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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Caly was just watching for a brief moment as she was just pushing a bit of her hair out of her face before she was speaking in a soft voice, "And we also have the issue of the mad king to deal with..."
"yes we do but with this your work load is decreased so you can deal with him when the time comes" Alfred would send his sons to aid her when he was ready to retire after he trained them
Alfred nodded his head and then he looked at Vincent and spoke "I suggest if you two are going to wed that you do so before the Mad King gets here"
"that way one of you can stay and reassure the people while the other is on the battle field as I will not say who should do what as it is not my place" Alfred knew that some of the people would need then reassurance
Caly was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "That may be difficult either way. The people don't know Vincent well enough to feel confident with him leading the army, but they also wouldn't feel confident with him leading the kingdom if I'm on the battlefield." But at that point in time... she knew that she needed some kind of distraction from the fact that her father had just passed. Being on the battlefield was the perfect spot for her in that aspect.
Vincent touched her arm and then looked at her "we will do what ever you feel is right " Vincent knew she was right the people didnt know him and it would be odd to expect them to trust him in any way given that they didnt know who he was or anything like that
Caly was just looking for a moment in time before she spoke, "It might be best for me to go out onto the battlefield. Not to say that I do not trust you but.... I do not know how talented of a warrior you are. There is a chance you could be a liability to the soldiers. But at least... You have experience leading people." After all he did lead the rebellion and that took quite a bit as well.
"I understand where you are coming from while I did learn to wield a sword when I was younger it has been some time since I have wielded one and I would be a risk to the men on the battlefield" Vincent looked at her and smiled lightly to reassure her that her words hadn't upset him at all
Calypso was nodding her head before she was just letting out a slow breath of air and tilting her head back some, rubbing her head a bit. "And we do have the added help of Hayden and his generals on our side. "
Caly was just letting out a small breath of air before she was just pushing a bit of hair from her face before she was looking out the window for a brief moment in time. After that she was looking towards the advisor before she was speaking, "Lets put the city on alert... Have everybody evacuate to the bunkers other than the soldiers." No she wasn't going to let the mad king get the upper hand... she wasn't going to allow him to hurt her people because she had decided to wait until he declared war. They all knew that he was going to strike without warning - or at least think he is striking without them knowing.
Alfred nodded his head "will do my queen" he then turned and left to send out the order to but the city on alert so that they could get the innocent out of the mad King's reach. Vincent walked over to her and spoke softly "what can I do to help"
Calypso was just looking before she was speaking "Speak to your people and tell them they have two choices. They can either follow my people to safety or they can help right. They will probably listen to you more. And then there is speaking with King Hayden and his generals.... "
"we will speak to the king and his generals together to provide a united front and I will talk to them they will probably go into hiding as none of them are fighters" Vincent worried about her going on to the battle field but he also knew she would do as she wanted
Calypso was just looking before she questions "And how do you know I am good ruler? I could be as horror as my father in truth and just put on a facade."
"because you care you didn't have to help me or my people you didn't have to agree to take the king and his generals in but you did and you did so knowing that very little would come from it" Vincent could tell she was a good person and he would remind her of that every day
"I ll be here to help so don't worry" Vincent then hugged her close before looking at her "I am going to go talk with my people and get them moved so that they are safe"
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