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Jugger82 and I. ^_^

Alana sighed and sat down not sure what to say, "Nathan..." she began but not wasn't sure what the words to follow should be.
"I don't believe you," she said softly looking at him with a frown. "What can I do to make it up to you?" she asked.
Alana nodded, "I'll try my best," she said softly. "Do you want anything? Are you hungry? Thirsty?" she asked.
(I just watched the famous "The Thing" Blood Test Scene and that shit scared the hell out of me for being an under rated horror movie lol)

Nathan's head looped low and it brought up and he smirked. Possessed.

Nathan- I'm back love. Hahaha.
(Haha I've never seen it. :D. Have you seen The Ring?)

Alana let out an annoyed sigh and moved away from him, "Don't you need to rest or something?" she grumbled glaring at him.
(No and I don't plan to lol. I don't like watching Scary Movies minus Resident Evil, thats an awesome game series and movie series)

Nathan shook his head.

Nathan- I'm not here for pleasure this time. More of a warning. When you turn your little boyfriend into an angel, I'll get my own body meaning you'll release me into this world.
"The two of us together could do some damage," she said watching him carefully, "So I've been warned, are you leaving now?" she asked.
Alana glared at him, "Fine, you should be okay down here then," she said before heading back upstairs.
"What the hell are you doing?!" she screamed running down and watching as the water begin to fill the boat.
Alana darted towards him and scooped Nathan up before rushing upstairs, right now she couldn't let him see the water. "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck," she groaned placing him on the deck. "What am I going to do? I fucking hate demons?" she cussed pacing the deck.
"Sometimes, that comes to mind, but ones that like to rape me and make life hell for me in general." she snapped before sprinting towards the boats, more words had came to mind about that sentence but she kept her mouth shut.
Nathan kept silent as he dropped into the boat with her. He could see the passengers coming but he cut the lining so the life boat fell into the water.

Nathan- They can find their own lifeboat, this is just one of many.
Alana watched as the boat began to sink, 'I hate my life,' she thought turning away from Nathan. Luckily they hadn't been too far away from shore, someone was bound to rescue them soon.
Nathan- You shouldn't hate it.

He stayed away from her at they sat on the lifeboat. They were the only ones in the area, the other lifeboats drifted away with their people on it.
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