Jugger82 and I. ^_^

Alana nodded as he was thrusting into her, she new that she would have to cum soon but she tried to hold out on it. "Mmmm," she moaned softly.
Nathan frowned.

Nathan- Not the reaction I was expecting but...

He pulled his cock out and began to poke her asshole with the tip of it and soon pressed in enough to prod her, but not really penetrate her.
Nathan- I will...

He slowly slid his cock into her asshole until it was all the way in. He bent over and began to kiss her lips as he slowly thrust into her.
Alana bit her lip as she felt him slide all the way in, as he did so she moaned. She felt herself clench against him, it seemed like she was pulling him in farther.
Nathan- Alana...

He kissed up and down her neck and to her collar bone as he thrusted into her. He went a little faster and could feel she was a virgin in her asshole because she was so tight.
Alana smiled as he said her name, she clawed into the seat as he thrusted into her. "Oh it feels so good in my ass," she cried.
Nathan just chuckled a bit.

Nathan- Too bad Nathan's not here to see this. Heheheh.

He pinned her arms to the seat as he began to thrust into her even faster and rougher. Upon reminding her, he was sure she'd most likely attack him.
Alana gasped as she realized what she was doing, looking up at him she bit her lip and looked away ashamed. 'I'm enjoying this way too much,' she thought to herself. Now angry more at herself before letting herself forget. "Haven't you had enough?" she asked glaring up at him.
Nathan- Hahaha. Yes actually. You've already enjoyed fucking another...presence shall we say. And best of all Nathan was here to watch it all.

Nathan fell unconscious onto her and he slowly opened his eyes to see her. He was now the actual Nathan rather than the possession.

Nathan- A-Alana...

He pulled out of her and moved away from her. He didn't look at her.
Alana bit her lip seeing his reaction, "Nathan... I couldn't help it. I didn't want to have to hurt you so I just did what he told me to," she said quietly trying not to cry.
Nathan- Yeah...You did what he told you to but you enjoyed it...J-Just drive...alright....just drive...

He still didn't want to talk to her because he might either go into an outrage or depression because of his mixed feelings. He never looked at her and strayed far from her.
"I... I couldn't help it," she said sadly before getting back into the front seat and beginning to drive again. Tears ran down her face as she pulled back onto the rude and found her way back to the highway.
Nathan lay in the backseat, not even feeling the presence of whatever it was that possessed him. But he was sure that whatever it was, it was laughing at him. Laughing at the sorrow between the two. Nathan didn't look or speak to Alana though he could tell she was sad. Part of him was saying she deserved the pain she felt but another part wanted to just hug her and comfort her saying everything was alright.
Alana drove quietly not sure what to say, she was sure that Nathan hated her now. 'Why did I have to be so stupid?' she thought to herself wishing that she hadn't enjoyed it so much. It wasn't long before they had reached the docks where they would board the boat across the ocean.
Nathan got out and looked at the boat. His depression didn't even make the boat scary anymore. In fact, he was willing to die now if the boat were to sink.

Nathan- Aren't you going to chain me up or something....
"No, I'm sure you aren't going anywhere right now," she said quietly as she got out of the car and locked the door. Grabbing the bags out of the back she handed him the bags and began to walk towards the boat.
Nathan got onto the boat but strayed from Alana. He sat down below deck and huddled in a corner as he waited for the voyage to start. He just wanted to be alone right now but he also wanted Alana to come down and start conversation with him rather than him doing so. He couldn't, his heart was broken.
Alana watched as Nathan moved away from her and sighed, 'I screwed up,' she mumbled to herself before taking her time to explore the deck. Soon she decided it was best to go check on him, biting her lip she headed below deck and found him, "How are you doing?" she asked quietly.
"I'm fine," she said before moving towards him. "Nathan, please don't be mad at me," she said softly looking at him as she bit her lip.
Alana watched him, "Are you sure, because you have every right to be," she said told him taking another step towards him.
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