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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Caera ended up spotting Abby while she was roaming around and her son was the one who actually ran over to her. "Auntie Abby!" the little boy cried with a happy smile as he went over and gave her a hug happily. "Archer." Caera was speaking worriedly when he had taken off before she had actually spotted who was there and had heard what he said, which had her relaxing.
Abby reached down and scooped him up "hey my little man how are you doing" Abby smiled at him and then hugged him knowing that Caera had to be close
Archer was just smiling before he was speaking, "Good. I get to stay with mommy now. She has a new guy around her... he is a little scary but he is nice to mommy." Or at least that is what he saw anyways. It wasn't long before Caera was coming over to them and just giving a soft smile before she was asking the maid if she could get some of that tea for her from earlier.
"well that is a good thing but you have to be careful just because someone is nice doesn't mean they are always a good person" Abby wasnt saying that Grant wasnt a good person but she didnt want the little boy to be too trusting
Archer was just looking at Abby for a moment before he spoke, "He has been taking care of mom... Mom hasn't been feeling good the last few days." Well that would probably have Abby questioning Caera a bit - since Abby didn't know that she was pregnant. Nobody actually did.
Abby looked at Caera and raised an eyebrow but she didnt say anything not with Archer there. "well I am glad he has been taking care of your mom"
Caera was just looking towards Abby for a moment in time although since Archer's back was to her at the time, she was just moving her hands to her stomach in an almost more protective manner. It would be enough to tell Abby the answer to any unasked questions.
Abby nodded her head in silent confirmation that she knew what she meant and then she looked at Archer "do you want to go watch the soldiers practice?"
Archer was nodding and soon enough they were heading outside to watch the soldiers train, Caera was following with as well.
Grant was there as well but he was more sparing with the men there getting a feel for their skills and finding them an equal match
Caera was just watching as well at the moment before pushing some of her hair out of her face. This whole situation was definitely not going to be pleasant at all - and probably just going to get worse slowly but surely. Azalea was sparring with the men as well - testing their skills, and seeing how strong they truly were. Whoever had trained the soldiers... they were incredibly talented themselves that was for certain.
Caera was just commenting, "Archer wanted to see the soldiers train." Although what did startled them was when he was actually getting away from Abby to run over to Azalea. It even took the red head by surprise and the person that she was sparring with - but she was still reacting easily enough. Scooping up the child and blocking the sword that would have hit him from the soldier not being able to react fast enough himself. "Child... Never run towards people who are sparring." was all she could say after a moment in time, as she just held him on her hip on the opposite side of the soldier.
Abby walked over to get him "here Ill take him so you can finish your spar" Abby then took the boy from her and looked at Archer but she didnt scold him as Azalea had already done that.
Archer was just looking at Abby for a moment before he was stating that he was wanting to stay with Azalea - which definitely wasn't going to make the sparring easy. For most people anyways - she was a different story however. Azalea was just raising an eyebrow before she was speaking, "Kid there is a lesson you will want to learn at some point in life - and that is to never be too trusting of people." But she was shifting anyways as the boy was climbing onto her back for a piggy back ride. Whatever.
Abby looked at him "Archer she is working its not time to be playing" Abby didnt want the boy to be in the way andhe was currently in the way and at risk of getting hurt.
Archer was just pouting some and Azalea was stating that it was fine, he could stay with her if he was really wanting to. She was finished sparring anyways and was going to head inside as it was.
Caera was just watching for a moment in time although it wasn't long before Azalea was walking over with Archer at that point in time. The woman, despite being harsh to everybody else, was surprisingly gentle towards the child. She was having him get down and shooing him over towards his mother before she was speaking, 'Don't run away from your mom. That is going to cause her to worry."
Archer was just looking for a moment in time before he was hugging Caera and stating that he was sorry, which had her ruffling his hair before she was thanking Azalea for keeping him safe. "I might be cold but... I do have a soft spot for children." Azalea was commenting before waving a hand to head off inside once again. Yet she did have her own secret - one that only Grant would know about. And that was at one point she did have her own child; a daughter who had only been a little over a year when she had ended up getting severely sick and passing away. Her death had devastated Azalea and actually seemed to turn her into the heartless person that she was most days.
Grant watched her leave and then looked at the girls before looking at Archer "would you like to learn how to use a sword?" Grant figured if he did that he would be able to start teaching him as he was the right age to start learning
Archer was just looking towards Grant for a moment in time before he was speaking, "Well I do want to be able to protect mommy...." Caera was just listening for a moment before she was just shaking her head and drawing him close to her. "No. He will not learn the sword. Not now. He is too young." she was speaking in a sharp voice.
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