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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Hayden was just looking over before he was commenting "I am aware of the actions of Princess Calypso and assisting traitors form the underground in escaping."

Calypso was just looking for a moment before she spoke "I had a village built within the forest within my kingdom for those from the underground to call home. Isolated, safe, and a place to call their own. They would still be apart of my kingdom so they would still gain my protection; but I would leave them to their own devices all at once."

Caera hurried after him and they were leaving the palace to head to the lift.
Abby paled learning this and she wondered how she would get word to her brother to warn him if the impending war. Abby was thankful that she was at his feet since he wasn't able to see her reactions to his news.

Vincent nodded his head and thanked her as it would help the people settle in and relax some rather than being on edge.

Grant walked on to the lift and then looked at the guards nodding once she was on so they could go below
Calypso was chuckling before she spoke "I've been working at this for quite some time. Since seeing the conditions the people live in myself." She was rising from where she was sitting and stating for him to gather a few of the rebels and she would show them.

Caera was stepping on with him, not even bothered at all. No she was so use to this. At first it had scared her but no more.

"Lord Hayden. I don't advice wagering war against the Western Kingdom. While the young princess has just stepped as queen and doesn't know much of ruling... Their army is still far greater than ours. It would be best to try and keep them as allies." Came a voice and soon enough Azalea was walking into the room, her hair pulled up tightly. Abby would recognize her as the prisoner who had been standing near her brother Robert, yet now she was here.
Abby looked at her and made a note to try and get down to warn her brother that this woman wasn't to be trusted but that would involve leaving the kings side which she wasn't able to do at all recently. Abby hoped that the king would listen to the woman and not attack the western kingdom.

Grant stood still as they were lowered below ground and when the lift came to a stop he stepped off of it.

Vincent nodded his head and then stood up so that he could follow her and see what was going on
Hayden was just looking for a moment in time before he spoke "I suppose you are correct there, Azalea. But this also means finding a way to keep the kingdom in my grasp." "Marry the princess, soon to be queen. It doesn't need to be out of love but just out of keeping control. The kingdom will be yours and the people will be loyal while their queen is in your grasp." Azalea was commenting after a moment in time. Yes she was suggesting marriage but only for the purpose of controlling another kingdom and their army. "Or marry one of your Lords to her - still in your control then. Dependent on the Lord - we know some of them are cruel when not obeyed."

Caly was heading off with him and some of the men, heading to the stables to start with. A few horses were being brought out for them and she was going over to her snow White mare and swinging up onto her back without any problems at all.

Once down below, Caera was stepping off of the lift and instantly heading off deeper into the area. People stayed out of their way only because of the general.
Abby frowned and she wanted so badly to leave the room and warn her brother of what was going on but she didnt know how to do so and she didnt know of who she could get the news to without the king finding out. Abby was aware that the Western kingdom wasn't one to be messed with and she was hoping they would help them get free.

Vincent took a pitch black horse and mounted the animal with a little help as he had been taking lessons on how to ride.

Grant followed her so that they could get her brother
Azalea was looking the king before he was speaking "I did also learn some information from the rebel second in command. He has an elder brother named Vincent. Who also seemed to be the guest who had come with your dancer a few weeks ago."

"Lady Caly, stay safe." One of the stable hands was speaking which had her giving a smile and soon enough they were heading off. The woman just leading them through the forest.
Abby tensed and since she was leaning against his legs he would be able to feel her go stiff at the mention of her eldest brother. Abby hoped that the king wouldn't figure out who the rebel leader was.

Vincent followed her and looked around and hoped that the village would be a good place for them to all settle
Hayden felt her tense up some which had him chuckling a bit before he was speaking "Let's bring the Rebel up here then and see if we can get more to him."

It took them about twenty minutes by horseback to arrive and Caly was dismounting to walk I to the village. Plenty of houses, a town meeting hall, some stands for stores, even a spot for an infirmary. There were some small areas for planting stuff - but for the most part they would have to travel to the kingdom for supplies.
since it wasn't a long trip it wouldn't be hard for them to get supplies. Vincent walked around and looked at everything and if they needed they could clear more area for planing.

Abby hoped her brother could hold out and not give in to what she assumed would be torture
"General Azalea... Would you say you have a close relationship with the rebel?" Hayden questioned which definitely told Abby that the wan was more dangerous than Abe had thought.

This had Azalea looking over before she was speaking "He had on numerous occasions tried to protect me. I am unsure if it is due to his mature of if we are close."
Abby looked at her and then blanched learning that her brother had tried to protect the woman. but given what she knew and her brother didnt she didn't blame him for trying to protect her. Abby then dropped her head and hoped that nothing happened to her brother
"Have the rebel brought up. Azalea... We shall leave him to answer questions on exchange for... You not being punished. For... Let's say trying to escape." Hayden was speaking which had the general looking over before she was giving a nod of her head, not even bothered.

Caly was just speaking "This is what I've been working on."
Abby looked at the king but she didn't speak even though she wanted to she wanted to call the king a bastard and she wanted to attack the man but she knew better then to even try.

Vincent looked around and then smiled "they will like this it will let them settle and be on their own for a while but we will try to integrate with the kingdom sooner rather then later"
Caly was nodding before she was speaking "That is fine. I don't expect them to want to be apart of a kingdom right away already. But I do want them to know that... I am not like King Hayden. I shall never be."

Azalea was jaut letting her hair down how she would usually have it down when Robert was around and just going down to her knees as though begging for forgive. Complete attitude change.
Robert looked at Azalea when he was brought in to the room and then he looked at his sister who looked lost and defeated while sitting at the kings feet.

