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Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Desdemona was just taking them from him and thanking him before shooting Blaire a quick message about what had happened at the police station, which had her replying back right away she would let her brother know.
Desdemona was just watching for a moment before she was standing up and stretching ever so slightly.
Desdemona was just giving a nod of her head before she was brushing her fingers through her hair, although at that point in time she was beginning to pace. No she needed something to do. "After I meet them.... I need to go to my shop. I need to work on my one of junkers or something." she was speaking after a moment in time.
Desdemona was just looking before she was speaking, "Maybe a better idea. Be best for people to meet me in my natural habitat."
Chris chuckled and then nodded his head "then that is what we will do" Chris got the address and then texted it to the men before he grabbed his things and Ares's leash so that they could head out
Desdemona was just nodding and gave him the address before she was heading out. She was just walking there at that point in time since it was only a couple of blocks away and it was a beautiful day out. Her hair was being pulled up into a ponytail as she walked into the shop and a few employees were greeting her, but saw her expression and knew to stay out of the way. "There is a junker already in the other garage. Musa called earlier and said that you might need a distraction." one of the guys was commenting and she was heading through a doorway that would head to a fourth garage to work on cars in. A more separate one from the three stall. This one was more for her own projects without taking up space for actual customers.
Chris followed her with AAres in tow and he made sure to stay out of her way while she worked but he was still there to keep her safe. Chris looked at the confirmation texts as they came in and soon the first guard arrived at the shop looking for them. Chris left Ares with Des and then went to greet the man and explain the job and how she wanted to meet him before deciding if he was a fit. Chirs stressed that it was her choice and not his so that he was aware that if she didn't feel comfortable with him then he probably wouldn't be picked.
Desdemona was just turning on her music and busying herself with tearing apart the Junker car that was in front of her. No she was going to rebuild it from frame up and make it brand new. And luckily the frame was in perfect condition still... The rest of it not so much.
Desdemona was just looking over for a moment in time as she was letting out a huff of air. Nope a bit of conversation but she wasn't sure it was going to work out. He seemed a bit too concerned about her tearing apart the car.
Desdemona was just looking before commenting "Hmm... This I will do a lot. Especially when I'm stressed." With that she was going over to where the engine was so that she could actually look it over.
Desdemona was just tilting her head before she was commenting, "I'm usually working on a car every weekend for sure. Sometimes for fun sometimes for work. Today is a completely different story though." She was however looking at her phone as it vibrated and saw a message from Musa about the photoshoot they were doing together. The date had been moved up so instead of in a few days... it was tomorrow. "Well fuck...." she was mumbling and ran her fingers through her hair.
Desdemona was just looking over before she was speaking, "Photoshoot I have going on with Musa was moved up to tomorrow. Not a huge deal at all... Just not mentally prepared to deal with that quite yet."
Desdemona was just giving a nod of her head before she was going over and just going back to tearing apart the car. "I don't think it is going to work out though if one cannot get use to the fact that I do this for a living when I'm not singing."
Desdemona was getting more stuff out of the car and just tossing it out the open door and into the back where there was a bunch of scrap anyways.
Desdemona was just looking for a moment before she spoke, "Honestly I don't need one. You seem stressed about it."
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