(Reboot) The Cavern (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

"Because I also have the child that was forced on me to worry about; and my son would be devastated if he baby sibling got hurt." Caera spoke; although it was pretty obvious that it was going to take some time for her to forgive Grant for raping her. Yet that wasn't to be unexpected either.
"there is a way to terminate the pregnancy if you don't want it all you have to do is tell me" Grant was giving her a way out and he knew it while he didn't want to lose his child he would give her what ever she wanted
"While I was forced... I am not that heartless. While I may not forgive you for your actions... I will never take it out on an innocent life that had no choice in the matter." Caera was speaking after a moment in time.
Caera was just looking over before she spoke, "Don't even try and act like you feel guilty about it. You don't. You did it without any second questioning at all. All because... I refused to answer a question. So you raped me to show me that you were the boss, that you were in control."
"no offense by don't tell me how I feel I made a mistake one that I can't take back" Grant looked at her and then shook his head before turning to leave "it was pointless to try and make things right you'll never forgive me so why bother"
Caera was just looking towards him before she questioned, "And how could I forgive you? You did that many times with no care it seemed like. And only now when a war is about to start do you seem to regret your actions. It has been months already; and I've quietly listened to you. I've let you do as you wish even when I didn't want to... because I was afraid of what you would do if I rejected you."
Grant looked at her but shook his head before he turned and walked out he had known it wasn't going to go well and he was seriously regretting even going and talking to her
Caera was just letting out a breath of air before she was just shaking her head a bit. Soon she was just leaving her son with Abby stating that she needed to go for a walk for a bit. After that she was just leaving to walk about the palace.

Caly was just going over to Vincent after a moment in time and was just stating that they mind as well go inside for a bit as well.
Vincent nodded his head and then took her hand so that they could go in.

Abby watched Archer and took him in to hiding like everyone else was doing so that way they had a place and when she joined them they were all togather
Caly was just heading inside with him and pushing a bit of her head out of her face. This whole situation was so annoying although she was commenting, "The mad king is going to try and strike soon I'm sure... Thinking that we will be off our game with the passing of the king." Which was somewhat of a true fact... but not fully all at once.

Caera was just wandering about the castle although after a bit she did find herself just pausing to look around some.
Vincent nodded his head "as soon at the fighting starts I will join the people below so that they have someone there to guide them while you protect the kingdom"
Caly was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Whenever that does happen."

As this was happening some soldiers would be talking to each other about the red head that had headed off to deal with the mad king, to halt his route to the palace. All of this talk was being done in front of Robert. One of them was commenting that there was no way that a woman would be able to stand against the mad king.
Robert looked at them and then spoke "she is strong then you think" while he was pissed at her for lying to him and using him she also knew she was one hell of a fighter to be one of the kings generals

Vincent nodded "I know the waiting is terrifying for everyone"
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