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Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

"thank you" Chris then lead her into the building and greeted everyone as they walked. once they reached his office an old golden retriever came up and greeted them "hey budy how are you doing" Chris knelt and rubbed the dog earning a kiss for his pets
Desdemona was just following after him although for the most part she was pretty quiet at the time, not really saying anything to anybody. She was however looking at the dog that came over.
"this is Ares he is my dog and he comes with me to work, he is nine so he is an old man but he loves getting pet and hugs" Chris looked at her and smiled
Desdemona was commenting that he was adorable. After that she was pushing some of her hair out of her face before she was stating, "Why don't you just recommend somebody."
"I can recommend people all I want but if you do not like them you wont trust them" Chris then walked in to his office and motioned for her to join him so that they could look things over
Desdemona was just looking towards him before she was speaking, "I would have to meet them in person then to decide."
Desdemona was just speaking, "That is what would need to happen for me to decide. I have to actually be able to physically meet a person, I can't just look at information and know." With that she was letting out a small breath of air.
"how about this we look and you pick say the top five and we call them in to meet you in person?" Chirs felt that that would be a good thing
Desdemona was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was commenting, "Yeah I can do that."
"This is a lot of faces to look at. Why not give me a few suggestions of who not to choose. Who is going to just let me live my life without interfering too much."
Desdemona was taking the binder from him so that she could look through it. No she was outgoing and tended to do her own thing - going out partying, clubbing, just genuinely enjoying life. She didn't want to just stop doing that completely.
Desdemona was just commenting that looking through all of this was going to take forever. But she was looking through them regardless.
Desdemona was giving a nod of her head before she was giving him a couple of names to at least jot down of some that she had found so far at the time. Granted the list could be larger than five names but it definitely wasn't going to be like a hundred plus names.
Chris wrote down the names as she said them. Chris had forgotten his name was in there at the end of the binder as he had updated the binder but he hadn't taken his information out of it yet
Desdemona was a bit curious to see that he was in the binder as well and was just stating his name as well. Although it was more jokingly at the time - not feeling like it would be the best idea to take the boss of the business away from the business.
Desdemona was just commenting, "Perhaps we will see. Maybe one of your others I'll click with better."
Desdemona was just giving a nod of her head before she was commenting, "Sounds good. Although I seriously wish I had my phone." She had no idea that the guys who had been with Chris when they had found her car had in fact grabbed her wallet and phone, and it was currently sitting in Chris' office. They had dropped it off earlier before heading off to do their own work.
Chris got up and walked over to his desk as he had been texted about her phone and wallet "my guys grabbed them for you so I have them as they dropped them off" Chris grabbed them and then took them over to her
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