(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

"I know but I also know you so" Grant watched her head out before looking back at Clay and Vincent "I shall go speak to my king and see if he will join in the battle"
Azalea was just chuckling before she was waving a hand and heading to the armory. A few of the men that were there were definitely looking at her like she was insane as she was going over to test the weight of some of the sword.
Grant headed off to speak with their king to see if he would join in the fight or if he would go and hide. Grant knew the man could fight so he wondered what his king would do
Hayden was just looking towards the door as it was opening to see what Grant was standing there which had him questioning what he was wanting.
"I have come to see if you are going to join in the battle or if you are going to go below and hide with the others" Grant looked at him and waited to see what he would do
Hayden was just looking over before he was commenting, "Hide and not get to see the mad king meet death.... I don't think so. I will naturally join the battle."
Hayden was following after him although he found himself a bit shocked to see that Caly was there, and at some point while they had been gone she had changed into something else. Something easier to move in and she was still wearing her usual veil.
Hayden was just looking over for a brief moment in time before he was commenting, "Kind of to be honest." This had Caly looking over before she was giggling, "I am most definitely not just a pretty face."
Hayden was just commenting that he wasn't sure that she would be much use to them at all although he found himself a bit startled when she was actually challenging him to a duel. A dangerous thing since he was a dangerous fighter as well.
Caly was just smiling before she was taking her sword from that of one of her soldiers who was asking if she was serious, which had her commenting that she was dead serious.
There were a few soldiers that were whispering to one another and seemed a bit nervous - knowing how ferocious of a warrior that Hayden could be. Although they were being held back by the arrival of Caly's general who was just leaning against a fence post to watch at that point in time.
In the end the dual was ending in a tie and it seemed like there was no set determined winner. Caly was just looking towards Hayden before she was speaking, "My mother, the former queen, was the general of the armies. And growing up I was taught how to be a ruler and I was taught how to be a warrior." The best way to protect her home, to be both a warrior and a queen.
Caly was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "Yes some woman can be warriors." With that she was turning so that she could head off and put the sword away. As she was doing that Azalea seemed to be coming up with a sword strapped to her back and was stating that she was going to head off.
Grant looked at her and so did Vincent the two then wished her luck and Grant reissued his statement to stay safe. while he knew she was strong he still worried as this would be a surprise attack
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