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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Grant looked at her and then frowned and made a mental note to eat with her at each meal to ensure that her meals were adequate for her and a child. Grant would also have to tell the king and he wasn't looking forward to that
The doctor was just frowning a bit before she was questioning what on earth Caera meant by that. "Doesn't matter. I am just a dancer from the underground. I am unimportant to all." she spoke before she was standing up so that she could leave.
Grant spoke "I will make sure she eats decent meals" Grant wanted to know what she meant as well but he would wait till they were alone to question her
The doctor was just nodding and soon enough Caera just seemed to be leaving the room although she was just heading off towards where the ballroom was at. The one place where she felt free; and that was because she could dance. And the king didn't care - as long as he wasn't hosting an event.
Caera was just looking towards him before she was speaking, "Food. Why doesn't it matter. No need to act like you care. I'm just your sex toy."
"while you may think I dont care I actually do care so answer me what is your food like when I am not there" Grant looked at her and waited to see what she would say
Caera was just looking towards him before she was speaking, "You certainly have a funny way of showing you care. Locking me in your room when you are leaving the palace. Forcing me to have sex with you when I don't want to. Definitely a caring person right there." With that she was just shaking her head and was soon enough just moving away from him towards the center of the ballroom.
Grant looked at her "the door is never locked you would be able to leave the room if you wished" Grant had just told her to stay put but it was more of a test to see if he could trust her
"And if you cared... You wouldn't force me to remain up here. This isn't my home." Caera was speaking before she was just dancing at that point in time - her eyes closed and she was just letting her body move.
"it is now until the king says I can't have you this is your home" Grant knew that she wasn't happy but there was little he could do about that
Caera just seemed to ignore him at that point in time other than telling him that the king could go fuck himself. Although something seemed to cause her to lose her focus and she found herself losing her balance and falling onto the ground. Well that had startled her that was for sure.
Caera was just pushing some of her hair out of her face but didn't get up from the ground right away. No she wasn't even sure what had caused her to lose her focus - perhaps this whole situation in general.
Caera was just looking towards him before she was speaking, "We will be eating separate during lunch as we always do."
Caera was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "I am not picky about what I eat."
"that is not the point I gave specific instructions regrind your food and I want to make sure they are doing as told" Grant looked her over and then headed off
Caera was just looking towards him before she was commenting, "I am from the underground. Why would they care."
“Because I gave orders for you to be treated well and to be fed like I would if they aren’t doing that then they are going against orders” Grant turned on his heel and walked back to her
Caera was just giving a small shrug at that point in time before she was getting back to her feet.
After a while Caera was retreating to her room, just looking at the clock. It was going to be time for food to be delivered soon anyways.
Grant soon returned as well his arm cut open. a young solider learning how to weld a sword accidentally cut him and he needed to tend to it and join Caera for lunch. Grant didnt go to the medical wing because it was pointless at that time as they were dealing with other ill people
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