Rise to Stardom (Reboot) (LunarWolf and Guardian Angel)

"well I am glad something is happening most the time it is just swept under the rug and nothing happens" Alex was glad to see that the male was having something done and while he would like to see him lose his job there was very little that they could do
Musa was just looking towards him for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "We have it set up so that our tour starts after the filming of the movie."
"well I am glad to hear that I was worried that you wouldn't get to be there to see how the music fit in to the film" Alex smiled at her and hoped that it would all go well and that filming wouldn't take too long
"Well for the filming sessions I'll be singing live." Musa was commenting before she was looking towards the waiter who was returning to bring them their food.
Musa was just giving a small smile before she was thanking the waiter as they brought their food over and she was taking a sip of her wine.
Musa was just smiling before she was also cutting into her food and giving a small but happy smile as she was eating a small piece of steak. Delicious.
Musa was watching for a mental before pulling cash out of her wallet to leave a tip and they were able to leave. She was however pausing to give some money to a homeless couple who thanked her numerous times. The husband already stating he was going to go buy them some food. "Go to this address. They will give you free lodging and free food. The only thing they ask for in exchange is that you help take care of the few orphaned children there. If you ask them, they will help you get jobs as soon as possible as well." Musa was speaking in a soft voice before she was taking off her sweater despite it being chilly out to wrap around the shoulders of the heavily pregnant woman who was shivering in the cold.
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