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Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

Desdemona was just looking over before she spoke, "Couple of weeks if I don't have much time to actually work on it. If I just work on it day and night - about a week."
Desdemona was just looking over before she was commenting, "Not overly soon. Few weeks but nothing I have to worry about currently."
For the next couple of hours the pair of them just seemed to be working on the car - although they were interrupted after a bit by one of Desdemona's other staff who were coming in to state that one of her VIP customers had shown up. This had her tilting her head a bit - having no idea what on earth they were even talking about then looked at her phone to see that she had a message from Blaire. Oh it was the woman's brother. Perfect. "Have them come back here." was all she was saying before she was commenting to Chris that the police chief was coming there himself to hear from their words what had all happened earlier. "Evidently the other cop that was there as well - had ended up telling him about their partner's rudeness as well."
Chris nodded his head and then looked at her "good I want to see that man learn his lesson about how he treats people" Chris was still pissed over the whole thing and hoped the man got in to some serious trouble
It wasn't long before a man came walking back - who was a splitting image of Blaire. The pair of them could be twins if it wasn't for the fact that he was three years older than her.
The man looked over before he was commenting, "I was told that you experienced something rather inappropriate earlier. Do you mind telling me your side of the story?" Desdemona was just looking over before she was commenting, "For me... I don't right now. I'm still too upset about it."
Chris looked at him and then nodded his head "I can tell you what all happened do you want what happened that brought us to the station or just what happened at the station"
Chris nodded his head and then started to tell him everything that happened leaving nothing out as he did so. he knew that telling him would probably upset Des but he wasn't going to let the man get away with how he was treating victims
Desdemona seemed to be listening but was also focusing more on the car before her - not wanting to stress about something like that.
Desdemona was just looking at Blaire's brother for a moment before she was speaking, "I hope that that person gets into a bit of trouble."
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