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Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Desdemona was just shaking her head before she spoke, "Not right now. I feel like if I ate... I would throw it up."
Chris nodded his head and then handed her his phone so she could call Musa "call Musa I think you need to talk to her the most right now"
Desdemona was nodding her head before she was taking the phone to call Musa - just typing in her number right away at that point in time. Honestly she hoped that she answered - not knowing that Musa had Chris' number at all. While she was waiting for her to answer, Musa had been doing some of the rehearsal but was going off when she felt her phone vibrate - she wasn't needed at that point in time. She was stepping into a empty room away from everybody and was answering when she saw that it was Chris, just asking if he had heard anything. Although she was startled and relieved to hear Desdemona on the other end.
Desdemona was still worked up but talking to Musa was calming her down some, at least up until she saw the police station and seemed to almost be going back to panicking again. "Des. Breath. From what you told me you are talking to another female. Don't see her as a cop; see her as somebody interviewing you." Musa was speaking on the other end of the phone before she was stating that she was going to be alright. "After you are done there... Why don't you go to my place. Cuddle with my kitties."
Chris parked the car and then waited till she had calmed down once more and he would do his best to stay with her during the interview
Desdemona was just letting out a slow breath before she was hanging up with Musa and was soon heading inside.
Desdemona was speaking with the cops although she definitely seemed a bit hesitant to speak when a male cop came in - yet again he was being rather abrasive and rude at the time, which just had her clamming up more than not.
The cop was stating that he didn't have the right to interfere in this interview. Although it definitely seemed like he was treating Desdemona like the villian at that point in time - and this was definitely resulting in her starting to shut down.
Desdemona was just shaking her head some and speaking that she just wanted to go home. No she definitely wasn't an ice queen that was for sure - honestly she was just trying to keep it together at that point in time.
Chris watched as the other cop left after getting yelled at and then he spoke softly to her "just a little more and then we can leave" Chris could tell she was close to breaking and he wanted to finish so that they could leave and he could get her settled somewhere
Chris could tell things had not gone well and he sighed and after speaking to the cop and confirming that they were done he gently lifted her from the seat and guided her back to the car so they could leave
Desdemona was just following after him so that they could be going, just wanting to get out of there. She didn't like really being accused of it being her fault that it had happened. She hadn't done anything.
Chris got her to his car and then got her settled in the front seat. he then went around to the driver's seat and then got in. Chris didn't know where to take her so he headed to his offices so that they could hang there while he worked on getting her a bodyguard until the bastard was in jail
Desdemona was just settling back in the car and just gazing out the window for a moment in time. She was pretty quiet at that point in time and just clutching her sweater close to her.
Chris drove them to his office and then pulled into his parking spot "I am sorry for him he was a bastard and shouldn't have talked to you like that"
Desdemona was just looking for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "It is fine... He'll regret it anyways." With that she was stating that she was going to have a discussion with Senna's girlfriend once she saw them next. "Blaire's brother is the police chief."
Chris nodded his head "good he shouldn't have talked to you like that period" Chris then turned the car off "lets head up to my office I want you to pick your bodyguard before we go anywhere else"
Desdemona was just giving a nod of her head before she was climbing out of the car so that she could head inside with him. Although she was just looking at him at the mention of a bodyguard which had her stating that she really didn't need one.
"no you dont but I would feel better if you had one at least until the bastard is in jail as i dont put it past him to try again and a bodyguard will keep him from trying" Chris knew she could take care of herself and he didnt doubt that but he wanted her to be safe
Desdemona was just looking for a moment before she was speaking, "Alright I'll agree to it. Yet again I also know that Senna and Musa would worry as well." Was she as concerned about those two? Yes but no. They didn't tend to enjoy being out late at night so they weren't often alone where there weren't many people around to see them.
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