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Take Me Back to Eden (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She scanned the bottles behind him and nodded gently, "The Grey Goose. It's French," she rolled her eyes gently, as any Brit would, "but it's quality."
He nodded and knocked it back with her, and collected the glasses before handing her the receipt. “Shots are on me.”
She paid for her tab and left him a rather large tip; all in cash. "I hope to see you again soon, Fenris.." She said gently, "I'm not in the city often, but..." Don't be weird, Sybil, she scolded herself. She shook her head before smiling, "Until next time."
She didn't think she could blush any more than she already was. She smiled even more and nodded before heading out, the tears she had been struggling with all evening flowing freely as she moved to her car.
"It's him...I can't believe it...!" She whimpered, "God...! I've been looking for so long...! And you've been so close this whole time...!"
She had to keep seeing him. She needed to. She felt like she would die a second time if she was away from him any longer. She headed back to the estate the coven owned and parked in the garage, heading inside after passing her keys to a servant. She made her way up the stairs, stopping when Simon appeared in her path.
"There you are, poppet~" He cooed. She scowled heavily and pushed past him.
"Fuck off, Simon." She hissed bitterly as she moved up the stairs. Simon's eyes narrowed as he watched her.
"What's that smell?" He asked, stopping her dead in her tracks, "Ain't smelt it in two centuries."
"I went to a bar, you probably smell the gi-"
"It's that cocksucker manthing of yours." He hissed. She whirled on him, fangs sharp and eyes glowing with hatred.
"You will not speak of him like that!!" She snapped. Simon glowered down at her.
"Don't raise your voice at me, little girl." He said calmly, "Your manthing got reincarnated, did he?"
"Leave. Him. Alone." She threatened. He grinned wickedly.
"That's a yes." He replied, "Cute. Did he recognize you?" The hurt in her eyes betrayed her and he cackled loudly.
"Just imagine what he would do if he knew what you are! Who owns you!"
"You don't own shit!" She yelled.
"Simon," the two looked, spying Rodrich at the bottom of the stairs, "begone." Simon scowled and snuck away, leaving Sybil where she stood. She struggled with her angry tears and Rodrich moved to her.
"Forget him, young one." He advised, "the price for your happiness is too high." He moved up the stairs calmly, leaving Sybil to crumple in despair.
Fen kept tending the bar, day after day. Their interaction had stuck with him, it was interesting. He had no idea who she was but he felt like he’d met her before.
Her smile stuck with him the most; the sight of it moved through his whole body like warm honey, a bitter familiarity close with it. Was she a patron he didn't see too often? He had to have seen her from somewhere. What else could explain it?
He didn't see her again for a few days, amd figured she probably went back to where ever it was she came from. That is, until she came by one day. She was dressed rather lazy, but still goth by comparison.
"Absinthe is expensive, though. You bought a few bottles just for me?" She smiled as she got comfortable in her stool.
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