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Take Me Back to Eden (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

After a few days, Sybil came around. She was dressed a little nicer this time around, her makeup still dark but at least somewhat subtle.
"Good evening, Fen." She greeted brightly, "Still have some of that absinthe?"
“Some guy came by telling me to stay away from you ‘or else’..” he said, laughing a bit as he prepped her absinthe.
There was a sudden scratching, deep and loud. Sybil's pointed nails dragged across the counter as she clenched her fist, leaving deep marks in the wood. How she managed to do that without breaking one was impressive; maybe they were those super sturdy press ons he saw girls post about sometimes. She noticed and became mortified, "Sh-Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't..." She was struggling between shame and anger, "I'll pay for repairs..."
"He isn't my boyfriend...or my husband..." She said gently, tone thick with repulsion, "He's a gentleman who feels that...well, he thinks that because he's known me for so long, he's entitled to become my lover...and I would rather be boiled and peeled like a jacket potato." She told him. She grabbed her purse and pulled out her check book, "God, I'm so sorry, how much to get this fixed, do you think...?" Please, please don't hate me...not after all the searching I did to find you.
“Oh, I’ll find someone cheap.. I get it, toxic ex, or.. creepy friend..” he said, stirring the rest of the sugar in. “I’ll let you know how much it is.”
She nodded and signed her name and ripped the check from her book, handing it to him, "Whatever the cost, put it in and use it." She told him, "It is the very least I can do..."
He nodded and tucked the check away. “What’s the occasion? You’re more dressed up than usual..”
She was grateful for the subject change, "Do you like it?" She asked without thinking before she became flustered, "Ah, family gathering today...we had a little party with everyone." Another boring meeting she had to talk walking dust piles of men down from doing something stupid.
She became even more flustered and smiled shyly, "Some of them, anyway...there are those I don't get along too well with. But that's normal, I think.." She played with her glass gently, "I'm glad you like it..."
He nodded and started her tab, moving to tend to a few other customers, still trying to pay attention to her.
She finished her absinthe and asked politely for another, letting him work until he was able to talk again, "Have you given thought to that second date?"
Two hundred years ago, their second date was his marriage proposal. That didn't really sit well in these modern times. What did humans do for a second date these days?
"Perhaps we could just sit at the park or something. near each other?" She offered. Wouldn't this count as a second date then, in that regard?
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