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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Vincent nodded his head lightly as he listened to the doctor and wondered why everyone insisted on her being married or getting married. Vincent didnt know why this was a huge deal but if he needed to he would offer his help in every way

Abby soon stood up and walked to the cell wall and tried to shake her brother to wake him up so that he could see her and see that she wasn't some servant
The doctor was just looking before he was commenting, "This country thinks that a woman cannot rule without a man at her side. Yet her mother and her grandmother both proved otherwise. Her mother ruled without a king at her side for almost fifteen years until she ended up meeting and falling in love with her father, who had been nothing but a commoner."

Azalea was just wiping some blood from her face at that point in time although she was twirling around quickly to grab a hold of one of the prisoners that had tried to escape and was more or less tossing them into the cell that she had come out of. The crossbow bolt was skimming her side instead of striking them in the middle of the chest.
Vincent shook his head "they are fools then she is going to be an amazing ruler and they shouldn't insist that she marry a noble if her father wasn't one." Vincent stroked her head lightly and hoped that she felt better soon.

Abby saw the bolt go flying and dodged getting hit herself by inches. letting out a scream she ducked down and then continued to shake her brother to try and wake him.

Robert groaned as he felt himself being shook by someone and he started to wake up
"General Azalea!" the soldiers was speaking not even seeming to realize that the man was waking up, and that he was the one that she was trying to avoid knowing her true identity. This had her just looking over for a moment as she was grabbing up a fallen sword and was just moving forward, her sword at the neck of the person wielding the crossbow. Did she seem bothered that it was aimed at her, not really considering within moments the man was screaming as his arm was falling to the ground along with the crossbow. "I'll let you live because I'm feeling merciful. Return to your king and tell him the exact message I'm sure my king is giving him... We will never surrender to him. And your men that are waiting at the top of the stairs... Tell them to come on down.... I've been getting a bit bored and need some excitement." Azalea was cooing with a rather evil gleam in her eyes as she watched the man head off, clutching at his bloodied arm. The prisoner that had been tossed into the cell was actually looking over towards the red haired woman as she was coming back over towards the cells and he was actually being stupid enough to try and attack her with a fallen sword, the woman just seeming to catch the blade with a barehand. "Do not test me right now. Because right now... I am the only thing standing between you and death once those soldiers come down those stairs. So I suggest you go back into that cell, sit down, and stay put." she was speaking as she yanked the sword away and tossed down the hall.

With how close Abby was to the bolt she would actually notice a scent to it - one that was very evident with a poison that the mad king favored using against his enemy. One that could prove to be very fatal if it wasn't taken care of quickly. So a good thing that she hadn't gotten hit - although Azalea didn't really know about it at that point in time. But she was certain to start feeling that pain sooner or later - at least when she came down from the high of a fight. The other soldier that was there was just watching but he was staying back at that point in time - knowing that it wouldn't be the best idea for him to get into the way at all. No it was suicide to get in the way of either of the generals.

The doctor was just looking for a moment before he was speaking, "The elder of the advisors is the one who actually gives advise and actually tries to help in situations. He is the least annoying of them - but he has been doing this job since her grandparents were rulers."
Robert looked at her and his face was grim. he was more than a little pissed that this woman had lied to him for so long and that she was actually a general and not a servant. this had him feeling foolish as he had exposed his family to the king because of her. Robert looked at his sister and was surprised to see her there but he suspected that she wouldn't be there for long. Robert then stood and looked at the idiot who had picked up the sword and shook his head.

Abby looked at her and then she carefully stood and walked over to the cell wall closest to Azalea and spoke "The bolt has a strange scent coming off of it" Abby didn't like that she had betrayed her brother as she had but at the same time she didn't want her to die or be hurt because she didn't tell her something. Abby looked at her brother when he said not to tell the woman anything but she ignored him for the time being.

Vincent nodded his head "yes he seemed like he was the more caring of the men there" Vincent hoped she would be fine after some rest and then he would talk to her about an idea he had and he hoped she would accept it as it would make thing easier on her as well
Azalea was just watching as the bloodied soldier from the mad king was making his way towards the stairs before she spoke in a sharp voice, "Soldier. Release the prisoners. Now. And take them out through the back tunnel and into the barracks." This had the soldier looking over for a brief moment in time and he was actually questioning her orders at that point in time. This had her eyes flicker towards him for a moment in time before she was speaking, "Do not question my orders again. Or you will be laying on this cement floor as a dead body as well." However it wasn't long before her attention was going towards that of Abby, a bit startled that she was being warned about a strange scent. Well that was going to be fun but there wasn't a whole lot that she could do about it at that point in time other than tear part off her shirt to tie around her midsecion and around her bleeding side. No thank god for some resistance to this but... She knew that she was still going to find herself downed. Hopefully it wasn't until she managed to deal with the current situation... and didn't let the prisoners die. Her attention was just turning towards the footsteps as a few more guards came down that were under the mad king and she was just twisting her sword for a moment before she was speaking, "Foolish."

The doctor was giving a nod before he was speaking, "She should wake up in a little bit. The tea next to her is something that she should drink when she does wake up. It'll help with the headache and it'll help with the fatigue."
Abby and Robert looked at her when she ordered for them to be released and they found it strange. Abby looked at her brother who shrugged his shoulders but grimaced in pain from the whip marks on his back. while he hadn't made any noise it had hurt and he was feeling the pain now.

