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Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

"its interesting and it changes every time we have a gig" Chris looked over when their food came and then asked her "so what do you do besides benign a hand as it seems like you do more then just that"
Desdemona just looked over before she was commenting, "I own a mechanic shop and do a lot of work on cars."
"oh nice maybe Ill bring my car over and have you look it over I just take it in for routine care and that is it" Chris didnt trust many people with his car so he was careful on who he took it to
Desdemona was just giving a chuckle before she was speaking, "Sure you can do that. I know you saw Musa's car - I completely redid her car from top to bottom."
"oh wow I have several cars but most are fixer uppers that I just dont have the time to really mess with any more" Chris had family cars and they were old antique cars at this point
Desdemona was just commenting, "I can take a look at them if you want. This week I'm pretty much open until Friday - then I have a photo shoot with Musa. We are doing a sugar and spice lingerie shot."
The pair of them just enjoyed their food and chatted - although neither of them seemed to notice the paparazzi that were taking pictures of the pair of them. Headline of the century for them at that point in time. Especially since out of all of the ladies... Desdemona was the most elusive and was rarely seen with men.
Chris enjoyed his time with her and he hoped that they could go out again some time soon but he was simply asking if she wanted to go for some coffee after dinner
Desdemona was getting to her feet to follow after him although there was no shock when they seemed to almost get assaulted by a couple of fans once they walked outside, which had Desdemona putting a hand up in front of her face in a way of stating that she didn't want pictures. Not that they cared at all. "You are going to help make the headlight of the century.... the ice queen spotted with a man; a rumored boyfriend." the person was commenting which just had Desdemona looking for a moment but she ignored it.
Desdemona was just looking towards the person for a moment before she was commenting, "Ice queen I am... So what makes you think that he has melted my heart. Just because I am with a guy doesn't mean that we are dating." She was just rolling her eyes before heading off.
Desdemona was just looking before she spoke, "They are because as far as they know I've never dated anybody. They can't ever find anything about my personal life anywhere.... yet again I make sure to post under a fake name obviously."
Desdemona was just chuckling some before she spoke, "And I have a few hackers friends that help keep others from being able to trace my accounts or hijack my stuff."
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