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Take Me Back to Eden (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

Where had he heard that before? Weird. When the time to meet arrived, he ordered his Uber with the money she kindly provided and went to the restaurant. Sybil was outside waiting, dressed in a deep red corset style dress, her long inky hair pulled up in a curled ponytail. She looked when the car pulled up and smiled, turning her body fully toward him to give him her undivided attention.
He walked up, a nice button up, suspenders and a vest, good, shined shoes and slacks with his hair parted to the side. “You look fantastic.” He said as he walked up.
Her eyes softened at the sight of him, and she fought the urge to straighten his vest - like she used to ages ago.
"Thank you, kindly. You look impeccable."
She smiled brightly and looped her arm gently with his as they walked inside. She had made a reservation for them and told him to get whatever he wanted.
They had a rather enjoyable night, spending the time to get to know each other. She told him how she moved from the UK some time ago to stay close to the family she had nearby and how she enjoyed the countryside for how quiet it was. Her favorite color was green, she loved dogs and cats but was horribly allergic to them, and she would be turning 23 in December.
She was so enthralling, Fenris could hardly keep his eyes off her. The sight of her made his chest ache with longing, and his palms itch. He needed to know her, he was compelled to be close to her.
"What about you?" She asked gently, breaking him from the weird thoughts and feelings swimming through his mind.
“H..Huh?” He snapped out of it. “O-Oh um.. not much to tell, really..” he said. He talked about his family, and his history in the area, he was 24, and how the bar was his family’s.
"Oh, I enjoy keeping things in the family like that." She said with a smile, "Do you want another drink? You look shaken, I hope I'm not terribly off putting...I haven't been on a date in quite some time.."
"Was the food ok?" She asked. She couldn't really taste anything, but she could enough that eating human food again wasn't a chore, "I rather liked mine."
She smiled and nodded, "Of course, I'm glad."
After a couple more drinks, Sybil called for the check and paid, refusing to even let Fenris look at it before everything was wrapped up.
"Whenever you're ready, love."
She followed him out and smiled up at him, "Should I call you a cab? Or would you be fine with me driving you home?"
She shut the door and got behind the wheel before following his directions home. She parked in his driveway and turned toward him. "I hope you had a good time tonight, Fen.."
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