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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Hayden was nodding his head as he looked around - expecting an ambush actually. Mathias was speaking in a low voice to Caly and she was speaking "Yes we are most likely to get amused once we hit the field." And the carriage would only slow them down.
Caly was just looking over before she spoke "We were being considerate of those injured and the child.but now we may need to abandon the carriage." Mathias was nodding before Hayden was setting that Abby would ride with him, Caera would with with Grant, while Robert and Azalea would go together.
Abby looked at the king and then nodded her head in surrender as she had been hoping to ride with her brother.

Grant pulled his horse to a stop and then went over to help Caera and then boy on to his horse so they could get moving
Caera was just looking at Grant for a moment before letting him help her into the horse, holding her son close to her. A spare horse was lead over to Azalea and Robert as she was standing outside the carriage - before she was mounting up onto the horse, waiting for him.

Hayden was actually helping Abby up but it was more to not seem like an asshole at that point. "Ride and don't stop riding. Head for the treelines across from the field." Caly was ordering before she was looking towards her men who were fanning out.
Grant looked at Caera and then spoke softly "hold your son tight I will keep you from falling" Grant didn't want either of them to fall and get hurt
Caera was nodding and holding him tight, although found that she was shaking some. "Allow me to take him. I will keep him safe." Caly was offering as she was riding over towards them which had Caera looking but in the end she was nodding. "I... I'm shaking too much... " she whispered and Caly was gently taking the child, wrapping him in her cloak to keep him warm.
Caly was nodding and soon enough they were all riding off, streaking through the field. As predicted they were being ambushed but they didn't focus on that, just kept moving.
Hayden would be able to feel Abby tremble from fear in his arms as she was scared having never been anywhere else but the castle and underground before it was all new and scary for her
Azalea was keeping her eyes peeled before she was telling Robert to take the reigns as she was grabbing her bow that was in front of her and pulling an arrow from the quiver, aiming it towards one of the enemy before letting the arrow go. The shot was dead center hitting the enemy in the head, they were dropping to the ground. Thankfully they managed to get out of the field and into the forest which had Caly handing the child off to Mathias since she was closest before she was dismounting and striding towards the edge of the forest to stand face to face with some of the men from the mad king. "Heed this warning... Entering these lands is entering my kingdom and I will not take kindly to violence within my lands. If your king wishes for war... Then he better be prepared. Remember this well.... I am not my father's daughter." she was speaking in a firm voice before she was turning and heading off towards her mare, and they were all heading towards the palace - the men not following past that point.
Vincent was waiting for them at the entrance of the castle when they arrived. while he was shocked to see his brother he was even more shocked to see his sister and the King riding the same horse. Vincent then walked down to greet them all and to make sure that Caly was safe and that she hadn't been hurt.
Caly was dismounting down from her horse and was just looking towards Mathias before she spoke, "Issue the order to the army to be prepared for an attack at any time by the mad king." "Are you certain that he will attack?" Mathias was looking at her with a questioning look which had her chuckling before she was giving a nod and spoke, "I guarantee that he will attack. After all... I sided with his enemy and I turned him down." With that she was heading over towards Vincent and was reassuring him that she was alright - but she was ordering for some of her guards to escort the others to some guest rooms; and escort Robert and Azalea to the infirmary. She could see that they were both starting to bleed again. Azalea from ripping stitches earlier when moving around so much on the horse and dealing with enemies - not like she seemed fazed.
Vincent looked at the general and then at Caly "The mad king is mad so I doubt we can suspect normal behavior from him but preparing for an attack is wise as I doubt he will leave us waiting long for an attack"
Caly was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "He has always been far too predictable." With that she was just pushing some of her hair out of her face before having some guards lead the others away to some rooms that they could stay in. Caera was just watching for a brief moment as she was just heading after Grant, her sleeping son in her arms but she definitely had an expression that she wasn't feeling good at all. This had Caly spotting and questioning if she was alright or if she was needing medical care. This had Caera shaking her head before she was speaking, "Just nauseous. Some tea will help settle my stomach. Some tea and some rest." Well that was enough to tell Caly what was going on and she was ordering for one of the maids to make a certain tea. Not that anybody would understand other than the staff, since it was a tea that her mother had drank all the time while she had been pregnant with Caly - it was a tea that was suppose to help with pregnancy, and effectively told the staff that there was a pregnant woman there as well.
Grant looked at her and then spoke softly "Let me take him you look a little pale" Grant didn't want her passing out and dropping the boy plus he wouldn't hurt the child either as the boy was innocent.
Caera was just giving a nod of her head before she was letting him take her son gently before she was just following after the maid that was leading them to a room that they could stay in. The maid was stating that the couch folded out into a bed as well so that they boy could share the room with them.
Grant thanked the maid and then went and settled the little boy on the bed tucking him in and making sure he was covered. Grant then looked at Caera "after you have your tea take a nape and rest"
Caera was just watching for a brief moment and soon they are soon enough in the room that they were allowed to stay in, and she was just disappearing off to the bathroom. This is where she was getting sick in the toilet almost instantly.
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