Vincent nodded his head "it gives us time though and that is what we need"
Hayden was just looking before he was more or less stating that he knew about his ties to the rebel leader. It wasn't long before he was actually going over and rather violently grabbing Azalea by her hair, definitely not what she had expected at all. There was definitely a cry of pain when he did that. "And this one here was caught trying to escape." He was adding.

Caly was nodding her head before she was commenting "It shall." She was stroking her mares nose gently before she was just pushing some hair out of her face - as usual still wearing that veil that covered part of her face.
Robert looked at him and then at Azalea when she cried out in pain "and what does that have to do with me" while he didnt like that she was getting hurt he didnt know what that had to do with him. and while he figured the king had some idea of his connection to the the rebel leader as just being the second in command not his personal relationship to him.

Vincent looked at her and wanted to yank the veil off but he knew it was one of their customs there for her to wear it as she was unmarried
"Because I know you two have been spending quite a bit of time together." Hayden was commenting after a moment in time before he was commenting, "I already know that I won't break you with torture so... I've decided that I'll just torture somebody that you are closer too instead. Eventually you'll give me what I want to know... least you want to see them dead."

Caly was just giving a faint smile before she was speaking, "It'll be a safe haven for those without a home... a place that they can call a home." "Lady Caly. Scouting around and we did find a stream that is nearby that those that live here can use for fresh water. We have marked the pathway. It is about three feet from the edge of the tree line." a guard spoke as they came up to her which had her giving a nod.
Robert looked at him "you assume I am close to anyone" the only people Robert was trully close to were his siblings but he wouldn't say that and it would take some observant to know that about him. Robert looked at Azalea and while he felt bad she was being hurt he wasn't going to give in to the king

Vincent looked around and nodded his head lightly "they will like it"
Hayden was just looking for a brief moment before he was speaking, "Fine I guess I'll just change up tactics." With that he was actually pushing Azalea away from him, leaving the startled red head to just fall onto the ground. And soon enough he was going over and grabbing Abby up by her hair. "Since I've learned that this one here is your sister...." he was commenting.

Caly was just smiling lightly before she was turning to look at a couple of her scouts that came hurrying up - having been directed there by the palace. One of them was whispering something into her ear before she was speaking, "I am sure that those down below know not to make a move while the General is there. Strange though that he would venture down into the caverns."
Abby cried out when he grabbed her hair and her hands reached up to try and free it from his grasp "let go of me" Abby didnt want to be dragged in to any of this hence why she had been so well behaved she hadn't wanted to be hurt. Abby wasn't use to be beat or tortured so it would be extra painful for her. Abby watched as Robert looked at her and then shook his head mouthing that he was sorry to her.

Vincent looked at her and then spoke "they are wise they won't do anything while he is there but it is odd that he is down there they have never ventured below before"
Azalea was just watching for a brief moment in time from beneath her hair although she was a bit weirded out that Robert didn't seem to do anything to try and help his sister. A rather sad thing that was. There were a few of the advisors that seemed to speaking to the king; "My lord, Please don't be too harsh to the woman. You will want to keep her if you are wanting to draw out the man who had ventured above with her. Our sources say that he was spotted in the Western Kingdom."

Caly was just looking over before she was speaking, "The fact that he is down there is a worrisome thing. But I've had many reports from the kingdom as well. There is a rumor that the woman that is seen with him all the time is carrying his child." No she would have no idea that Vincent would have a connection to Caera at all - after all Caera and Abby were the best of friends. They had always been close and saw each other as sisters.

Caera headed to the area where her son as at and just looked at the elderly couple that was tending to him. It seemed like he seemed to be in fine health since as soon as he spotted her he was running over to her. "Mommy!" he was sobbing and wrapping his arms around her in a hug, which had her gently picking him up stating that she had missed him. "Why haven't you come back in so long? I was scared..." he whispered in a soft voice which had her giving a gentle smile before she spoke, "Mommy got a job up above so that she could make money to help provide for you. You know you are the most important thing in my life; I would do anything to keep you safe. And now... I have enough that I can bring you up with me." No she wasn't going to let him know what had actually happened - she didn't want him to know the evilness that was behind it.
Abby wanted to cry seeing that her brother wasn't going to do anything but what would shock them all was when Robert was breaking free of the guards and charging at the king to get Abby free from him. Robert had done what he had done to lower their guard so he had a chance to get his sister free.

Vincent sighed "the general took a liking to one of the dancers she is close friends with my sister they are like sisters they are so close."

Grant looked at the child and was glad to see that he was doing ok and wasn't sick. Grant knew that letting her take the child up top would help keep her under his thumb even more
Hayden was just watching although it wasn't long before a couple of guards were able to get a hold of him once again and Hayden was ordering him to be taken away. "Take him to the torture room. We will have one of the generals deal with him now." he was speaking.

Caly was just looking for a moment in time before she was speaking, "Well it would appear that this dancer and your sister's best friend may be carrying the child of the general. Which... could be a good thing for her." This definitely had some other rebels that were around more or less accusing her of siding with the king and the general, stating that it was a terrible thing. "Alas it is good for her because... She is carrying the General's child. Nobody within the kingdom will dare try and harm her - not without risk of upsetting General Grant. And we have all heard the rumors of how brutal he is. And this is also something we could potentially use to our advantage. If we can find a way to convince the general that his king means this woman he has taken a fancy to and his child harm... perhaps we can get him on our side." she was commenting - speaking more like a tactician than a queen.

Caera was just holding her son gently and just stroking his hair gently before looking at the elderly couple who had been taking care of him before thanking them. "The medicine you had one of the dancers send helped greatly." the elderly woman spoke. No Grant hadn't known about that at all - so she was sure she was going to get into a bit of trouble since she had basically stolen medicine.
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