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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

As this was happening, a maid was leading Hayden and Abby to the room that they were going to be staying in. At least Hayden was going into the room; one of Caly's personal handmaidens was walking up and speaking to Abby, "Queen Calypso would like to see you. And only you."

Robert and Azalea were being taken to the infirmary where their injuries were being tended to - Azalea being scolded for retearing her stitches.
Abby nodded her head and then looked at Hayden as if asking for permission to go and see her.

Robert let them clean his back but other then that he refused treatment
"King Hayden has no power within this kingdom and he knows this well." the handmaiden was speaking, clearly not afraid of the man before gesturing for her to follow after stating that the queen was waiting.

Azalea was just letting them tend to the injury without too much complaint, her head just tilted back at that point in time just staring at the ceiling.
Abby. nodded her head and then followed the woman to see the queen. Abby didnt know why she was wanted but she was worried.

Robert looked at her but once he was cleared to leave he headed out to find his room
The handmaiden was leading Abby to the throne room where Caly was speaking with Vincent at that point in time - just telling him that she would go along with the idea that he had suggested earlier. Although she was also pushing a bit of her hair out of her face before looking over as a guard was announcing the return of her handmaiden and the guest that she had been asked to get as well. Not that Vincent knew that Caly had sent some of her servants to fetch Abby and Robert. Another servant was catching Robert on his way to his room and was stating that the queen wished to speak with him.
Robert nodded his head and followed the servant to where he was needed and was happy to see his brother and sister. Abby spotted both her brothers and then looked at Caly confused as to why they were all there
Caly was just gesturing for them to all follow her towards her study before she was speaking, "General Mathias. I am not to be bothered at this point.... unless somebody is dying or the mad king has shown up." This had the man giving a bow before he was stating, "As you wish, my queen." After that she was closing the door behind them as they walked into her study and she was just going over to sit at her desk to work on some stuff - leave the siblings to get caught up at that point in time.
the two men hugged Abby who simply broke down in their arms and cried. she had been needing to do this for some time but they had all been separated and it hadn't been possible
Caly was just watching for a brief moment in time although she didn't say much, just let them have their moment. At least until she was turning around in her chair to gaze out the window, just crossing one leg over the other. This situation had gotten rather strange to say the least. She knew that the mad king would pull something like this but she was shocked that he was acting so ballsy now. Yet again her father was on his death bed; which is probably where the mad king thought he had advantage over the Western Kingdom. Shame that most of the army didn't even listen to him. Although it wasn't long before there was a knock on the office door and her personal handmaiden seemed to be coming in in a hurry and whispering something in her ear. News that had Caly getting up quickly before she was speaking, "Please continue to speak, I shall be back shortly." With that she was heading out of the room rather quickly. No it wasn't on his death bed anymore... it was literally at death's door. While he was an asshole of a man - he was still her father.
Vincent left Abby with Robert knowing that they needed some time to just be and he headed after her wanting to make sure that she was ok
Vincent wouldn't be able to find her but he would find her handmaiden heading back towards the office - so he could definitely question her.
This had the handmaiden looking towards Vincent before she was speaking, "The king's health took a very sharp downward spiral and the doctors predict he only has a couple of hours left to live." Sure he could pull through but everything going on seemed to indicate that he wasn't going to have long. And they had wanted her to be able to be with him while he was still alive... and they were having a father-daughter moment. He was actually apologizing for all of his mistakes.
Vincent nodded his head "I suppose I am not going to be able to see her then" Vincent was worried about her and knew this would be hard on her
The handmaiden was just looking before she was speaking, "I am certain Lady Caly merely didn't say anything so that you could spend time with your family." But she was waving him to follow her and gesturing towards the room where she was. "You may enter however."
When he did walk in he would find Caly sitting next to the king's bed just holding onto his hand and sobbing, her head just resting on the blankets next to him. The man looked so weak and rather pathetic at that point in time. His breathing was so labored and it was obvious that he was struggling.
Caly was just giving a small nod of her head before she was just watching her father, his hand just going limp in her hand. His breathing was coming to an end as though he had just been waiting... waiting to be sure that she was going to be alright.
Caly was just turning and was soon enough breaking down into his arms, just sobbing at that point in time.
The doctor was suggesting that Vincent take her to her room so that she could rest for a bit. Caly was just mumbling that she needed to get some work done still.
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