(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

"Women can't be generals." The young man was scoffing and Caly was just letting out a small breath as rubbed her head a bit. No she wasn't going to say anything about anything... After all the current general of her own army had been trained by her mother, who had been a warrior as well.
Caly was just looking before she spoke "He is an orphan from the mad kings empire. Woman are looked down on there. Nothing but child bearers and home keepers. They are to be there for looks but nothing more."
"then he has a lot to learn while he is here" Grant understood where the boy was coming from but he was also ignoring that he was in a different kingdom with different customs
Caly was nodding her head before she spoke "He has been told that many times in the last year. Never listens. He just hasn't gotten to see me spar with my generals yet."
"let Azalea show him what she's got and if that doesn't show him they you can" Grant didn't want to destroy the boys confidence just teach him a lesson
Caly was just nodding her head before she was speaking "Right now... I will let others deal with things as needed." Her attention was turning towards a few of the more bothersome advisors as they were coming over to speak to her on stuff.
Caly was just looking for a mental before she spoke "They should know not to be bothering me as it is. There is a reason... I have dressed in all black from head to toe. I am in mourning - not suppose to be bothered unless it is dire. Their problems should be going to the eldest of them for the time being."
Grant nodded his head “we heard about the king you have our condolences” Grant knew her fathers death was because of his king but he still felt for her
Caly was just shaking her head before she was speaking "His health has long since been fading. He was acting strong and try to make it seem like he wasn't weakening." It wasn't long before the advisors were coming over and just seemed to be asking a couple of questions... Or attempting to until a spear came flying out of nowhere and landed between them and the queen. Well that startled them for sure and had them taking a step back. "I am so sorry... It is my weapon of choice and it just slipped right out of my hand. I'm glad nobody was hurt." Came the voice of Azalea as she walked over. Caly had the feeling it had been on purpose and Grant would know it had been.
Grant held back a laugh at the woman's antics but he didn't say anything knowing full well that the men would throw a fit if they found out she had done it on purpose. Grant then pulled it from the ground and offered it back to her so she could go back to her match
Azalea was just taking it back before she was smiling innocently and just apologizing again which had them stating that she was crazy and needed to go back to training, but it definitely had them leaving rather quickly. This did have Caly chuckling a bit before she was questioning, "Was that on purpose?" "Yes it was." Azalea was chuckling.
Grant chuckled "you wouldn't have been hurt but I can not say if she was aiming for them or not but she was making sure that they didn't get close to you" Grant then looked at Azalea "having fun?"
Caly was nodding her head before she spoke, "If he wishes to retreat then there is a safe place for him as well." Although it wasn't long before one of the scouts was running over and whispering something to her. This had her giving a nod before she was speaking, "We have already evacuated the village and the villagers have already gone underground into hiding. So let the Mad King think that he has the upper hand on us."
Vincent soon returned with his people and they headed below a few of the older men stayed with him though and held bows in their hands. they would act as snipers on the battle field from the tree line allowing themselves to stay safe while aiding their new queen
Caly was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was looking towards the scout before she spoke, "Send a small squad to the canyon. Make it seem as though we decided to plan an ambush on them there. Tell them to proceed with caution."
Vincent walked over to Clay and Grant and then spoke "my people are below they were not keen on it but I told them it was just until the war was over to keep them safe"
Caly was just commenting, "I figured that they would be a bit against it." With that she was just letting out a breath of air and watching as her scout was heading off so that he could pass on the word. Azalea was just looking over before she questioned, "What is the plan with the canyon?" "I'm hoping that if the Mad King thinks that we are going to ambush him there that he will retreat and try a different route. Give us a bit more time to evacuate. His other options is through the old ruins... which would give him a small advantage as he does know those ruins better but we would make it work. He could try striking from the mountain pass but that would take time to get there and the trek is dangerous, he may lose more men than not trying to go that route." Caly was commenting after a moment in time as she was just musing for a brief moment in time. Azalea was just giving an almost innocent smile before she was speaking, "I can help stall him for a bit."
Grant nodded his head when Azalea spoke while he knew she had a vendetta against the man he also knew that she would put her feelings aside and do what was best for the plan then what she wanted to do. Grant then looked at them and spoke "who is remaining here to guide your people if you are going to be on the battle field?"
Azalea was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was looking towards Caly who was stating that Vincent was going to remain there to guide her people with her trusted advisor at his side to help guide him.
Azalea was just looking towards him before she was speaking, "You know I don't fall that easily." With that she was turning to head off so that she could head to the armory where some of the other soldiers were getting ready. Time to get some armor and a weapon.
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