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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Caera was just looking for a moment before she was mumbling that she had already eaten so she wasn't super hungry.
Caera was just looking before she spoke "Food is food. Even down below. We don't eat what we get we don't eat."
Caera just looked at him before she spoke "And that is all I and any of us from below know thanks to your king and banishing us there."
once he was done Grant looked at her "are you done?" he wouldn't rush her but he did want to make sure she was done before taking her food
Caera was just looking out the window for a moment and just gazed off into the distance. How she wanted to go back below again. She missed her friends and family.
Caera was just nodding her she was facing planting on the bed. She was so bored and she did want to return below. No she needed to. "Wait Grant. I need... To return below. There is somebody I need to see and to reassure them I am safe." She was speaking after a moment in time.
Grant looked at her "and who is this person?" Grant wouldn't be pleased if it was a lover but he had a feeling that is was someone else
Caera looked at him before she spoke "My son, well adopted. I had a sister but she passed away during childbirth so I took in her son as my own. He is being cared for by some of the elders right now but... He needs me, I need him. He is only five." No not even a lover just her only family and with the dangers having not been around recently she hadn't been able to get updates. Last she knew he had been sick and she had sent some medicine with one of the others for him.
"I will have him brought above ground if you wish and he can stay here with you" Grant was hesitant to send her back below but if need be he would if only to have the boy brought up here to join them
Caera was looking for a moment before she spoke "I am unable about the state of his health right now. He is a sickly child."
"then get your things together we will go and collect him and take him to be treated" Grant wouldn't see a small child be ill because of lack of care
"then we can just head out we will be back before dark anyways" Grant had wanted to join the meeting with the advisors but he knew getting her son was important as it would show that he wasn't a cruel bastard.
Grant waited for her so that they could go and get the young boy.

Abby sat at the kings feet while the advisors were talking to him and she blinked when they brought up him getting married. Abby hoped the man would marry and lose interest in her but she knew that he wasn't likely to marry as he hadn't had any interest in the princess who had been offered to him
Hayden was just looking for a moment before she was commenting he had no intention of getting married. "But I do have intent on declaring war on the Western empire." He was commenting. Well that would be news to Abby and she would know Vincent was there - so she could get warning to him before then.

Caera was heading after him so that they could be going - just wanting to get to her brother.

As this was happening, in the Western Kingdom, Calypso was sitting in her fathers office, turned into her office, going over some stuff. She did look up as a servant came in and stated that the project was almost complete that she had been working on. More or less a village she had decided to b
Abby looked at Hayden when he announced he was attacking the western kingdom and she wanted to ask him why when the princess had been so kind but she didnt have to when one of the other advisors asked why he was declaring war.

Grant walked with her so that they could get her son and get back.

Vincent looked over at Caly and asked her what project. he had been working with those who had managed to escape to get them settled
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