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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Caly was just putting a hand to her head as though she had a headache - which when it came to the advisors it probably wasn't a lie. They spent more time hounding her than they did advising her. "At this point... I'm about to start cutting the pay to you advisors. You spend more time harassing and hounding me than you do advising me." she was speaking after a moment in time. And being a new queen... a new ruler.... advise is what she needed the most. Or that is what some people would think anyways - but she knew what she was doing. She had been doing a lot of the work for longer than people thought.
Vincent looked at her and then rubbed her back lightly as he could tell her head had to be hurting. Vincent wanted to say more but he decided to let her fight this battle
The advisors were just trying to argue the fact at the time although in the end some of them just seemed to be deciding to back off - knowing that Caly was stressed enough as it was at the moment. There was a lot that was going on for the young woman and their antics weren't helping at all.
one of the elder Advisors finally spoke up "while we would like to see you married and with a partner to ease some of the burden you are facing we will leave you alone about this but I have to say this young man by your side seems like a good choice to me" this man was the oldest in the group and the others listened to him when he decided to speak up
Caly was just looking over before she was speaking, "And I will. On my own time. I just became queen. I have paperwork that my father neglected to do just piled up, and so many other things. Marriage right now... is the last thing on my mind." On top over it over the past couple of days she hadn't been feeling well.
Caly was just giving a nod of her head but still seemed to be rubbing her head a bit. No her headache was just slowly getting worse at that point in time but it wasn't something that she couldn't handle. Yet the stress of everything was beginning to get annoying. It was just bad news one after another it seemed at that point.
Vincent looked at her "you need to rest for a bit before you pass out on us" Vincent could tell that she was worn and tired and had one hell of a headache brewing
Caly was just nodding her head before she was speaking, "Probably a good idea." With that she was waving her hand towards the soldiers so that she could head over to where her mare was at and make the trek back to the palace.

Hayden was soon returning to his room and just looking towards Abby before he stated, "If you ever try that again... I will have you tossed in the dungeon and tortured."

Azalea was heading into the room where Robert was at - although at this point she was hidden behind her armor, after all as far as they knew Grant wasn't back at the time. So she was in charge of the torture at the time.
Vincent walke dback to his horse so that they could get back to the palace so that they could get some rest

Abby turned and looked at him "you leave my brother alone" Abby didnt care if she was tortured but she didnt want to see her brother harmed.

Robert sat where he had been chained and then looked at her before he turned his head and ignored her
Azalea didn't say anything since it would give away her identity, she was simply holding out her hand towards the whip which was being handed to her without questions asked.

Hayden was just looking towards her before he spoke, "Do not assume to tell me what to do. I am your king. And it will not be only your brother that I will punish for your actions. I will also punish your fellow dancer friend."

The ride back to the palace was pretty uneventful at least for the most part. Although there was some point in time when Caly's horse just seemed to stop walking all of a sudden since she was farther ahead from everybody, and once others got close they would find that Caly had in fact passed out. She hadn't fallen from her horse at all - looked like she had laid down first and wrapped her arms around her horse's neck - having that feeling all of a sudden.
Vincent moved close and then reached over and pulled her on to his horse wrapping his arm around her so that they could get back to the palace. Vincent looked at the others and then shook his head lightly silently saying that she was out cold. Vincent made sure that she settled safely and then he headed off once more.

"a king who cares for no one but himself" Abby was done playing nice and behaving she hated the man and she was making it clear

Robert didnt cry out or flinch when the whip hit him in the back
Her horse was just following after him without any issue at all. Once they were arriving back at the palace some of the maids were rushing over to see what was going on.

Hayden was just looking for a moment before his hand was lashing out and striking her full across the face. "Lock her up in the dungeons."

One of the soldiers within the room was just watching for a moment in time although they were acting quite fishy at that point in time - something that Robert would definitely notice since he could see them but the general was clueless. The whip was being tossed aside before Azalea was speaking, making sure to disguise her voice, "Give me the flaying knife."
What the king probably wouldn't be expecting was for Abby to lash back out at him and strike him as well before she w2alked to join the guard to head to her cell. Abby was glad to be out from under his thumb and she would be able to warn her brother not to trust the woman.

Vincent told the maid what had happened and then carefully dismounted and then took her of the back of his horse and he carried her inside so she could rest

Robert looked at her but he didnt speak he made no sound what so ever
Abby was being tossed into a cell and it wasn't at all gentle at all either, the guard obviously didn't care at all if the woman got hurt at all.

Azalea was just moving towards him, another one of the soldiers asking him questions.

