've never came to town those years ago...
Alana listened to him but didn't reply, she just wanted to get the demon out of his body and hoped everything would be fine. 'How long will it be before we're found?' she thought looking up into the sky.
Nathan- Possibly. But I'm not sure if they'd believe me. Even if I showed them I was a demon I'd be killed on the spot. Its either me or none of us is the only way I can see it.
Alana looked at him confused, "So you would leave me here?" she asked because that's what she got out of it.
Nathan sighed. He didn't have any intentions on dying but he didn't want to leave her out there to die. But he wanted to answer her question so he didn't leave her in the dark, as much as he didn't want to answer.

Nathan- Yes...
Alana bit her lip and nodded she couldn't speak, she was in shock. Her eyes began to water up again but she closed them tightly to get the feeling away, she felt like her chest was caving in on her, "I.. I.." she couldn't find words. "Don't you love me?" she asked.
Alana looked at him and then looked away suddenly, "Fine. Leave me. I'm fine with dying, like it's been pointed out so many times this last week I don't deserve to live, I have no reason for it. Just go, get rid of him some how." she muttered weakly.
Alana shrugged, "You are already losing me, you don't care about me the same way you did before the accident or even yesterday, you can't say you do." she sighed.
Nathan- Its...

He was trying to find the right words to say but he couldn't. Because of what was inside him, they had drifted so far apart.

Nathan- ... I'm gonna die here...with you.
Alana watched him wondering if he meant it, "Are you sure there's no way that we're going to make it out of this?" she asked.
Nathan felt even more sorrow now. She wanted to spend time with the demon rather than him for his last moments. HE sighed before letting the demon take over.

Nathan- Yes love? Man it feels great to be on the open ocean.

He smirked.
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