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Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Musa was commenting "I should get going." "Considering you kicked off your heels for a bit you walked here. Why dont you have one of the boys give your a ride." Desdemona was comment from below the car, as she pushed out and looked at her friend. Musa was looking before she was speaking "I'll see."
"if one of my guys are still here they can run you home if you need if one of her guys can't" Chris wasn't above calling a cab for her either
Musa was just looking for a brief moment before she was commenting, "I mean to be fair I only live a few blocks away.... But the only reason I'm not arguing it is mostly because my feet are killing me due to these heels." With that she was chuckling before giving a wave and heading out to just ask any of the guys that were out there if one of them could give her a ride home. Although she did find herself jump a bit when the customer that was there getting an oil change was actually coming up to her and putting an arm around her shoulders as though they were old friends and stating that he would take her home.
one of Chris's men who was still there spotted this and could tell she was uncomfortable and got between the two "I do belive the lady was talking to someone other then you"
The man was just stating that he had no right to get between him and his girlfriend, which just had Musa shaking her head for a moment. "No. You aren't my boyfriend. I don't have a boyfriend. Have a guy I'm interested in but we aren't dating... I don't even know if he feels the same way... and yeah. You and I aren't dating." Musa was just speaking after a moment in time. One of the mechanics was calling the guy over and stating that there were a few other things that they had spotted and wanted to know if he wanted them to take care of it while his car was there. Perfect distraction.
Musa was just looking over for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "Oh that would be wonderful. Thank you so much for the help. It has been a long day and... He just got me all flustered."
Musa was nodding her head before she was heading outside after him to get into the car. "Do you mind if I take off my shoes?" she was questioning after they were in the car. She knew some people didn't care but there were some that were particular.
Musa was just rubbing at her foot a bit as she was looking out the window for a brief moment before giving his directions once they arrived at her place.
Musa was just looking as they were arriving before she was slipping her heels back on so that she could climb out of the car. "Thanks for the ride." she was speaking as she was straightening up.
Musa was just looking over for a moment in time before she was speaking, "I guess... you are right there. For not being afraid to sing in front of thousands of people.... I'm terrified to express my true feelings."
Musa was just nodding before she was closing the door and was soon enough heading inside with a small breath escaping her lips. No he was right... what was the worst that could happen. Alex rejecting her? With that said she was taking out her phone and was texting Alex... telling her that she had something to tell him.
Alex looked at his phone when it pinged and then he picked it up and looked at the text he had received. seeing that it was a text from Musa he responded back asking her what she needed to tell him. Alex didnt know what to expect but he figured it had to be important if she was texting about it instead of waiting for when they saw each other again.
Musa was just letting out a small breath of air before she was messaging him that she was attracted to him, and was curious as to if he wanted to go out with her.
Musa was just looking at his response before she was giving a small smile before she was messaging back that it sounded like a date.
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