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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Abby watched as her brother was dragged away and she moved to go after him to try and prevent them from taking him back to a cell.

Vincent nodded his head "she is right it is a good thing the general is the more violent of the two and if someone tries to harm her then there will be issues but as for convincing him that his king means harm to his woman and child I dont know how well that will work not unless the king tries something.

Grant looked at her and the look on his face said that she would have some explaining to do once they reached their room. was he man no but he did need to know how she did it so it could be prevented in the future
Caly was just chuckling before she was commenting, "Who knows how to do that but it is a possibility. As for the other general... Not even I have been able to gather anything about the Black General. They are elusive and mysterious." With that she was just looking around a bit at the village.

Caera didn't even make eye contact with him at all just held her son before she was wishing to elderly couple a good night and she was turning so that they could get going.

Hayden was grabbing onto her to stop her from leaving before he spoke, "Take her to my room."
Abby struggled in his grip and then in the grip of the guards who went to take her to his room but she wasn't strong enough to get free from them.

Vincent nodded his head "even the people dont know who they are but hopefully things will go our way"

Grant walked with her and the child back to the lift so they could get back to the castle
Caly was just nodding before she was stating that there was something else that she was wanting to show him. No she was going to take them to their training grounds - where the army actually stayed. Well those that didn't actually family or a place to stay. Show them the truth that it wasn't just a rumor that there was a hidden army in the Western Kingdom.

Soon enough they were back at the palace although Caera was grateful that her son couldn't see her at the time, a look of sickness on her features at the time. But she really didn't want to worry her son at all.
Abby struggled and fought to the point that one of the guards had to stay in the room with her to keep her from escaping.

Vincent followed her and then looked at the army "you could take on my home kingdom and win couldn't you"

Grant looked at her "the room next to ours is where he can stay"
Caly was just laughing a bit before she was speaking, "I could." She was greeting some of the soldiers before she was just commenting, "And we will train yourself and your rebels as well." A few of her generals were wandering over to speak to her. One of them was just looking Vincent up and down for a moment in time. "My Lady... I don't think he could even hold a sword." he was commenting. "Be polite; he is a guest. Besides... I'm pretty sure you said that about myself as well." she was commenting, the last part being teasing. No it wasn't well known that Caly also knew how to wield a sword, she had been training since she was little.

Caera was just nodding her head before she was commenting, "I'll take him there; it seems like he is falling asleep anyways."
Grant nodded his head and then went to let the kitchen know there would be one more joining them for dinner but that they were on the younger side.

Vincent chuckled "I may look underweight but I am strong" Vincent knew that he was skinny and that came from a lack of food but he was strong and he was willing to learn
Mathias was just looking towards him before he was commenting that he didn't even look like he would be able to hold a sword in general before he was commenting that he could go and spar with the newcomers. After that he was looking towards Caly before he spoke, "In a more serious matter.... We need to name a leader to your personal guardians." This had her just looking at him for a moment before she was commenting, "You'll figure it out. You've been wanting to take care of it anyways. You insisted; so I'll leave it to you."

Caera was getting her son laid down and just watched as he was falling asleep almost right away, she got him covered up and was heading to their room. Although she was just going straight to the bathroom to get sick.
Vincent went over to the new comers and picked up a sword and went to work on sparing. Vincent had tried with a sword before he had been sent bellow ground so the skills were coming back as she sparred and he moved with someone who had mastered a sword very young. Vincent was skilled but since it had been so long since he was getting tired earlier then normal
It actually didn't seem like long before Caly was wandering over to where the newcomers were at - which had a couple of them snickering some that a woman thought that she could train them. This just had her giving a gentle smile before she was speaking, "General Mathias. Shall we give them a demonstration?" This had the man nodding and he was walking over but some of the trainees were commenting that there was no way that she would be able to hold her own against the general.
Vincent looked at them "never base someones skill or strength based on their gender" Vincent then moved to give them room so that they could do their demonstration. he knew better then to judge a book by its cover and he figured there was more to the woman then she let on
Caly was just chuckling before she was pulling her hair put into a ponytail and Mathias was asking if she wanted to use training weapons or their actual weapons of choice. "Lets do weapons of choice." she was commenting before waving off one of the soldiers to go and grab her twin swords while Mathias was drawing his greatsword from his back. It wasn't long before she was taking two delicate appearing twin swords from a soldier and shifting into a more elegant stance while he was taking a more intimidating one.
Vincent found a place to sit so that he could watch them spar and see just how skilled she was. Vincent was worried about his family but until they could actually do something he knew his worry would only slow him down and cause problems
The pair were sparring and it was pretty obvious that Mathias wasn't holding back at all at the time. Caly seemed to be keeping up with him rather well and in those moments where she couldn't outstrength him she was using her speed to her advantage, twisting away from him which only resulted in his sword thudding to the ground. In the end it seemed to come to a draw with his sword pointed at her neck but she had one of her swords pointed directly at his heart.
Vincent clapped with some of the others there before he stood and walked over to her "you are this skilled yet you let your father treat you like he did why" Vincent didnt understand why she had acted as she had
Caly was just looking towards Vincent before she was speaking, "Because... He didn't need to know. If I made it seem like I was a threat to his reign he would have tried to have me killed or something. So I acted as though I was helpless and a proper princess. But now that he is at death's door... That is a different story."
Vincent nodded his head and then he looked at the others and shook his head as they all seemed confused on how she could be so skilled. Vincent then looked at the general and nodded his head lightly in recognition of his skill
Caly was just giggling before she was commenting, "I have been learning how to use a sword since I was eight years old under the guidance of General Mathias' father and then General Mathias took over training me after his father passed away."
“Well you are very skilled and I am very rusty” Vincent knew he needed to work and eat better before he would be as skilled as her
Caly was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "It has taken many years... and a lot of failures. And a lot of ridicule. But I wanted to be strong enough to stand on my own two feet - honestly I didn't want to be my father who just walks around with a sword but hides behind his men."
Vincent nodded his head "that makes sense" Vincent looked over when he heard shouting and spotted her advisors coming over "just great they are back to pester you" that was the only thing he could think of was them pestering her rather then advising her like they should
Caly was just looking over towards a moment in time before she was just letting out a small breath of air, and just breathing. After that she was just putting on a smile before she was heading over to greet them and see what they were wanting.
once again they were pestering her about getting married and they were wanting it sooner then later. having enough of them hounding her Vincent walked over and spoke his words shocking them "what if I marry her will that get you all to leave her alone about this" Vincent knew that they got along and he figured that they could separate later if needed
Caly was just listening to him after a moment in time before she was just letting out a small breath as they hounded her about getting married. Yet before she could even say anything Vincent seemed to be stepping in to say something about asking if he married her if they would leave her alone. This had one of them commenting that he wasn't nobility at all. This had her raising an eyebrow before she spoke, "My father wasn't a noble when my mother, who was born into the royal family, married him. She married him because she loved him despite the interference of the advisors who do more hounding than advising."
Vincent looked at them "being a noble isn't a requirement for a happy relationship and you should like that I am not that I am a refugee as it means I will remain loyal to her and I won't be bribed or threatened in to be trying her" Vincent owed his life and freedom to her and he wouldn't betray her for anything
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