This had the maid nodding before she was sending a doctor to the queen's room right away.
Abby went to the bed in the cell and then sat on it and waited. the guards had made a mistake and put her in a cell next to her brother.

Robert kept his mouth shut even with her wielding the knife.

Vincent walked in to her room and laid her on her bed taking care so that she was settled on the bed well
The general was just sighing for a moment before she was just tossing the knife away before stating, "Tend to his injuries for now and take him away. We wont be breaking him tonight." This had the fishy soldier just questioning, "General?" "Do as I ordered." was all she hissed before heading off.

Caly just seemed as though she was in a bit of pain - the headache just being that bad at the moment.
Robert looked at her and then shook his head when they tried to tend to his back once he was free he stood and headed with a guide back to his cell

Vincent tucked her in and then looked up when a doctor came rushing in
It wasn't long before Robert was being returned to his cell and it seemed like Azalea was already there - yet prior to him arriving she had already given Abby the warning to keep her mouth shut or she was going to make her life worse than the king would. Yet for some reason Azalea was having a really bad feeling at that point in time; and she wasn't sure what was troubling her either.

The doctor was just asking him questions about what had happened - trying to get some information.

Caera was sitting in Grant's room although something was catching her eye out the window and that was the arrival of a fellow king - the king from the North. A mad man.
Abby glared at her and she wanted to tell her brother the truth to tell him who she was so that he didnt trust her either.

Vincent told him what he knew and even told him that he suspected a headache the like of which neither had seen before.

Grant was with Hayden at this point waiting to greet the man
Hayden was just looking towards the visiting king and was questioning what he owed the honor of the visit. This had the mad king of the north just looking over before he was stating that he was looking to expand his realm more. "One kingdom at a time... I shall claim as mine." he was stating in a completely honest voice, no hesitation. Already some of the guards that were with seemed to be moving past them without an hesitation - yet some of the other guards were too afraid to stop them. They knew these men... how they were trained, how they were. They were all like Grant... brutal and didn't hesitate at all to kill.

The doctor was nodding before he spoke, "Lady Caly has been under quite a bit of stress recently. Between becoming queen, handling all of those duties; she is also building a place for those who don't have a home, helping those underground escape, and many other things."

Azalea was just looking towards her then looked towards Robert as he was brought over but she was soon looking towards the stairs that lead down into the dungeon, hearing noise there. Now that was odd.
Abby looked to the stairs when she heard the noise and frowned as it was odd that someone was making that much noise there.

Vincent nodded his head "I will try and help her as best as I can with what she will let me"

Grant watched the soldiers and moved when they got too close to the king his sword drawn
The doctor was nodding his head before he was speaking, "I am sure that she is also stressed about the Mad King making his usual threats." A dangerous thing but the doctor also knew that the Western Kingdom was the only kingdom that would be able to stand toe to toe against him.

Hayden was just watching for a brief moment before looking towards the mad king before he was questioning what brought him there. This had the man chuckling before he was speaking, "Simple either surrender to me or war shall be declared."

Azalea was just looking up for a moment in time although it wasn't long before a couple of the soldiers seemed to be coming down although she was recognizing them right away... men of the Mad King. The other soldiers wouldn't stand a chance against them at all... and she couldn't risk Robert finding out her secret at that point. "Sorry..." was all she was mumbling before she was actually knocking him out and getting to her feet, moving forward towards the cell door. Already the guard that was there seemed to be quivering in fear - already knowing that he was outmatched which had her speaking, "Open the door and give me your sword." Abby would watch the guard do it quickly and almost as soon as the sword was in Azalea's hand she was blocking the sword of the attacking soldier.
Abby watched as she knocked her brother out and then as she took on the men who had shown up. Abby didnt want to watch the fighting but there was something about the way she moved that captured her attention.

Vincent nodded his head lightly "sounds about right even we heard of the mad king when below as he was always causing problems."
Azalea was managing to easily deal with the soldiers that tried to attack, just hissing something at them a moment as she cut them down without any hesitation. What Abby would perhaps see as well were some more graceful steps - in a way showing that she had been trained in dancing. At least a little bit. And it wasn't a lie - Azalea's sister had tried to show her how to dance but it had never worked out. Azalea had never gotten the talent for dancing itself but she definitely learned the art of staying light on her feet; which was something usually only dancers figured out.

The doctor was nodding his head before he was speaking, "His threat towards her Ladyship is that if she marries him then her kingdom will be left alone, if not then war is being declared. A shame for him that while his soldiers are brutal.... They lack in talent."
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