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Take Me Back to Eden (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"Bit of a rough go yesterday, but yes, much better." She smiled, "Dry, please. But, I'm serious regarding your number."
He smiled and gave her a wink. “They always are.” He said playfully, moving to make her drink.
She made a soft noise as she watched him, waiting for him to come back before she placed her phone in front of him.
He laughed it off, smiling and giving her another drink when hers was empty. He played with her a bit more before finally writing his number down on a receipt and sliding it over to her.
She hummed and stayed at the bar all night, chatting with him when he had the chamce to.
"I'd like to take you out sometime, if you don't mind the idea?"
She nodded, smiling brightly, "Tomorrow." She confirmed before writing her number on her napkin, "Send me the address, all you need to do is look nice."
"I know you will.." She said fondly. When closing time came around, she closed her tab and tipped as she normally did before heading out.
The next day, after working out that it would be a dinner date - as Sybil had family she needed to care for during the day - he received an apple pay notification that he had been given $50 from a "Lady Alcorn". "For the Uber" was the message.
“Alcorn huh..?” He asked himself. “Now that is familiar..” he said, rubbing his neck as he got dressed.
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