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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Caera was just looking towards Abby before she was speaking, "He hasn't said you had to stay yet so count your blessings. You aren't a personal plaything yet."
Caera was just giving a rather weak smile before she was turning to head off once again, knowing that it was around that time when Grant would be looking for her.
Caera was just looking towards Abby before she was commenting, "I don't know about that."

A number of weeks had gone by since the king and Caly had gone to visit that of Hayden - and only upset the man to the point that Caly's father himself had been tortured within an inch of his life. Thankfully by that time she had already left with that of Vincent and some of the guards that had come with them, having stolen away into the night. Now she was sitting within the throne room of her own kingdom with her veil covering her face and just listening to some of the people that were within the room as they spoke. Vincent and some of the rebels that she had managed to smuggle out weeks ago - and periodically more were arriving within her kingdom. Her father was back within the palace but he had been in a coma for the last couple of weeks - and it didn't seem like there was a high chance of him waking up. So now there was a lot of pressure on Caly - especially with some of the ministers wanting her to marry since they didn't believe she could be queen without a man at her side.

As this was happening, Caera found herself awake early in the morning although she was throwing up in the toilet. She felt absolutely miserable - figuring she had maybe caught a bug of sorts. Starting the day before a number of foods had just started making her stomach more upset - she wasn't even factoring in that over a month had gone past since Grant had first forced himself on her. At least about the only one she needed to worry about entertaining was Grant; whom was still asleep at the time.
Abby laid next to the King as he had decided that she would remain topside with him many weeks ago. Abby didnt move even though she was awake as she didnt want to risk waking the king up from his slumber. Abby had the freedom to wander the castle to her liking but if she tried to leave she found that she wasn't allowed. Abby had only tried once to leave and she had been stopped. Abby turned her head and looked at Hayden and thought about how he life would have been if she hadn't caught his attention. while Grant was far kinder to Caera then Hayden was to Abby she was constantly grilled about what she knew of the rebels and if the king didnt like her answer she paid for it. Abby also served as the king s plaything and she learned quickly that if he was in his robe when she entered the room that she needn't get changed for the night.

Grant rolled over when he heard her get ill and then got up. he grabbed his robe and walked over to where she was and watched her "I am taking you to see the doctor" Grant didnt like that she was getting ill and he was going to make sure that everything was ok
Hayden was just asleep at that point in time - not really concerned about Abby at all. She wasn't going to be able to go anywhere at all.

Caera was just looking at him before she was making that it was probably just a stomach bug, that she would be fine. The sick feeling was passing but she didn't get up right away.
Abby laid back and curled up hoping that she would be able to leave this place one day

Grant shook his head "it is better to be safe then sorry"
Caera was changing and soon they were heading to the doctor, where she was sitting down so they could look her over. She just answered questions they asked - although there was some hesitation when it got to her last menstrual cycle. She had no idea.
Grant looked at both her and the doctor as he started to put everything together. Grant then focused on Caera "is it possible that you are pregnant?" Grant didnt know how he felt at that moment but he would handle everything
Caera was just looking for a brief moment in time although she did get rather pale at his words - the doctor worried for a moment that she was going to pass out. Oh she hadn't even thought about that at all... and that would definitely mean that it belonged to the general. After all he was the only one that she had slept with... the first few times being just rape. Even now... she just went with it. She was growing use to him but that didn't mean that she liked him at all; not after what he had done to her. "Okay lets get you onto the bed more; you are very pale right now." the doctor was speaking and helping her get onto the bed more since she had been sitting on the edge - now she was firmly sitting on the bed. More stability for if she got light headed.
Grant looked at her and then looked at the doctor "is it possible?" Grant didnt know if it was possible and he hadn't really thought about it
The doctor was just giving a nod of her head before she was speaking, "It is quite possible and it explains all of the symptoms. I can run a few tests to find out for sure but I am going to hold off on that for a moment." No she was far more concerned with how pale Caera was.
Caera was startled by being pushed onto the bed but she was falling backwards onto the bed; but seemed to be refusing to make eye contact with Grant at that point in time. This was all his fault! This definitely wasn't what she was wanting at all. The doctor was just asking Caera a few other questions about when she thought it could have happened - it having been an impression that the pair of them were in some kind of actual relationship. "No. It wasn't willingly. Not at all. It was forced nothing more than that." Caera was speaking after a moment in time but she was letting the doctor get some of her blood.
Grant watched the doctor close while she worked but he didnt speak when Caera was speaking knowing what she was saying was true he had forced her.
The doctor was just getting the blood that was needed before she was speaking, "I'll go and test this. Until then... Miss Caera just stay here and rest. At least until more color has returned." Color was slowly returning but not enough that the doctor was going to allow her to leave.
once the doctor left Grant looked at her "what will you do if you are pregnant?" Grant would't force her to keep the child if she didnt want it
Caera was just looking for a moment before she was mumbling, "Not like I have any options at all." No she didn't believe that she had any freedom at all - so she had no idea what she was going to do. Granted she wasn't sure if she could be that heartless and terminate the pregnancy.... the child hadn't done anything wrong.
"But you would force yourself on me in general." Caera was speaking after a moment in time before she was sitting up. No there was more color to her face at that point in time and the doctor was returning soon after that, confirming that she was in fact pregnant.
Grant looked at her "we can discuss this back in the room" Grant didnt want to have the conversation in the medical wing with people listening
Caera was just looking for a moment before she was speaking, "I do not wish to speak about it. At all." The doctor was looking over before she was stating that she was going to have to start being more cautious with what she was eating now that she was expecting. "I'm from underground. We aren't picky about what we eat. We learn to adapt. Nothing has changed even coming aboveground." Caera was speaking after a moment in time. Well that would be a surprise to Grant to hear - especially since when he was there she was being served what he got served. When he wasn't around however... It was more or less mush.
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