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Take Me Back to Eden (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

"I have proof, if you require it...?" She offered and reached under her top, proffering an old and slightly tarnished looking locket. It looked beyond dated, older than he thought it was, and she popped it open to show an old sepia photo of him - almost exactly as he was today - and on the opposite side was an engraving.
"To my beloved Sybil,
May I remain close to your heart.
"I understand if you need time to process. I did, too..." She replied, "The day you were killed was the day I was made. A hellish nightmare that haunts me, even now..."
"Don't die!! Stay with me!! Please, don't leave me!!"
There was a loud whining in his ears as Sybil's voice begged and screamed faintly in the back of his mind.
She nodded, "Please, let me make this up to you...I don't know how I will, but I want to try...this happened because of me...because I wanted to try and get you back..." She looked down, trying not to cry, "Even if we can't return to who we used to be...I want to be in your life still, if you'd permit me to..."
"I'll do whatever I can to make this right...!! I-I...I'll find a cure for the lycanthropy...!! Anything you want...! Please, just don't leave me alone again, my heart...!" She gasped weakly and shook her head, "my heart wouldn't handle wantching you leave me again...!"
She looked up, mascara smudging just a little from her tears, and she nodded, " need to rest...I've cancelled my trip back home, I'm staying to care for you for now..
Sybil didn't move an inch through the night, only to stay out of the sun when the nurses came to let some light in. Once it was dark again, she was right by his side. Fenris' dreams were lucid; old memories from his past life swimming back in broken pieces. But Sybil was a constant.
His dreams started to twist. He found himself running aimlessly, his chest ached from lack of air, and behind him trotted a large wolf. Drool dripped from it's jaw as it stalked him, waiting for him to tire. Soon, Fenris' foot snagged and he fell forward, feeling the full weight of the wolf on his back and the familiar sharp agony of its teeth in his neck.
"Fen...! Fenris, it's ok...!" He didn't realize he had woken up screaming before registering arms around him. It was Sybil; she held him against her chest, her fingers carding through his hair to soothe him, "I've got you, love, I've got you.."
His recovery was strangely quick, and despite him feeling better, he was nervous. The scars were almost completely gone, and he tried to put it out of his mind.
Maybe Sybil was right. Maybe it was a werewolf that attacked him. It would explain the fast healing and recovery time, but it was still so much to process. And her being a vampire; was that true, too? Them being betrothed...none of it made sense, even if it explained his weird headaches and hallucinations.
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