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Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Chris closed the door behind her and then looked at his men who had come in a separate car "Ill see you back at the building I am taking her to the hospital" Chris then got behind the wheel and headed out so that he could get her checked out and make sure she was ok
Desdemona was just commenting that they really didn't need to go to the hospital at all; that she wasn't injured at all. Worse thing was she was a bit woozy still, or had been woozy for a while anyways. Yet again she had been drugged which is how she had been so complacent and non-violent.
"no you need to be looked over but i will stay with you the whole time" Chris drove to the hospital and then parked and looked at her "once we are done here Ill call Musa for you so you can talk to her and let her know personally that you are ok"
Desdemona was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "No I don't want to worry Musa. Just... Message her and apologize to her for me. Tell her that I ended up getting home and forgot my phone in my car, and just fell asleep, ended up sleeping in longer than intended."
Desdemona was just giving a small groan before she was mumbling that Musa didn't need to be worrying about other stuff at that point in time.
Desdemona was just shaking her head before she was speaking, "It is fine...." With that she was just letting out a breath and soon enough they were arriving at the hospital.
Desdemona was just following after him inside but she was trying to still tell him that she was truly fine.
"you were drugged and kidnapped you need to be looked over and everything documented for the cops" Chris looked at her and then spoke to the receptionist who took them to a room as they had received a call from the cops already about her
Desdemona was just letting out a breath of air before she was giving a nod of her head as they were walking into the room so that they could get this done with.
the nurse came in and smiled at her "sorry about this but the cops do need the records" she often worked with the cops so she knew their procedures well enough
Desdemona was just nodding her head before she was speaking, "It is fine. I suppose it can't hurt anyways. I don't remember much other than arriving back at home then when I was waking up briefly at his home to hearing him talking crazy stuff.... then I think I was drugged again before passing out." She was making a comment that she remembered arriving home about 1am last night. And seeing as it was almost ten in the morning - she had been gone for a few hours. So anything could have happened truly while she was unconscious. But if the nurse did tests to see if she had been raped or anything those would come back negative - he had tried which was evident by the bruising she had but never got far. A guilty conscious.
the nurse did every exam she needed and when needed Chris stepped out of the room but as he had promised he had stayed by her side the whole time
Desdemona was just letting the nurse do her tests but she was definitely still shaken up about the whole thing, and this whole situation just had her a little more shaken.
Desdemona was just wanting to leave and go home at that point in time; she also wanted to break down. Which for her was abnormal... but for once she was feeling overwhelmed.
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