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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Grant would see a couple of servants actually coming out of his room, where Caera was at the time. Although they clearly seemed shocked to see him, having not expected him for a bit longer. Usually they had it timed so Caera was eating prior to him coming back from training. Not today it seemed.
Grant looked at them and then walked in and looked at the food that she had been given when it didnt match his instructions he called the servants in to explain
The servants were returning before one of them was casting the blame on Caera. The dancer was silent at that point in time and just seeming to be nibbling on the bread - which he would find was stale if he tried it. No at that point food was food.
"really I find that hard to believe since I gave the directions on the foo she is to be served so please explain to me why my orders were ignored" Grant looked at them and waited
"She told the kitchen she didn't want what you ordered her to eat." The servants was speaking after a moment in time.
Caera was just looking over before she spoke "I did but only to tell them I don't need as much food. They bring way to much when they did bring good food." She didn't eat much during a meal. She wasn't use to being able to eat a lot.
Grant nodded his head and then looked at them "so now try telling me that she said this is what she wanted to eat" Grant knew she wouldn't lie to him even if she didnt like him
The servants were just stammering a bit but one of them was stating that she seemed fine with it since she was eating it. "BecUse I know if I don't... It won't be until whenever you decide to give dinner. Which could be late at night as usual."
Grant glared and then looked them over "she will be eating with me from now one and if I find that you are giving her subpar food ever again you will be severely punished"
This had the servants bowing and they were hurrying off, stating that they would be bringing food as soon as they could for them.
Grant nodded his head and then he went and pulled his shirt off so that he could clean and tend to his injury. the cut ran from his shoulder to his elbow and it was fairly deep. Grant looked at Caera and then spoke "dont eat what they brought you, we will eat when they return" Grant then started digging through his supplies to find what he needed to tend to his arm
Caera was looking towards him before she spoke "I would prefer to be able to eat." Because she knew that they probably wouldn't actually bring her much of anything later since she had already eaten.
Caera was just watching for a moment before she was getting up and walking over, snagging stuff from him. No she could see that it needed stitches and trying to do that yourself usually resulted in it not going well. So she was taking over to get his arm stitched up.
Grant soon opened the door and fresh food for both of them was pushed in. there was even enough for her to have a decent meal.
Grant brought her the food and set it on her lap before he grabbed his own food and settled at the table so that he could eat as well
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