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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Caly was just speaking "And that is there choice. But I want them all to know that... They do have a choice. They can leave when they wish."
"I know I just wish this had never happened" Vincent remembered from when he was little being free and the city had been happy and lively
Caly was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "That city has been like that for as long as I can remember to be honest." She was running her fingers through her hair then looking up as one of the more annoying advisors was coming into the room with some papers - marriage proposals and to harp at her about something. All stuff that she didn't want to deal with at the time - still trying to process at that point in time that her father was gone.
Vincent took her hand a silent reminder that he was there for her and would be by her side as she had agreed to his suggestion of them marrying
Caly was just looking towards the advisor for a brief moment before she was speaking, "I am not going to deal with any of this right now. I can't deal with any of this anymore." No she was grieving... she was going to let herself grieve and not deal with anything. But.... she knew she also had to deal with everything; she was the queen and that is what the advisor was just pointing out to her. Rather bluntly, rather rudely. It was just causing her to feel more overwhelmed; making her debate on if just focusing on her job would be better than focusing on her mental health at the time.
The advisor was just speaking, "She needs to be a queen. She has no king to take over this job... and honestly... I would be shocked if any many would want to marry her. What man would want to marry a woman who doesn't act like a woman." Now his words just seemed to almost violently strike Caly although she didn't say anything at all. But her thoughts were definitely against her at that point in time... no perhaps she did need to start acting more like a lady.
"I would and I have asked her and she said yes we were just waiting to announcement until aa respectful time after her fathers funeral something in which you should be asking about not pestering her" Vincent hated the man and wanted to strike him "as for how she acts that is her choice there is no rule on how a woman should act she is a strong leader because she cares for her people and others unlike you"
The advisors was just making a few other comments although what definitely shocked him was when Caly was all of a sudden lashing out, her hand making contact with his face. "Effective now... You are fired. You are no longer one of my advisors. I do not wish to have somebody who is just going to belittle me as one of my advisors." she was speaking after a moment in time before she was ordering him to leave. Yet after he left her office, she was just sinking down to the ground and almost seemed to be shaking.
Caly was just speaking in a soft voice, "Maybe he is right... Maybe I need to act more like a woman...."
"no he isn't right you act how you want to act and not by some stupid bastard idea of how a woman should act" Vincent dint like that the man had pulled that stunt and he was feeling bad for her
Caly was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before was giving a small nod of her head before she was getting to feet once again, just letting out a small breath of air.
Caly was just giving a small nod of her head before she was actually going and pulling a string to call a maid to her. Once a maid was coming in she was asking them to run a warm bath for her.
Caly was just letting out a slow breath of air before she was speaking, "I can't deal with any of this right now... But I should."
"nope what you are going to do is go and take a bath and relax this can all wait you need time to grieve for your father" Vincent wasn't going to let running a kingdom affect her mental and physical health.
Caly was just looking before she was giving a small nod of her head before she was stating "Alright"
Caly was just giving a nod of her head before she was heading off towards the bathroom so that she could bath and just relax for a bit.
Vincent watched her leave and then went to talk to the older advisors so that they could work on getting her organized so she wasn't having to stress as much
Caly was just disappearing into the bathroom and she was climbing into the bathtub, letting her handmaiden pamper her at that point in time.
while she relaxed Vincent and James worked on getting everything sorted. the man shook his head over some of the items that had been sent to Caly that hadn't need to go to her and could be handled by others
After a bit Caly's handmaiden seemed to be coming into the office and was going over to the desk after inclining her head towards the men. She was rifling around for something before grabbing something that Caly had asked for. Some incense that she kept within her desk.
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