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Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Desdemona was just groaning before she was mumbling, "Fine. Although if I see that man.... no promises he'll survive going to jail." She was just going over to Musa after a moment in time to snag her phone and was just sending a message to the other woman's annoying ex - more a threat and making sure that he knew it was her as well.
Desdemona was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was speaking to Musa, "I would let Alex know about the douchebag. Although.... I swear you had a restraining order on the asshole." This had Musa looking before she spoke, "No I never actually got one... More like they wouldn't place one on him. Because at that point - it was a low level model accusing a famous photographer."
Chris looked at her "do you need a guard as well?" he was starting to wonder if the girls were safe in their day to day lives or if this was a one off
Musa was just looking for a brief moment before she was speaking, "No I'll be fine. Just an annoying ex boyfriend is all. Nothing to worry about actually."
Musa was just chuckling before she was speaking, "He is not. He is just being a baby right now because I cancelled the photoshoot and I straight up told him that it was because he was there."
"Nope not at all." Musa was just chuckling before watching as Desdemona was getting back to tearing apart the car.
Musa was just looking over before she was questioning, "Blaire hear about it?" Desdemona was just mumbling, "Yeah I messaged her."
Musa was just flinching a bit before she was commenting, "I would just let her have her fun tearing apart the car."
"that is my plan I have no intent on getting between her and that car" Chris could tell she needed to work out her frustrations and he wasn't going to stop her
Chirs remained standing and just watched as Des tore the car apart. seeing her do this had him a little worried about showing her his car collection but at the same time it made him feel like so could do wonders to them and make then run again
Musa was just watching before she spoke "She only does this to junker cars she bought herself just for this purpose. Otherwise she is more delicate about what she is doing."
Chris nodded his head "sounds like a good plan" Chris was glad to see she was getting more lively rather then down and depressed like she had been
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