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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Soon they were all heading up out of the dungeon and the king was actually leading them all off towards the wing where he was staying with his people. No shock at all that he was making some rather vulgar comments about Azalea as she walked, ones that she ignored. Caly was just walking along behind the guards that were leading them to where they were going to although her father was definitely making things difficult for her.
Robert wanted to deck the man for how entitled he acted and how he treated his daughter. Robert looked around and wondered what all was going to happen
Soon they were arriving at the king's large sitting room and the guards were more or less shoving the two prisoners into the room; the king wandering into the room. Even Caly seemed to be following in at that point in time.
The king was just looking for a brief moment before he was questioning, "I wonder how long it would take for you to cry in pain if I were to decide to whip you? Lets find out shall we." This had Caly looking over sharply before she was exclaiming, "Father! That will definitely cause the king to turn against us. Everybody knows that his prisoners aren't to be harmed without express permission." Although it was definitely a shock to everybody when his whip was lashing out and catching her on the arm, actually drawing blood. "Go and lock her in her room." he was telling his guards, who just looked more than shocked but they were soon escorting Caly out, her hand on her bleeding arm. "My lady... Shall we get your handmaiden?" one of the guards was questioning. "She went to go and speak with those guests that were brought up with the dancers as she wasn't needed at the time." Caly was speaking - yet again that was also because her lover was one of them.
Robert did something that would probably shock everyone and he lunged and grabbed the whip from the king and turned it on the man "see how it feels first you bastard" Robert hit the king a few times before the guards reacted and tackled him to the ground
Azalea was giving a startled gasp when this happened although she didn't move from where she was at that the time. No the king was definitely enraged and it definitely wasn't long before Robert was being punished by the king. The whip was being taken back from him and soon enough lashing against his bare back after his shirt was yanked off.

A guard was heading towards where Caly's handmaiden was at- the woman currently talking to her lover and Vincent, both of whom were standing together. "Her highness is in need of your assistance. It is a minor emergency." the guard was speaking before he was actually explaining he situation - not really having respect for the king at that point in time. This had the handmaiden actually giving a startled gasp before she was tapping her fingers a bit then spoke, "Bring her highness here to me. She'll be far safer here with myself and my lover - especially with how the king is." This had the guard giving a nod and soon enough he was heading off.
Robert didnt scream and his back showed signs of having being wiped before as it was scared. Robert sat there and took the beating but he could tell that his reaction was pissing the male off even more.
The king was definitely getting pissed off before he was demanding that his guards grab the female slave that had been brought as well. God Azalea wasn't even sure what emotion to fake at this point in time - she figured that at some point she should beg him to stop. She was definitely pretending to be terrified at that point in time.

It wasn't long before the guard was returning with Caly, who was more hiding under a cloak at that point in time. Her handmaiden was going over to examine the cut on her arm from the whip.
Vincent looked at her and shook his head lightly but he didn't speak at that point. Vincent looked over when his sister walked up to see what was going on.

Robert looked at the king and then spoke "looks like your not all that strong"
Caly was waiting until the guard left before she was taking off the cloak and shaking out her hair some. She was still wearing her usual veil that covered up part of her face and letting her handmaiden tend to her arm. "Father has absolutely lost is marbles at this point. He decided to take a couple of prisoners from the dungeon to torment; got very upset when I told him it was a bad idea." she was commenting. This had the handmaiden stating that this was probably going to lead a all out brawl at that point int ime.

The king was just looking over before he was actually lashing out at Robert once again, but even harder this time.
Robert chuckled at his attempt but it took skill to make the whip hurt him now and it was a skill that the king didnt have.

Abby looked at her "the king is very particular I am surprised that your father is allowed to even go in to the dungeons"
Caly was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "Lies are my father's forte. The guards didn't dare argue with him at all. He never spoke to King Hayden about any of this." Which meant that this was going to turn into a disaster and she was going to be dragged straight into the middle of it.

Azalea was just watching for a moment although she did actually make it seem like it hurt when he was actually lashing out at her.
Abby sighed and knew all hell was going to break lose over this “your best bet would be to go and speak with the king let him know what is going on”
Caly was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "I will attempt to."
Abby nodded her head and then looked around before looking at her "if you can get my brother out of here and somewhere safe please"
Caly was just looking towards Abby for a brief moment in time before she was inquiring, "Who is your brother?" No she did have to act somewhat clueless.
Caly was just looking before she was speaking, "It should be easy enough. It won't really be watched when I decide to leave - after all I'm not the one causing issues and trying to flee."
"thank you" Abby looked at Vincent who tried to argue but she simply put him in his placed and told him flat out she knew and he was going to get out before he got killed
Caly was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "The dancers will be safe. From what I've heard is they will be going back down below tonight." She was however looking over as the door opened although it only seemed to be Caera who was coming in.
Caera was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "Honestly... As long as you do as you're told... It isn't too bad up here. Plenty of freedom other than leaving the palace."
Abby nodded her head but she didnt speak no her silence was enough to tell them that she didnt like that she had caught the mans attention
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