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Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

The guard was giving him information and when Chris saw the picture of the person he was see it was the man who had called her an ice queen the night before.
The guard was speaking "I don't recall them ever having interactions before. I know I haven't seen him here today at all but I believe he also owns a vacation home by the beach."
Chris nodded his head and soon he had the information he needed "I am going to go and get her back I suggest you place guards on her car since i am taking my men with me"
They would get an address to the vacation home, which is where Desdemona did seem to be. Currently she seemed to just be asleep in some guest room, although a chain around her ankle to stop her from leaving.
Going to the door, they would find it being answered by the man. But he was obviously trying to play innocent and wonder why they were there.
The man was still trying to play innocent yet his attempts didn't go well anymore at the sudden scream. Panicked scream. Desdemona waking up and finding that she trapped definitely had her panicked, and frightened. And she was trying to get the chain off of her ankle.
Chris raced into the house and followed her screams and soon found her "thank god your safe" Chris then walked to her side and hugged her "we will get the cuff off dont worry"
Chris would find that the door was bolted and locked from the outside - definitely meant to make it hard for her to leave if she did get free. Desdemona was jumping when she heard the door open but soon relaxed when she realized it was only Chris.
Desdemona found that she was actually shaking at that point in time. "That man needs a psych ward.... "
"he is in police custody as we have video of him taking you and you were found in his home" Crhis guided her out of the house and to his car letting the cops have the house to look over
Desdemona was just stating that he had been talking about them getting married and talking about family already. Clearly delusional.
"I know lets get you out of this house and settled in the car for now you do not have to talk about it if you do not want to" Chris knew she might want to talk about it but if not he wasnt going to make her either
"and leave here we shall but the cops are going to want to talk to you" Chirs got her out of the house and to his car so that she could rest there
Desdemona was just nodding her head before she was speaking in a soft voice, "I just want to get out of here." No he hadn't touched her in any manner other than when he had kidnapped her, carried her into the house, and chained her up. Otherwise that was all he had done - other than be a creep and talk about their future that wasn't going to happen. How they were going to get married, have kids together. Even now he was talking to the police about that - about how they were going to be getting married. "Tell them, Dezzy! Tell them that we are madly in love and you are just being your usual ice queen self to hide the truth." the man was speaking as the pair were walking out - it evident enough that she was uncomfortable as she was shifting behind Chris; using the man to block sight.
Chris looked at his men and then asked them to bring the car closer so that she didn't have to walk near the man. Chris spoke with one of the cops that they would come to the station for questioning but he wanted her to get seen by a doctor just to be sure that he hadn't harmed her in anyway.
One of the guys was nodding and heading off to get the car - also clearly a bit perturbed by the man as well. The cops were struggling to get him into the car as he was clearly fighting to get away to get to Desdemona. One of the female cops was just looking towards Chris when he was stating that he would bring her by later after going to the doctor to get checked up. This had the cop giving a nod before she was speaking, "Here is my card - ask for me. I'll be doing the questioning. Also... Bring any test results with if they show anything." Any drugs in her system, signs of harm, anything that could be used.
Chris nodded his head and then took the card from her and placed it in his jacket pocket. he then turned to Des and spoke to her "Ill be assigning a bodyguard to you as a precaution incase he makes bail" Chris didnt think he would as he was a threat to others but he had to make sure she was safe
Desdemona was just giving a nod of her head before she was just following after him towards his car, and just ducking inside as quickly as she could. Nope she was just wanting to get out of sight of that man and just wanting to hide.
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