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(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

The next couple of hours did go past for everybody, and Abby would find herself awakening in Hayden's bed. The pair of them completely nude and she would perhaps find herself a little sore. But she could at least count her blessings - as Hayden had at least used protection; and that was only because he had told her that as long as she didn't fight him, that he would respect her enough to use that protection.

At some point in time Caera found herself wandering into the training grounds where Grant was training some of the men, and there seemed to be a red headed woman there as well helping train some of the men. Wait that woman... she knew... She was the one that she had seen in the dungeons with Robert. Yet Caera knew better than to say anything at all; that was only going to get herself hurt again.
Abby sat up and moved to get out of the bed so that she could dress and leave. while she didnt know if she had his permission she figured he wouldn't want her hanging around.

Grant looked up from his training and he spotted Caera and it had him wondering why she was there
Hayden seemed to be rousing when she was getting up but he didn't stop her from leaving at that point in time, was just telling her that it was time for her to return below with the others.

Caera was just watching at that point in time, her eyes just studying those that were sparring.
Abby nodded and then stood to get dressed only to find that her legs couldn't support her.

Grant watched her for a bit before he turned and went back to work on training the men
Hayden was just watching for a moment before just summoning a maid to help her.

Caera just leaned against a fence post to watch.
Caera was watching for a moment before she was actually pushing off and moving a bit closer, just watching a few. "Be lighter on your feet and you'll move faster."
the solder got snippy with her and said that she should keep her mouth shut that she wasn't a fighter and didnt have any right to tell him what to do. the man then went back to what he had been doing ignoring her. Grant sighed and rubbed his face and wondered how they had gotten a batch of idiots this go around. Grant then looked at Caera "you might want to stay back just to be safe I dont want you getting hurt"
Caera was just watching for a brief moment although she didn't seem offended at all. "I'm not worried about getting hurt. I doubt somebody so clonky would be able to hit me even." She was commenting with a shrug.
Caera was just looking towards him before she was shrugging and turning to wander off. No point in staying there - and for the most part people didn't stop her from going where she wanted to go. They just stopped her if she ever tried to leave the palace.
Grant sighed when she left and then looked at the solder who had gotten pissy with her and put him through his paces once more
Caera was just wandering off although she was just more going to the garden that was there - the empty garden. And soon enough she was just dancing to unheard music.
When he did go back down there, it seemed like Azalea was back within the dungeons - but once again she was there as a "prisoner" just watching Grant at that point in time. Although the plus side is being there the past few days - minus being "taken away" for a few hours - she had gotten closer to Robert. Learning more about him - and there was a small level of trust there. She had somehow managed to convince the idiot guards to rough her up a bit before she was returned to the cell - and they had done it without question. The others that had been around had thought it was a bit stupid, but they hadn't said anything. After all it was a general's orders.
Grant left Robert alone as he wasn't going to bother when Azalea was doing. Grant had the men drag out another rebel who they thought might know who the leader was or at least give them away to break Robert to get him to talk
Azalea was just watching them get dragged out from where she was just sitting closer to where Robert was, having taken to using him as a comfort at the time.
"Why do you say that? Everybody breaks eventually...." Azalea was whispering in a soft voice after a moment in time, having that tone of fright to it.
Azalea was just nodding her head although it wasn't long before she was looking up as the door to the dungeons was opening up and she was blinking a bit when she saw the visiting king come down with a couple of the soldiers. Oh boy... this was going to be interesting. It seemed like he was there to find a plaything for the evening or something; and he had dragged his poor daughter down with him. The female hiding behind the veil just looking uncomfortable with even being down there. "I think... I'll take these two...." the king was pointing at Robert and Azalea which had the princess commenting that the lord of the palace had said he could pick one prisoner to torment. "Well then... I picked one and you picked one." the king was commenting which clearly just had the princess shivering a bit.
The guards were stammering a bit but they knew better than to arguing with a visiting royal and they were going over to get the prisoners out of the cell right away. Azalea was just mentally cursing a bit and really hoped that this wasn't going to cause issues at all - but she did force herself to remain calm and quiet. "Father... I don't believe going against the Lord's orders are a good idea." Caly was speaking after a moment in time. No if they ruined relationships with the lord now that was going to cause complications. "Calypso. Silence yourself. Now. Or I shall do it myself." the king was speaking in a sharp voice and what would startle some was when he seemed to draw his sword and actually point it at his daughter's neck at his threat.
Robert did as he would for anyone and got between the two "all is reported to the king it is not wise to test him" Robert knew this would piss the man off and he didnt mind getting between the two of them either
The king was just watching before he was speaking, "The king is the one who said I could have my pick of prisoners. Now move it." He was gesturing for them to turn and get moving, even Azalea was just going with at that point in time. Although she was moving up closer to where Caly was at, more being that concerned servant for the obviously shaken royal - where it would be a problem if she collapsed or something out of the blue.
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