Take Me Back to Eden (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He blacked out, bits and pieces of things flashing through his mind. He could see Sybil, but she looked different; like she was from an old period piece. She was smiling at him and talking to him, but he couldn't catch the words. Everything was a blurr, and eventually her expression began to twist to raw grief and heartache.
"Don't leave!! Please!! Stay with me, Fenris, please don't die!! I love you so much!!"
When he came to, he was at the hospital, the slow beep of his EKG in his ears.
"Fen.." Soft hands moved gently over his face and when he looked, it was Sybil. Sue looked close to tears, but she was smiling, "Thank God, you're ok..."
"You're in hospital...my uncle Rodrich brought you here..." She said, "He said you were asking for me, I came straight here....what happened?" She pet his face gently, her fingers moving through his hair slowly.
Her face flushed with anger, but she pushed it down for his sake, "I'll deal with him when I get back...I'm just glad you're alright...I was so scared when I heard how Rodrich found you..."
"He managed to get to you in time, I'm told...the wound was already seriously infected by the time he got you here...I'm told the doctors managed to get it dealt with.." She told him. What was that about a curse, though?
Sybil pulled her hands away and hesitated before taking Fenris's hand gently. "I don't know...how well you'll believe me if I explain it to you...or how you'll feel about me after.."
She frowned deeply and shook her head, "I wish I was..." She told him, "The family I have here...they're a coven of vampires that I belong to...I'm a vampire, Fen..."
"Um...not necessarily..." She replied, "You can maintain your normal life...though, the full moon, we will have to monitor you.." She looked scared, "You don't... hate me...do you...? There is...more..."
"Well, that's...because you...do..." She spoke very carefully, "We, uh...we were betrothed...two hundred years ago..."
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