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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Caly was giving a nod of her head before she was getting up and heading out of her office, heading towards the training grounds where Grant was at currently - and Azalea was there as well again. Perfect. Made things easy. As she approached the soldiers that were training were all halting to greet her.
Grant looked over at her when she walked into the training ground and then looked at Azalea and motioned to the queen as he could tell she wanted to talk to them
Azalea was looking over before giving a slight bow which had Caly waving away the formalities. "I have come to ask if you would be willing to align yourselves with me in this fight against the mad king.... Even should your king decide to not partake in this fight." Caly was speaking which had the red haired general giving a nod before she was commenting "Yes. While I hate disobeying my king... My dislike for the mad king is stronger." Yet the mad king... Also had to do with her own child so long ago... A past out Grant knew about, he had been the only one she had trusted to talk to. When she had been violated by the mad king and had ended up pregnant. But she had grown to love her child anyways... Until it hadn't survived through birth.
Grant nodded his head "I will aid you as well he needs to be taken down" Grant remembered what his friend had gone through and he wanted to see the man pay for his crimes. even if their king didn't fight he would stand with her to take the man on as he was a fool and needed to be put in his place or better yet killed
Caly was giving a nod before she was speaking "I cannot say when he will make a move but I predict that it will be soon. He is unpredictable but predictable all at once."
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