Vincent nodded his head and then thanked the doctor. while everyone else left the room he stayed and sat with her so that she wasn't alone
In the end they were leaving the dungeons and making their way up towards the throne room after the threat had been dealt with down there, although it seemed like some of the mad king's men were causing problems around the castle. There was even one that was attempting to harass Caera who was holding a frightened little boy close to her as she was more or less huddled into the wall. Not that the soldier was standing long, not with Azalea walking over and kicking him away. Blood was seeping through her makeshift bandage but at that point in time she was dealing with it and giving Caera a hand up so that they could get to the throne room. All servants being ordered that way.

It was about an hour later that Caly seemed to be walking up and she was just looking around some, confused.
Vincent looked at her "hey you passed out on the way back I am guessing from the pain and fatigue" he then picked up the tea and offered it to her "the doctor said to drink this"

Abby followed the directions she was given and headed to the throne room with her brother. she didnt try to escape as it was a bad idea givine what was going on but she did hope no one else tried anything
As they were walking into the throne room it seemed like the mad king was leaving and it seemed like his one armed lackey was with him. For the time being anyways. She was sure that the soldier would be abandoned on their trip back. The prisoners were herded into the throne room and Azalea was walking into the throne room as well before bowing to the king. Now the pain was really starting to set in but she was just going to have to deal with it at that point in time. Hayden was just looking for a moment before he was speaking, "Seems like we have a choice. Surrender or go to war." This had Azalea just look towards him before she was commenting, "I feel like you already know the answer. His men... While they are talented they lack precision and decorum. They just attack with no plan - although they are crafty I'll admit to that.... for the most part. A lot of their weapons are coated in the favored poison of the mad king."

This had Hayden looking towards her for a moment before he was stating for her to go and get medical care if she had been poisoned before he was looking towards Grant to see what his thoughts were on the matter. No he knew that Azalea wouldn't have a problem with going to war - she was a warrior through and through. Even now when she looked ready to drop she was pushing through the pain that she was in - a true general.

Caera was just watching at that point in time as she was holding her son close to her, the boy having cried himself to sleep. She had a bit of blood dripping from a cut on her own arm but it wasn't anything super serious. And thankfully it hadn't been a poisoned weapon - otherwise she would probably be dead already.

Caly was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was accepting the tea so that she could sip at it. "Hmm.... Headache had been pretty bad."
Grant looked at him "I am fine with going to war but we will need to make sure that the men are ready and able to take these men on" Grant knew they would lose a lot of men if they attacked before their soldiers were ready and so few were skilled enough to take them on "we may have to ask for assistance because I don't know if I can get them men to the right skill set in time"

Vincent watched her drink the tea and waited till she was done before he made his suggestion
As they were speaking, Azalea was heading off towards the infirmary although she never seemed to notice that Caera seemed to follow after her. No Caera had ended up learning the truth during her couple of weeks there - and had learned that Azalea wasn't that bad of a person. Hayden was just looking towards Grant before he was speaking, "The only kingdom that we could ask for assistance in this war would be the Western Kingdom." And who knows how that would go.

Caly was finishing up her tea before she was just sitting up a bit more, leaning against the back of her bed for better support.
"I know but we may not have any choice the men as good for keeping people in line but for an actual war, I don't think so" Grant hated that they weren't up to par and he blamed himself for it as he hadn't pushed them hard enough.

Vincent looked at her and then spoke "I want to run and Idea by you and if you want you can say no"
Hayden was letting out a breath of air before he was speaking, "Have a message sent to the Western Kingdom to see if they would be willing to lend a hand." With that he was just letting out a small breath of air before running fingers through his hair. This whole situation was a rather annoying thing at that point in time - yet the mad king wasn't something that anybody could really take on. Other than the Western Kingdom. And that was only because of their army. They were as brutal as that of the mad king's men or even Hayden's men - they were far more organized; which is something that was needed during war as well.

Caly was just looking towards him for a moment before she was inquiring what his idea was.
Grant nodded his head and then bowed to his king "I will have it sent out right away"

Vincent looked at her and then took a deep breath before speaking "I want for us to get married, this would get the advisors off your back and it would allow me to help you with your work"
Hayden was just nodding his head before he was speaking, "Send the letter with the black hawk - she is the fastest." And a hawk that was typically only used by that of Hayden; and it had been trained by Hayden himself.

This had Caly looking towards Vincent for a brief moment when he was speaking before he was commenting, "Ummm.... Wait... What?"
Grant bowed and then headed out to do as ordered and sent the letter with that particular hawk.

"I said we should get married" Vincent looked at her and his face was straight as he wasn't joking
Caly was just looking towards him before she was questioning, "Why would you want to marry me though?" She seemed a bit confused by that at the time.
Vincent looked at her "I like you and I think we can be good together" Vincent had no interest in power so she didn't need to worry about that
Caly was just looking towards Vincent for a brief moment in time before she was asking, "You like me?" No she was a bit caught up on that fact... they had been around each other and speaking for a few years.
Caly was just looking towards him before she spoke, "You just... Never showed signs that you liked me in that manner."
"I couldn't risk one of the guards finding out and using that information against either of us" Vincent looked at her lightly and waited to see what she would say
Caly was just looking for a moment before she was speaking, "I guess that is true... Umm... I... I don't know right now." Although they would find themselves being distracted by a guard knocking on the door and stating that she had a urgent message asking for assistance. "Bring it in." she was ordering.
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