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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Grant looked at her "he isn't too young and besides he would start out with stamina training which means running and building strength"
Caera was just shaking her head and was picking up Archer, holding him close to her at that point in time. "I said no. It isn't happening." she was speaking after a moment in time. If they were back in Hayden's palace, she would probably be afraid to argue with him but here she wasn't as afraid.
Grant looked at her and then spoke "I know your worried for him and possibly even scared but I wouldn't let him get hurt or start anything beyond his skill range"
Caera was just shaking her head before she spoke, "I cannot lose him.... I won't lose him." There was just a head shake once more and Archer was just looking between the pair of them for a moment in time.
"you wont lose him I will guide him through every step and I will keep him safe" Grant could tell that she was upset at the idea of him getting hurt
Caera was just shaking her head before she was turning to head inside with Archer held in her arms. Archer was just wrapping his arms around her neck gently to give her a hug - he could feel her shaking a bit in fear at that point in time. "Its okay, mommy. Don't be scared. I'm here." he was speaking, repeating phrases that she would say to him when he was afraid.
Abby left Grant standing there and then walked with her knowing she needed comfort at the time. Abby knew she worried about losing Archer like she had lost her sister but she didn't know why she was so scared of letting Archer learn how to wield a sword. "Caera are you ok" Abby could tell that something was wrong but she didn't know what it was. while the girls were talking Vincent was working with the advisor on planning the kings funeral making sure that nothing was finalized until after Caly had a chance to look it over
Caera was just looking before she spoke "Everything is fine... I'm just scared for lose him. He is all I have left of my family." No both of her parents were gone as was her sister and she had never gotten to meet her baby brother - her mother had passed away during childbirth with her brother.
"I know but he is too young to do more then when the general said and you can put conditions in place and control how much he learns and when he learns it" Abby could tell that Archer wanted to protect his mom and this would be a way for him to feel like he was going to be able to do that
Caera was just shaking her head some before she spoke "I don't trust Grant that much to keep him safe. We will put it this way... I wasn't willing at all."
"what about my brother he learned how to wield a sword what if we ask incent to teach him you trust my brother right?" Abby figured it was worth the suggestion
Caera was just looking over before asking which brother she was talking about. Although she did trust both but she did want to know anyways.

Caly seemed to be waking up somewhat and was just looking around a bit.
Abby nodded her head "that is all i ask as he is your son"

Vincent finished the planning and then thanked the man for his help and he was ready to go and check on Caly
Caera was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "I will figure it out later today. I just know that... I have to protect him...." With that she was just hugging Archer close to her at that point in time.

When he did walk into the room he would see that Caly was awake and just sitting up in bed at the time.
"I know you lost everyone in your family but him" Abby didnt blame her for wanting to protect him

Vincent smiled at her and then walked in to the room "how are you feeling"
Caly was just looking towards him for a moment in time before she was mumbling that she was fine.

Caera was just giving a small nod of her head before she was speaking, "That red head surprised me... when she protected him without an hesitation. Also.... she moves somewhat like a dancer. It reminds me a bit of an old dancer that use to be with us so long ago."
"yea she does" Abby thought about it and wondered if she knew one of the former dancers

Vincent walked over to her and then took her hands "I had some help and aside form the special things you want to add the funeral is planned and waiting for your approval"
Caly was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was stating that he didn't need to do any of that... that she would have gotten around to it at some point.

"I suppose we could ask her if she knew them..." Caera was speaking after a moment before she was trying to think of the dancers name. There was a thoughtful look before she was speaking, "Natasha was her name."
"no I didn't need to but I wanted to to take something off your plate" Vincent smiled at her lightly

Abby nodded her head "yea we can ask if she knew her but i remember her"
Caly was just looking for a moment in time before she was giving a small nod of her head before she was moving so that she could get up.

Caera was nodding her head before she was commenting, "I am not sure where she went though."
Vincent looked at her and smiled lightly

"i dont know either she kinda just vanished" Abby saw her one day and then the next that she was gone
"I wasn't talking about Natasha... I was talking about that woman who had protected Archer." Caera was commenting after a moment in time.

Caly was just moving and getting to her feet.
"yea I think she went to rest she was hurt" Abby remembered her getting injured so she figured she had gone to get rest

Vincent gave her a hug and then moved so they could leave her room
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