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Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

The director was just looking over before he spoke, "While I wanted to do it at a location... The hotel that I wanted to use... the owner backed out on letting me use it. It was a condemned hotel that was going to be torn down to be rebuilt - while it wasn't at all considered unsafe he just didn't think that allowing me to use his hotel would help make this movie better." Well that was a confidence killer that was for sure. Nico was just looking over for a brief moment in time before he was commenting, "I can probably help there. My brother in law owns a number of hotels in a town over and I believe a few here. There are a couple of them that while they are open still look rather old - and he is wanting to close them so that he can do some major renovations of them. I could see if he would allow us to use one of them."
Lilly nodded and then chewed on her lip "if he won't I have an old family manor that I bought recently that we can use granted yes its not a hotel but it is a location we can use" Lilly was looking at setting up a music academy and this house was going to be the main location but she had yet to renovate it.
The director was just thinking for a moment before he was speaking, "I believe that I still want to try for the hotel if possible but if it doesn't work out then we can try with your suggestion if that is alright." He was thankful for the options that were given and it was pretty obvious that he was a bit overwhelmed, and feeling a little less confident that this movie was going to work out.
Musa was just watching for a brief moment in time before she was texting Desdemona something, asking here if she knew the person that owned the condemned hotel. She was getting a response that she did in fact know them and that they were a mega asshole before she was asking why. The situation was explained by Musa although she was raising an eyebrow when she didn't get a response back - whatever.

Desdemona was just lounging on her bed as she read the messages from Musa before she was sitting up when she read the situation. Of course that asshole owner would pull something like that; he always did. With that she was grabbing up her purse and shooting Chris a text that she was probably going to be a little late to their date.
Desdemona was chuckling a bit before she was commenting that she was just going to go teach an asshole a lesson.
Chris wished her luck and told her not to get arrested. Chris figured something had to have happened and he would find out later on
Desdemona was just giggling a bit at the comment of not being arrested before she was heading off so that she could take care of any asshole.
After a bit, Desdemona was heading to the restaurant that she was suppose to be meeting Chris at, after messaging Musa that the man was going to be a little more polite next time.

Musa had been chatting with Alex about something when she saw the message which had her coughing a bit. No she didn't even want to know.
Alex looked at her and then spoke "is everything all right"

Chris was arriving a few minutes after she was and apologized for being late even though they were aware that they were both running late
Desdemona was just looking over before she was commenting, "No worries, I just got here not long ago myself."

Musa was just looking before she spoke, "Des dealt with the asshole that decided to give our director grief."
Chris smiled and then sat down across from her so that he wasn't standing over her.

Alex nodded "well lets hope that he changes his mind and lets us use his place"
"I don't know." Musa was commenting after a moment in time.

Desdemona was just giving a light smile as she was just looking over the menu.
Alex shrugged "we can hope" Alex then looked at her and smiled lightly "you looking forward to recording the final versions of the music

Chris looked over his own menu and picked what he wanted to eat
Musa was just looking over before she was commenting, "Actually the final recordings of the music have been done already. We already have a soundtrack being made"

Desdemona was picking out what she was wanting to eat as well.
"oh wow I didn't know that it was done already you two sure move fast" Alex was surprised that the music was already done.

when the waitress came over Chris was giving her his order
Musa was just chuckling before she spoke, "I mean there aren't too many songs at all." There were a few singing songs but there were plenty of instrumental songs as well. With that she was pushing some of her hair out of her face.

Desdemona was giving her order as well before she was looking towards Chris then asked, "So what do you actually do for work?"
"I own and operate a security company" Chris looked at her lightly

Alex nodded as that had mad sense as some of the scenes used only music while others had words
Desdemona was just looking towards him before she was commenting, "Sounds like fun. What kind of security?" There were many different types. Bodyguard like work, just doing the home security systems, and other stuff like that.
“We run the gambit from home security to bodyguards when needed” Chris dug through his bag and pulled out a pamphlet and handed it to her
Desdemona was just looking at him for a moment before she was taking the pamphlet from him so that she could look at it.
Desdemona was just commenting, "Seems like fun work." With that she was handing it back to him after she had looked at it. Not like singing was the only thing that she did - she also owned and worked at a mechanic shop quite often. She definitely had a love for cars.
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