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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Caera was just giving a nod of her head before she was commenting that they could try the infirmary first.

Caly was heading off out of her room so that she could head back to her office.
Caera was heading off with Archer in her arms although she was pausing for a brief moment when she spotted Vincent with the young queen of the kingdom. She was giving a slight wave towards the pair of them.
Archer was just smiling after a moment in time before he spoke, "Better now." He was looking at Caly for a moment in time before stating that she was the pretty lady who he got to ride the horse with.
"yes this is Queen Calypso she is the ruler of the kingdom we are in right now" Vincent smiled at the boy and then looked at Caly and smiled at her as well
Archer was giving a startled gasp before bowing then hiding behind Caera and asked if she was going to beat him for not bowing right away. This had Caly just kneeling down so that she was level with the boy, not even bothered by her dress touching the dirty ground. "My sweet child... I would never do that to a person." she was speaking in a soft voice.
Vincent smiled and nodded his head at her words "Caly is very nice and wouldn't hurt you" he knew that the boy was worried but he also knew she wouldn't hurt him
Archer was just looking towards her before he questioned, "Will you protect us from the mad king?" This had Caly giggling a bit before she was nodding her head then she spoke, "Yes I will. You will all be safe here, as long as you remain within the palace when the fighting starts and leave it to us warriors."
Caera was just looking for a brief moment before she spoke, "Fine... We were going to go after that red head and ask her if she knows Natasha at all. She reminds me a lot of her and... She has definitely trained with a dancer of some sort."
This had Caera giving a nod of her head before she was scooping up Archer before she was heading off.
Caly was taking his offered hand so that they could continue to her office. While they were doing that, Caera was heading into the infirmary where Azalea was sitting on one of the cots just talking with the doctors there.
Abby walked with her and when they spotted Azalea she hung back

Vincent walked with her and when they entered the office her walked her to her desk so she could look the plans over
Caera was just approaching before she was speaking, "We had a question for you. We were wondering if you knew anybody by the name of Natasha? You just look very similar to her." This had Azalea looking for a brief moment before she was speaking, "I would hope I do... as that was my sister before she passed." Well that was news for certain since Natasha hadn't ever mentioned having a sister.
Azalea was just looking for a moment before she questioned, "Have you told anybody above ground when you've come up here that you have siblings? Why would she tell anybody below ground that she has a sister. She went down there to gather information... She wasn't going to give people down below ammo to use against her anymore than you would give people aboveground ammo to use against you." Caera was tilting her head before she was mumbling that she did have a valid point there.
Azalea was just commenting, "Natasha was my sister, my best friend; and taught me a little bit of dancing. But that wasn't my talent. About the only thing that I picked up on was how to move lightly on my feet; moving without making much noise. And then she left this world."
Abby nodded her head as she knew the pain of losing a loved one while she had wished the woman had been more open with them there was little they could do about it now
Azalea was just looking towards them after a moment in time before she was just looking at the little boy who was actually coming over and giving her a hug, which had her a bit startled.
Azalea was just speaking in a soft voice, "He just reminds me a lot of...." With that she was just shaking her head before patting the boy on the head gently.
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