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Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

"I'll take a hot chocolate with white chocolate, and a full shot of caramel." Desdemona was commenting to the barista.
the barista nodded and then put their orders in. Chris then paid for their drinks and headed down to where one could pick up their coffee once it was done
Desdemona was following after him before she was taking her drink when her name was called, and just sipping at it.
Desdemona was just settling in a chair before she was sipping at her hot chocolate, then she was taking a piece of paper from her purse to jot down her shop's address.
"Drop off whenever - even if I'm not there. You can let them know that you are a VIP." Desdemona was commenting after a moment in time. "Tells them not to touch the car."
Desdemona was just looking towards him before she was commenting, "Not even a question of if they are worth it. All cars are worth trying to salvage." With that she was taking out her phone to show him a rather beat up car that looked like it had seen better days. It was pretty obvious that it wasn't in any condition to be driving long distances if it was even able to be driven at all.
Desdemona was just giggling some before she was showing him a different picture. The same exact car but you couldn't even tell at all - the new picture looked as though the car had been bought brand new straight from a factory. "This is that car."
"oh wow if you can do that to my cars I would pay you quite well for the work" Chris looked at his phone when it beeped letting him know someone's system had been triggered. this was part of his system he was notified whenever it went off, while he didn't call the cops or anything anymore as he had teams that handled it he still liked being notified when an alarm went off
Desdemona was just giving a small giggle before she was speaking, "I can definitely do that. And I would do it for free honestly."
Desdemona was just shrugging before she spoke, 'Doesn't matter to me much. Fixing up cars to that extent is more of a hobby."
Desdemona was just chuckling a bit before she was speaking, "I spend quite a bit of time just buying old junkers."
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