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Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Lilly smiled and then knelt down as well and greeted the little girl before looking at the mother "if your willing I have a job offer for you and I am willing to pay for a lawyer for you to look the offer over and advise you"
The woman was just looking at Lilly for a moment before she spoke, "I appreciate the offer but I do not want to get played again. I've lost far too much." "Anya. I understand your fear but I can attest that Lilly means you no harm at all. She wants to help as much as I do." Musa was speaking after a moment in time as she was handing something else to the woman. Paperwork that said that her daughter was to be starting in preschool the next year.
Lilly dug through her bag and pulled out some papers as well and offered them to her. these were a written job offer describing her duties and what she would get in return "I have no interest in playing you my offer is real and I will follow it"
Anya was just hesitating before she was taking the papers to look them over before she was speaking, "I will... think about it." Musa was just watching before she was speaking, "I think that is fair." No Musa already knew that Lilly would do the one thing that would leave Anya to trust her more - and that was to give her that time to think about it. Everybody else had basically told her that it was either she accept then and there or it wasn't happening. That was so obvious that it was a scam.
"of course my number is on the paper so all you have to do is call when you make your mind up" Lilly smiled at her lightly. no she wouldn't push as that would only make her more wary of her and she didnt want that.
Anya was just hesitating for a moment before giving a small nod of her head. After that Musa was looking towards Lilly and commenting that they needed to get to rehearsal.
They were heading to the car and soon enough driving to where they were having rehearsal, although this time it seemed like they were doing it in costume.
Lilly wasn't looking forward to a dress rehearsal but she had been promised no heels as it would be kind of impractical for her character
Musa was just following after them and was just glad that she didn't really have to deal with costume - but if needed she was also pretty willing to do it.
Lilly headed to the costume department and got changed thank fully it was a blouse tennis shoes and jeans that looked like they had seen better days
"yea but the costume department asked so we are humoring them right now and it gives us a feel of how to move as well" Alex smiled and then looked at Lilly when she walked over to join them
Rehearsal was going well and the director was actually stating that he was wanting to start recording soon. This had a number of the actors excited for that.
Musa was just watching the others for a moment as she was looking at phone - currently messaging Desdemona about something that they had planned for later in the week. A sugar and spice modeling that the pair of them were doing together; with Musa going as the more angelic and innocent one while Desdemona was going as the more devilish and troublemaking one.

Nico was commenting, "I think that finally starting to film is a good thing. We are more than ready."
Alex nodded his head "yes it is I am excited to see where we will be doing the filming if it is a sound stage or if we are going to a location"
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